Ravi Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Ravi Yoga is formed when Moon’s nakshatra is 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th, and 20th from Sun’s nakshatra. You will become prosperous and will achieve immense respect in society; people will have high regards for you. You will shine like a bright sun in your field. But yes, you will also have pride and egoism which might make you arrogant and stubborn. This yoga probably makes you sit on a high pedestal, and you eventually look down upon others. But at the same time, you would help others and make lot of donations to the needy ones.

Ravi Yoga

Ravi Yoga is an auspicious yoga combination of the powerful planets Sun and Moon. Ravi yoga is formed if the current moon constellation is 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th, and 20th from Sun.

  • If sun is in Ashwini, then Moon should be in Rohini (4th), Ardra (6th), Ashlesha (9th), Magha (10th) then Ravi yoga occurs on that day. It is believed that this yoga destroys all doshas in your horoscope.

Ravi Yoga is a beautiful combination of the powerful planets Sun and Moon. Ravi yoga is formed if the current moon constellation is 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th, and 20th from Sun.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.


  • If Sun is in Ashwini in your horoscope, then Moon should be in Rohini (4th), Adra (6th), Ashlesha (9th), Magha (10th) then Ravi yoga occurs on that day.
  • It is believed that Ravi yoga destroys all doshas.
  • The work done during this muhurta pays off well quickly. But if this yoga falls on Sunday, then one should not perform any work.
  • This yoga will give you high authority and position. This muhurta is auspicious for bringing a new car to home, final closure of a home deal, car booking, inaugurating any shops, and housewarming parties or any starting events.
  • If you are born during Ravi Muhurta, then you will have lots of property, luxurious cars and will lead a life full of comforts and luxury.
  • You will be learned and would have links with high influential people, especially government authorities.

Effects of Ravi Yoga

  • It gives courage and willpower to cope with challenges in your profession.
  • You will be learned and intelligent.
  • You will have a long and healthy life.
  • This yoga will destroy all doshas.
  • It also gives power to win over enemies.
  • You will have the determination to pave the path towards success.
  • You will have good health and immunity.
  • You will earn a name, fame, and respect.
  • You will be fortunate to earn wealth.
  • You will have good connections with high profile people.
  • You will be focused and determined towards your goal.

Partial and Negative Combination of Ravi Yoga

Any afflictions to Sun and Moon, and if this yoga falls on a Sunday will not form Ravi Yoga.

What you should do to amplify Ravi Yoga?

  • Follow moral values.
  • Follow religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • Avoid pride and egoism.
  • Respect your parents.
  • Never take corruptions or other illegal things.
  • Never take decisions against the law.
  • Do not take undue advantage of your power and position.
  • Respect your employees and coworkers.
  • Do good deeds like food distribution and other donations.
  • You can also make donations to temple.
  • Maintain humility in life.


Yoga Scan Analysis

A ‘yoga’ confers some unique and powerful results, whether they are beneficial or maleficent for you depending on where the Yoga resides in your horoscope. There are nearly 150 well-known yogas in Vedic Astrology that we can look for and identify in your birth chart. more

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Raj Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Raj yoga is the combination of the most positive houses in the horoscope which is Kendra and trikona. This yoga makes you a celebrity, it gives high imaginative and creative power to make yourself larger than life. It gives you the inertia to work hard and potential to create long-lasting fame and reputation. Raj yoga is not essential for achieving success, but it is one of the key elements of fame that lasts for generations. If the planets forming this yoga has full strength, then will bestow good health, wealth, happiness, and a successful life.

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Budh Aditya Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury both are placed in same house, irrespective of sign the yoga is formed, but the house which it is formed that matters. There is a mutual friendship between these two planets, and together they give auspicious results. It works best when Mercury is behind the Sun, placed at 14 degrees. Below three degrees and more than 12 degrees between them also neglects his yoga. Sun blesses you with royal comfort, and Mercury makes you clever and an extremely successful businessman. This yoga will bless you with all kinds of comforts and richness in life. It will give you high energy level, makes you mentally stronger, offers good education, poses good chances of getting a government job, and a learned person along with witty and strong personality.

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