(Moon Sign Based)
The planet Sun is the primary source of intelligence, wealth giver, decision-maker, and provides you the cognitive ability to make commitments in your relationships; its placement in the Navamsa signifies the soul, assists you in finding the right people in your surroundings as well as relevant resources to execute your work in your professional life.
The Navamsa chart or the ninth division of your horoscope plays a quintessential role in one’s life. Navamsa Chart has the power to provide the solutions in the vicissitudes of your life.
When the planets in the D9 Navamsa Chart are in good dignity then the activation of these planets will aid you in strengthening your relationships with your loved ones, attract positive vibes and be vibrant in your life.
Planet Sun has a paramount stature as it provides wealth, life, and cognitive abilities to an individual. Its status in the Navamsa Chart will help you in understanding your love dynamics with your partner. Sun is a powerhouse and source of vigor and strength and a life force to have good physical and mental health.
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Strong Sun in Navamsa chart helps you overcome the obstacles in your life and achieve challenges with a learning approach and helps you to manage stupendous achievements in your life.
With Sun in 1st house in D9 Chart, your self-worth and prominent personality will outshine others. You will relish having hot and sweet dishes together that will keep you fit and have a good immune system.
Sun in the D9 chart will provide you with immense love and commitment from your spouse. However, there might be some altercations between you and your spouse due to Sun’s placement.
Your strong aura and personality will help you in fostering your connections at your workplace.
With Sun in 2nd house in D9 chart, you will have an eminent voice, will be able to manage wealth and will be devoted to your family. You may see dissention between you and your partner over cultural or financial matters.
Negotiations and a determined approach will help you in multiplying your income. This placement of Sun will provide you with financial gains due to your chatty and voluble nature.
You are prone to face health challenges because of intense fire elements in your body.
Everybody surrounding you on your professional and personal front will mull over your advice. You will be perceived as a domineering personality, but you know when and when not to be dominant on others.
With your spouse’s support and your luck, you will excel in your professional life.
With this Sun in the 3rd house in D9, you are incredibly intelligent, however, you will look down on others for not being equally intelligent as you are. Do not let self-development transform into ego.
Sun in the 4th house in the D9 chart make you work at ease by prioritizing your health and peace. Adaptability and stability are your success mantra for life.
You might experience clashes of opinion and ego in your married life which can impact your mental health.
Setting up a career abroad could help you in attaining success. Do not let overconfidence and arrogance impact your professional life. Health challenges may occur due to your anger issues; so, focus on controlling it with regular yoga and having light and healthy food.
You want to live an affluent life with the placement of the Sun in the 5th house in the D9 chart. You are keen and determined to enhance your skills and perform better in life.
Your quest for being a perfectionist in your love relationship will lead to hindrances in your love life. However, your partner will be with you in your thick and thin and help you financially.
Although you will stay fit and healthy due to this placement of Sun, however, modifications in place will attract allergies in your health.
This placement of Sun in the 6th house will amp up your competitive spirits. An over-optimistic approach will cause obstacles in your profession.
This Sun depicts obstacles in financial matters, relationships, and career during the first phase of your life. Your bickering with your spouse will change into love soon.
You will experience disturbed sleep cycle due to imbalance in Pitta and Kapha (Fire, Water, and Earthy elements). You may witness health issues such as indigestion due to your workaholic nature.
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This placement of Sun in your horoscope will provide you with a superior position at work or being a boss at a company. You will face impediments in dealing with anger, jealousy, and ego in your life.
Although you will live a luxurious life, your initial phase of life will be full of lessons and challenges that will make you understand the discipline in life to have financial stability.
You will have Pitta prominent personality that provides you with a hot temperament, but good appetite.
This placement of Sun will give you a secretive relationship that will change into marriage. You will also feel awkward in sharing your feelings with your partner.
You do not like to work in the forefront. Your spouse will interfere in your financial matters and there might be ego clashes in your marriage life due to your grumbling nature.
Your preference for sweets and junk food will lead to a weak appetite. Your past experiences may trigger your health issues.
You will be the center of attraction due to Sun in the 9th house in the D9 chart. Learning lessons from your father, mentor or a guru will help you in shaping your personality.
Due to this placement of Sun, you will be inclined towards creativity, romance, and art. You will be good at decision making and eating a balanced diet.
Your spouse will be your guarding angel in your religious or spiritual pursuits. Your aura will attract your colleagues and siblings towards you.
Sun’s placement in the 10th house in D9 chart will help you in making firm decisions in your life. It will strengthen your connections with your superiors and government officials. You will be a domineering person throughout your marital life.
This Sun will result in several challenges in your martial life due to your anger and egoistic nature. You will tend to witness a spike in your financial responsibilities post marriage.
You will witness professional challenges due to overconfidence, arrogance, and a self-centered approach in your life.
You will be rolling in money with this placement of the Sun in the 11th house in the D9 chart but in the first phase of your life. You will be quick at decision making and will not require any professional help in this regard.
You will always be a pillar of strength to your partner. You will have loyal friends in your life who will always be a call away from you.
Your health will get affected due to stress and your perfectionist attitude.
You will be able to envision your thoughts with the Sun in the 12th house in the D9 horoscope. Your quest to find perfection in others would posit a challenge in your life due to this placement of Sun.
The dominant nature of your spouse may get on your nerves and cause estranged relationships.
You may struggle with identity crisis, comprise, and modifications in the second innings of your life. You will experience financial hardships due to your ignorant nature, however, you will be able to manage the money well in the second phase of your life.
In astrological analysis, a D9 chart is assigned the role of studying your relationships, marriage, spouse or life partner. In Vedic astrology, a D9 chart is also called Navamsa Chart. more
(Moon Sign Based)
The placement of Moon in Dasamsa chart impacts your career and professional life. The placement of Moon in each house guides different career paths, and offers growth, success, and challenges based on its position in D10 chart. Moon strengthens your connection to the family guidance and nurtures career growth that will provide clarity and direction.
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Due to Mars in the Dasamsa Chart (D10), key insights into the career and responsibilities will be revealed. As a result, one will see influences in their career progression, leadership, and ability to handle societal, financial, and familial responsibilities. Mars will provide psychological strength, decision-making, and adaptability on the professional front. Because of its placement in various houses, Mars shows different career traits. However, the presence of Mars in different houses will provide leadership qualities and promote wealth. Positive Mars boosts confidence whereas a negative one will cause impatience and challenges in the career.
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