Venus transit in Pisces from 3rd February 2020 to 29th February 2020 – Love is in the air!


“Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return...” – Unknown

Venus is the planet of love, beauty and romance as per Vedic astrology. It is the significator of all the pleasant and finer things of life, love being paramount. Venus also rules luxury, vehicles, arts, music, entertainment and creativity, which is the highest expression of love. The position of Venus in your birth chart indicates the meaning, love holds for you in your life and your capacity to love. A well-placed Venus makes relationships a smooth sailing whereas an ill-placed one brings difficulties in developing understanding and balance in relationships. 

Let us analyze how Venus’ transit through the sign of Pisces will contribute to pep up your Valentine’s Day.

Venus will transit the sign of Pisces from 3rd February 2020 till 29th February 2020. Although Venus’ transit in Pisces is always special as Venus finds its exaltation in this water sign, however, this year it is going to be an icing on the cake as this transit coincides with Valentine’s Day! This transit will be highly favorable in the matters of heart, as it will provide opportune moments to meet that someone special, express your emotions and create an interest to pursue romance. During this transit, Venus will tend to enhance your aesthetic sense and sensual desires and make you feel more drawn towards romantic relationships. You might consider expressing your feelings to your love interest or plan to take your existing relationship to the next level. 

Pisces as the last sign of the zodiac belt governs dreams, mysteries, boundless imaginations, emotions, and intuition. Although ruled by the wise and benevolent planet, Jupiter, Pisces feels vibrant with Venus’ presence in it, which makes this one of the most favorable placements for Venus. In Pisces, Venus finds its highest expression and manifests the themes of love, harmony, purity, depth and artistry to the fullest.

If you have Venus in Pisces in your birth chart, you have high ideals when it comes to love. You are dreamy and romantic and like to treat love as a spiritual experience. Highly emotional and intuitive, you have a sacrificing nature and like to shower unconditional love on your spouse or partner. Even though you know how to love without expectations, you long for a deep and passionate soulmate connection with your lover. You are compassionate, sensitive and have a great ability to empathize with others. However, you might have the tendency to be dependent in relationships and get hurt easily due to your over sensitive nature.

During its entire sojourn in Pisces, Venus will pass through Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati nakshatra and will activate the energies of these nakshatras or constellations. While transiting through Jupiter ruled Purvabhadrapada nakshatra, Venus will give a chance to attain wisdom and encourage gaining knowledge of higher subjects like philosophy, religion and spirituality. There will also be a need to evolve beyond superficial themes of pleasure, wealth and love and honest introspection and self-assessment will be the key to do so.

While transiting through Saturn ruled Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra, Venus will urge us to review our relationships and compensate the missing emotions with selfless love, honesty, duty and commitment. It will encourage us to have a deep and unshakeable faith in ourselves, our relationships and in the higher scheme of things to be able to contribute better towards sustaining of our relationships. 

As per Vedic astrology texts, Venus in Pisces finds its maximum exaltation at 27 degrees in the nakshatra or constellation of Revati. Revati is one of the most beneficial and satwik (pure) nakshatra and signifies purity, nourishment, tenderness, care and selfless and love for all beings. Despite being favorable for material attainments, this nakshatra embodies spiritual love, strong ideals and artistic pursuits. Revati is ruled by the planet of intellect and communication, Mercury and Venus’ transit through this nakshatra will make us more receptive to the divine messages from the Universe and to decipher them for our spiritual upliftment. It will inculcate nurturing qualities and bless us with creative intelligence to be used for the betterment of humanity.

The positive effects of Venus’ transit in Pisces will be enhanced due to Jupiter’s position and influence during this time. Although the effects will largely be based on your moon sign and the planetary situation in birth chart, this transit will largely promote abundance, pleasures, gains from investments, wealth and luxury.

Venus Transit Reading

3 Months
USD 20 / Rs.1200
6 Months
USD 35 / Rs.2100
12 Months
USD 49 / Rs.2940