Mars in Navamsa – Result of Mars in D9 Various Houses

(Moon Sign Based)

The planet Mars signifies competitive spirit, fighting ability, confidence, willpower, determination, efforts, romance and protection in an individual’s life. Its placement in Navamsa provides your source of motivation and protection, and your mental and physical strength in challenging times. 

Mars in Navamsa – Result of Mars in D9 Various Houses

Navamsa Chart and Planet Mars:

D9 chart, the ninth division of your Birth Chart, has the capacity to make changes in your life as it has the energy of lunar mansion, and it also shapes your luck with the strength of Nakshatra Division energy. This chart will bless you with the unexpected outcomes for which you are putting in a lot of effort.

You can get clarity over building a strong base for your career and rejuvenate your relationship with your near and dear ones with this Navamsa chart, also known as D-9 chart. When planets are in good strength, it will shape your career and rejuvenate your relationship.

Mars is the planet of competitiveness, confidence, determination, go-getter approach, security, romance and a technical mindset. The placement of Mars in the Navamsa chart makes sure to discover motivation in your life and excel in your professional and personal front.

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When Mars gets afflicted in the Navamsa chart, extramarital affairs, domestic violence occurs.

Mars plays a noteworthy role in biological forces or Dosha that deals with the health of our life. Mars controls the Pitta dosha due to aggravated energy of stress, anger and aggression that transform into acidity.

The results of the Mars in all the twelve houses in D9

Mars in 1st house in D9 Chart:

Shielding your marital life and a competitive approach will be the prominent themes with Mars in the 1st house in Navamsa chart. You will be prone to anger if things do not go as per your plan.

You may experience skin rashes, acne or other skin disorders due to abundance of Fire and Water in your personality. With this placement of Mars in your horoscope, you will be inclined towards bike riding, climbing mountains, or any other thrilling hobby.

With this Mars in the first house in D9, you are brilliant, but you only prefer sitting with people who match your level of intellect.

Mars in 2nd house in D9 Chart:

You have a commanding and firm voice. Due to your extravagant technological knowledge, you will accumulate wealth. If things do not work as per your plan, you will become impatient due to this placement of Mars.

You will be a people pleaser; however, your Martian personality will soon overtake due to your over-expectations from others. You will find it hard to deal with children so, this placement of Mars requires you to deal with them in a friendly manner.

Mars in 3rd house in D9 Chart:

With placement of Mars in the 3rd house, you will have a go-getter approach and a competitive personality. You love to provide care for your spouse and other family members, thus, you are also equally loved by all.

You will be prone to anger and become dominant when Mars gets afflicted by other planets in the Navamsa chart. This will be caused due to the aggravation of the Pitta biological forces and will be seen when you have a conversation with someone.

You will experience luck and travel post marriage with this placement of Mars in your horoscope.

Mars in 4th house in D9 Chart:

You will be considered as a domineering personality with this placement of Mars in your horoscope. You will be quick at making new friends and contacts.

Your power to perceive will be strong with this placement of Mars in the fourth house in the Navamsa chart.

It will make your partner your guarding angel in life. You will have ample money to buy a luxurious house. However, if the same placement of Mars has any affliction, then it will result in financial struggle and legal issues related to property.

Mars in 5th house in D9 Chart:

You will be blessed by Mars with a curious and poetic personality in life that will aid you in going towards the path of success.

Sometimes over expectations from the partner will provide hindrances in your life with this placement of Mars.

You will experience an estranged relationship with your spouse if this placement of Mars gets afflicted. You will face acidic issues, anxiety, improper sleep and overthinking with this placement of Mars in the fifth house in the Navamsa chart.

Mars in 6th house in D9 Chart:

You will witness a significant transformation after the birth of children. You might face disagreements with siblings and neighbors. This placement of Mars in 6th house, will help you win over rivals and provide success in your professional life.

If there is a strong Mars in the zodiac, then you will see an inclination towards martial arts, sports and fitness related activity.

