(Moon Sign Based)
You will get insights into your financial gains, wealth management tactics and investment strategies with D2 Hora Chart. It enlightens us about the planetary strength that influences wealth, based on the planetary placement of Mercury in different houses. This placement will determine your success in investment, your ability to accumulate wealth and overcome financial challenges, depending on its effect on the houses and signs.
Divisional Chart stands for Hora Chart or D-2 which refers to “Unit of Time”. It reveals the planetary combinations related to wealth and investment returns. It gives you an insight into the right time to enjoy your wealth and finance. This chart plays a crucial role in your life as it impacts your finances and wealth status.
Hora Chart analyses the status of Dhan Yoga and Indu Lagna (related to financial gain), for financial gains and right investments. You will understand the value of low, high and moderate risk investment plans and make wise investments, based on the degree of planetary status in Hora Chart.
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Your knowledge and skills will help you gain wealth with the support of Mercury’s favorable placement. With the blessings of this placement, you will be capable of taking he right decisions. You will perform well at the workplace which will be rewarded with good income and growth. With the positioning of Mercury in the 1st house of Hora chart, you will be rewarded with good financial gains and receive expected results of your efforts on time.
This placement of Mercury will make you an expert in money management, leading to a boost in finance.
Mercury in the 1st house of the Leo Hora will reward you with a stable family environment. Your lineage will bestow financial prosperity and intellectual riches to you. Your education and good sense of humor will support you in making great financial decisions even in unfavorable circumstances.
Mercury in Cancer Hora in the 1st house makes you impulsive, causing financial loss. You will do well in the family business and get gains from the jewelry business. Afflicted Mercury in the Hora chart causes obstacles in making assets and accumulating wealth. Whereas a strong Mercury will reward you with good status in career, business and wealth gain.
Mercury in the 2nd house blesses you with good status, wealth, family, speech, resources, education, and paternal support to gain good wealth. Mercury’s energy in the 2nd house fosters a cordial relationship with people around. It will help you to build strong professional relationships, creating good revenue and new sources of income.
Mercury in the 2nd house in Leo Hora offers you government support and a strong family background. You will achieve financial gains from journalism, gemstones, food, and medicine businesses. Your eloquent speech and knowledge of astrology and occult will help you to generate wealth. Success in medical sciences, Ayurveda or healing field will give you expected growth and success.
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Mercury in 12th house in D2 Chart will draw your attention towards managing your expenses and help you to make the right investment plans. There will be clarity of thoughts, and you will get success on the professional front which will reward you with a good income from abroad. Your maternal family will support you to achieve success on the professional front. Afflicted Mercury will cause some financial fluctuations due to ups and downs in your business, but the support of mentors will give you courage to overcome challenges.
Mercury in the 12th house of the Cancer Hora will make you impulsive while making any financial decisions. You will get good gains from lineage or from maternal family. You will learn great financial management skills with a practical approach. You will understand the tricks to managing the financial risks and overcome them without any financial setbacks.
You will get expected growth and success in the field of medical, healing, meditation, raw material, and backend. Mercury will also cause delays in getting the returns from the investments in shares or stocks.
What is your True Wealth Potential & Earning Source? Vedic Astrology, for deeper analysis, divides a horoscope into sub-divisional charts like the Hora Chart or D2 Chart, which is deeply analysed to find your financial potential. more
(Moon Sign Based)
The placement of Moon in Dasamsa chart impacts your career and professional life. The placement of Moon in each house guides different career paths, and offers growth, success, and challenges based on its position in D10 chart. Moon strengthens your connection to the family guidance and nurtures career growth that will provide clarity and direction.
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Due to Mars in the Dasamsa Chart (D10), key insights into the career and responsibilities will be revealed. As a result, one will see influences in their career progression, leadership, and ability to handle societal, financial, and familial responsibilities. Mars will provide psychological strength, decision-making, and adaptability on the professional front. Because of its placement in various houses, Mars shows different career traits. However, the presence of Mars in different houses will provide leadership qualities and promote wealth. Positive Mars boosts confidence whereas a negative one will cause impatience and challenges in the career.
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