Indastro Testimonials

"Jai Bahagawan! Thank you Indastro for helping me and my family. I check every morning for my horoscope before I do anything. May God keep your business strong and true. My friends are also your followwers and we have belief in you all. Dhanyavad."

by: Bhamani Manoo

"I do not know who the promoters of the website are but this is a sincere feedback from my heart that your astrological sugessions and horocopes are amazing. I see some genuinity in your writings as they are point blank and up to the point without hiding things or making it very positive so that the customer feels happy. This is the only site that i have come across as the best in its capacity as online astrology. Continue the good work as your services are benefiting a whole lot of my friends and relatives too. I hold an account with you though I have not used any paid services yet. My financial condition has been bad so far and am confident of living up to my dreams and thank you in whichever way possible in the future as your predictions have helped me immensely so far."

by:Mani Harish

"I have gone through your March predictions. It looks correct to me. This indeed is an excellent website. I commend the person who has conceived it and is behind the predictions on it. I have tried it for myself and it all seems almost correct. Best of luck and I pray for the wisdom and strength to continue to bestow upon the person who has thoughtfully worked out the site."

by:  Shuku / Japan