Nadi Dosa

Nadi Dosa is the eighth parameter in Matchmaking which gives clarity on the progeny and the health of the couple after marriage.

Nadi is a matchmaking concept in Vedic astrology. Attaining zero points in the Nadi, out of the 8 parameters, causes Nadi Dosa or Nadi Affliction. Nadi matching plays a significant role in the health of the bride and groom, the health of the child, and the happiness of children.

Astrology has found a way to overcome the challenges of progeny with matchmaking. It identifies and rectifies the Nadi Dosa with small corrections in behavior, daily routine, diet, and religious remedy to attain cosmic and divine strength.

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Nadi Koot measures the compatibility between a couple in terms of their physical relationship and health of the offspring. It is one of the eight Gunas (aspects) analyzed during the matching of kundlis for marriage.

Specifically, Nadi Koot investigates Nadi Dosh, which occurs when the Nadi (energy channel) of both the partners is the same.

Types of Nadi Dosa

According to Vedic Astrology, there are three types of Nadi Dosa. These three dosa have different effects and influences on the couple’s life.

  • Adi Nadi Dosa: This dosa can cause unnecessary challenges and miscommunication. It can also bring distance in the relationship. Furthermore, it affects the health of the partner and can cause delays in childbirth.
  • Madhya Nadi Dosa: This Dosa causes sudden mis happenings such as miscarriage, accident, and divorce in marital life.
  • Antya Nadi Dosa: It may lead to loss of partner due to sudden health issues, accidents, or challenges in conceiving the child due to health issues.

Astrological Facts and Nadi Dosa Introduction

Nadi Dosa causes a delay in childbirth, misfortunate marital life, sudden break/divorce, miscarriage, or an accident leading to loss of partner.

However, there are remedies to get cosmic protection and to overcome the challenges of Nadi Dosa in the horoscope of any couple.

Nadi is also known as Nadi Koot/Guna and is one of the eight aspects considered for compatibility analysis while matchmaking/Guna Milan. Nadi Koot is the last Koot in matchmaking so a total of 8 points are assigned to Nadi Koot.

If the matchmaking results in zero points out of 8 points, it is said that the couple has Nadi Dosh in their horoscope.

Formation of the Three Nadis

Female/Male Adi Madhya Nadi Antya Nadi
Adi Nadi 0 8 0
Madhya Nadi 8 0 8
Antya Nadi 8 8 0


  • Adi Nadi: If the Moon is in the constellation of Ashvini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttara-Phalguni, Hasta, Jyestha, Mula, Purva-Bhadrapada, then Adi Nadi is present.
  • Madhya Nadi: If the Moon is in the constellation of Bharni, Mrigashira, Pushya, Purva Phalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purva-Asadha, Dhanishta and Uttar Bhadrapada, then Madhya Nadi is present.
  • Antya Nadi: If the Moon is in the constellation of Krittika, Rohini, Aslesha, Magha, Swati, Visakha, Uttara-Asadha, Shravana, or Revati, then Antya Nadi is present.

The matchmaking is based on these Nadis. If the male Nadi is different from the female Nadi, then the match will get 8 points out of 8. If they both have the same Nadi, the match will have zero points out of 8 and it is called Nadi Dosa.

What is Matchmaking and How Does Nadi Dosa Play a Key Role?

Match Making/Kundali Milan/Guna Milan is the process in which the horoscope of the bride and groom are matched to assess their compatibility. This is different from individual horoscope analysis.

Horoscope analysis can be done for individuals in their different areas of life, but matchmaking includes two horoscopes matching on a principle that is based on the Ashtakoota method for matchmaking.

In that Match Making there are 8 parameters and one of those 8 is Nadi Matching, also known as Nadi Koot (Aspect).

All 8 parameters assign numbers in sequence and help to get clarity on how the compatibility will work for the couple and how their marital life will be. These 8 parameters come in series and the sequence is also known as eight Gunas.

Nadi comes the last in the eight parameters but plays an important role in deciding progeny, happiness of child, and the health of the bride and groom.

Guna Maximum Points Obtained Points Areas Of Life
Varna 1   Work
Vasya 2   Dominance
Tara 3   Destiny
Yoni 4   Mentality
Greha Maitri 5   Compatibility
Gana 6   Nature
Bhakoot 7   Love
Nadi 8   Health


Cause & Effects of Nadi Dosa

Nadi Dosa manifests in the life of a couple when they get into a marital relationship with zero points in the Ashtakoota match which falls under the Eight Parameters of Match Making.

This indicates that the couple needs to be attentive and may require medical help to have the child and some comic or spiritual remedy that helps them to pacify the negative results of Nadi Dosa.

Children play a significant role in life and marital relationship. It gives a new journey to the couple to learn how to be a parent and work together to nourish their child.

However, child birth issues, and adverse health of the child can hamper an individual’s life significantly.

All these challenges can manifest in terms of communication gaps in couples. Delay in childbirth can also lead to a break in marriage for an individual. These challenges are noted in Vedic Astrology as Nadi Dosa.

Exception in Nadi Dosa

Based on the Vedic Principle there are some exceptional cases when the Nadi dosa gets canceled. The following are the conditions in which the Nadi Dosa get canceled:

  • If the bride and Groom were born in the same Nakshatra/Constellation but with different quarters, then this match can be considered good to move ahead, despite the Nadi Dosa.
  • Both bride and groom with the same birth sign but with Different Nakshatra are exceptions and not included in Nadi Dosha.
  • If the couple is from the same nakshatra but from a different zodiac sign, it falls under exceptions and is not included in Nadi Dosha.

Remedies & Suggestions for Nadi Dosa

Adopting slight changes in your daily routine can help you get rid of Nadi Dosa

1) Nadi Dosa requires giving priority to emotional health. It requires attention to the behavioral pattern as emotional blockages can cause health issues. These health issues can even manifest as delays in child bearing and infertility in men.

2) Physical health plays a significant role in childbirth. Yes, the health of the mother plays a significant role but the health of both the partners is equally important to ensure the health of the child.

If Adi Nadi Dosa is present in the horoscope, it could be complicated and there will be clashes of opinion. Adopting healthy conversation and clarity will help to overcome any stress and challenges to move ahead with mutual consent.

3) Nadi Dosa-Madhya Nadi Dosa suggests avoiding the intake of birth control and ensuring routine checkups with doctors before marriage. Have a health checkup as a couple to detect any negative impact of Nadi Dosa.

4) Nadi Dosa, like Madhya Nadi Dosa, indicates that other influences should be considered so that you will make small but important changes in your daily routine to get rid of health issues for both you and your partner. That is avoid substance use like alcohol, and smoking, and cut down caffeine.

Furthermore, you can also follow the following religious remedies:

1) If Nadi Dosa is present in the horoscope, the couple should get married to the idol of Vishnu first, followed by marriage with the desired partner.

2) Chanting of Maha Mritunjay mantra at least one and a quarter million chants or done by the priest for the couple will help them to be protected from the Nadi Dosha. Maha Mritunjay mantra is the mantra for life-giver and rejuvenation and gives cosmic protection with its divine vibration and sound. It gives strength to all the 27 constellations and 9 planets in the horoscope of the bride and groom.

A specific puja can be carried out by our experts on your behalf to help you rid of this malady. You can visit the page below to read more and book your puja to be carried out on your behalf: Click Here

3) Another ritual includes donating gold, cloth, and grain in the temple as per the scripture of Piyush Dhara.


Astrological Remedies

We shall be suggesting a remedy only if there is a genuine need for the same. Please understand that the remedy cannot be the short route to success but it can help you tide over the difficult astrological times. more

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