Your love in your marital life may become feeble due to your grumpy nature. Spending excess time in your office or workplace will affect your sleep and result in severe health issues.


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Mars in 7th house in D9 Chart:

You have a commanding personality, and this placement of Mars strengthens your commanding nature and turns you into a good team leader. Afflicted Mars in the seventh house in D9 chart, destroy your professional status due to your snappish behavior.

You will have a Pitta prominent personality that makes you vigorous in nature and romantic with your spouse. Your business abroad will reach heights or your dealings with foreigners will multiply with Mars's placement in the seventh house. This will also provide an opportunity to travel abroad.

Mars in 8th house in D9 Chart:

Your love for research, occult study, chemistry, biology, or data management will enhance with this placement of Mars in the Navamsa chart. It will impact your health due to your addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, and spicy food.

You will face dispute with your spouse due to differences in cultural opinion with Mars in the eighth house in the D9 chart. You have the power to transform any official talk into an opportunity. Health issues will trigger due to your over thinking.

Mars in 9th house in D9 Chart:

With the placement of Mars in the 9th house, you will see a boost in your finances. This Mars will provide you with an abundance of knowledge related to spirituality and religion. Your spouse will provide you with suggestions on managing your finances.

Luck will rise after marriage. Your partner will help you multiply your finances due to their good financial decisions with this placement of Mars. Consuming spicy or hot food will impact your gut health due to the disbalance of water and fire elements with this placement of Mars in your horoscope.

Mars in 10th house in D9 Chart:

It will make you an exceptional debater or orator. Your spouse will have an impulsive personality due to excessive Pitta force with this placement of Mars in the tenth house. Affiliation with this Mars will implant sins such as wrath, envy and bullying in your nature.

It always gives priority to basic comfort, self-health, and peace at work. The two words that hold prime importance in your life are - Stability and Adaptability. You will provide emotional security and moral support to your spouse with this placement of Mars.

Mars in 11th house in D9 Chart:

Your anger will reach its peak when things will not work as per your plan.

This placement of Mars is not favorable for making investments in the share market or lottery.

There will be a prominence of Piita biological forces in your personality that will affect your health.

Affliction to Mars in eleventh house in your horoscope will make your tone rude while replying to others. Yelling on your loved ones will cause relationship challenges as indicated by Mars in 11th house.

Mars in 12th house in D9 Chart:

Mars in the 12th house will make your mind wander and will cause anger, jealousy, and hatred due to your over-ambitious approach to life.
Emotional challenges post marriage and over-expectations from your spouse will posit challenges in your life.

Self-control will aid you in transforming your life during this Mars period. No intimacy in your love relationship and the domineering nature of your spouse will make you detached from your love life. In the first innings of your life, you will have to face financial challenges due to your oblivious nature.


Navamsa D9 Reading

In astrological analysis, a D9 chart is assigned the role of studying your relationships, marriage, spouse or life partner. In Vedic astrology, a D9 chart is also called Navamsa Chart. more

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Moon in Dasamsa – Result of Moon in D10 in Various Houses

(Moon Sign Based)

The placement of Moon in Dasamsa chart impacts your career and professional life. The placement of Moon in each house guides different career paths, and offers growth, success, and challenges based on its position in D10 chart. Moon strengthens your connection to the family guidance and nurtures career growth that will provide clarity and direction.

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Mars in Dasamsa – Result of Mars in D10 in Various Houses

(Moon Sign Based)

Due to Mars in the Dasamsa Chart (D10), key insights into the career and responsibilities will be revealed. As a result, one will see influences in their career progression, leadership, and ability to handle societal, financial, and familial responsibilities. Mars will provide psychological strength, decision-making, and adaptability on the professional front. Because of its placement in various houses, Mars shows different career traits. However, the presence of Mars in different houses will provide leadership qualities and promote wealth. Positive Mars boosts confidence whereas a negative one will cause impatience and challenges in the career.

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