Your birthday Vedic Horoscope


Your birthday is a significant annual event as the Sun returns to the same point, exact to the degrees and minutes, where it was at the time of your birth.

Your birthday Vedic Horoscope

This realignment every year gives rise to your birthday horoscope constructed for the exact time at which this conjunction takes place - called the Solar Return or a ‘Varshphal’ in Sanskrit and Vedic parlance.

The Varshphal is a scientific horoscope valid for exactly a year starting from your current birthday to the day before your next birthday. Preparing a Varshphal is an annual Vedic tradition dating back to more than 2000 years. This Vedic Birthday reading is a unique Vedic reading which is not available in Western, Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, or other Astrology systems.

If it is your birthday today or you have celebrated your birthday in the last one month, a birthday gift from Indastro is in order. You can download your birthday horoscope covering:

  • An overall assessment of your birthday year based on the Muntha that determines the flow of luck for a particular year.
  • A one year analysis and predictions for your birthday
  • Special suggestions / Remedies

The Indastro family wishes you a great day and year ahead!

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