Horoscope Analysis of Salman Khan

The success story of stars and super stars like Salman Khan can be attributed to some excellent Yogas found in their horoscopes. Read on to find which planets are the reasons behind Salman Khan's fortune & fame.

Horoscope Analysis of Salman Khan

Superstar Salman Khan needs no introduction. The reigning action hero of Bollywood has been stealing our hearts since his debut in circa 1988. Since then, he has played many roles and gained various titles. From the chocolate boy of silver screen in Maine Pyaar Kiya to the lethal action hero in Ek Tha Tiger, Salman Khan has been delivering Bollywood blockbusters one after the other.

Apart from being a film actor, Salman Khan, popularly known as ‘Bhai’ among his millions of fans, is also a philanthropic and a charitable person. Known as the big Bollywood Daddy, Salman has mentored and coached several new generation actors. His role as the anchor of Big Boss has been the reason for the show’s popularity.

His unstoppable and fiery nature has made him a man of steely determination and hard work. Let us read more about the horoscope of Salman to see how different planetary combinations aided him in becoming the beloved superstar that he is today.


SALMAN KHAN Astrological Data & Birth Chart

  • Date of Birth: 27 December, 1965
  • Time of Birth: 14 Hrs.-30 Min.
  • Place of Birth: Indar, India
  • Moon sign: Aquarius
  • Nakshatra (Constellation): Dhanistha
  • Lagna (Ascendant): Aries

Horoscope Analysis of SALMAN KHAN

Planets that play an important role defining your destiny in your Birth Chart

It is said that even 1 planet in its own house or position of strength can give you a destiny equal to the status you are born in. 2 to 3 planets in strength can make you rise exponentially in time & far beyond the station you are born under. With 4 or more planets in great strength, the destiny is that of a king, leader, or a historic figure. Below is a definition of planets that act as a blue print for your nature & your destiny

Sun in 9th house

You are eager to find and adopt a particular philosophy in life but you also need proof of its authenticity before putting faith into it. There is a quest to find the truth about life, existence and a fondness to travel, and not physically all the time. This very placement of Sun makes you quite respectful towards religious leaders, sages and the concept of God.

Moon in 11th house

Moon is posited in the eleventh house of your horoscope, making you focused on achieving desired gains or targets in life. You seem to be surrounded by positive people, who are always ready to help you in every possible way. Your hobbies are connected to singing and playing a musical instrument. Besides, you have a good connectivity with foreign friends and associates. The placement of Moon in the eleventh house of your horoscope helps you in attaining good amount of knowledge in various areas of life.

Mars in 10th house

Mars is posited in the tenth house of your horoscope, making you determined and quite ambitious in nature. You’re a powerhouse of energy and enthusiasm. Moreover, you have good leadership qualities and you want to be at the centre of all actions. The tendency to take initiatives comes naturally to you. This very placement of Mars makes you task oriented. You’re your best and most effective when you are in control of your time. You thrive in careers in which you can pioneer, take the lead, or enjoy a certain amount of freedom or independence.

Mercury in 8th house

Mercury is posited in the eighth house of your horoscope, giving you a reserved personality. However on a separate note, you’re excessively perfect when it comes to digging deep into the matters, solving puzzles and reasoning questions. You are blessed with analytical skills which helps you to achieve the milestones in your professional life.

Jupiter in 3rd house

Third House Jupiter enhances your mental capabilities. You are likely to be very intuitive. Jupiter expands your mental power so you can grasp new information quickly and comprehend things effortlessly. This placement of Jupiter is very beneficial for your early education too. You can also excel in writing and literary fields. Jupiter helps in harmonizing relationship with siblings, neighbors, family and business associates.

Venus in 10th house

Tenth house Venus creates affection for home and homeland. You are emotionally attached with your mother. Your siblings are very helpful and supportive. You are likely to maintain sound relationship with your seniors and co-workers.

Saturn in 11th house

Eleventh house Saturn suggests that you need to work hard in order to attain desired growth and success in career matters. At times, this position also gives birth to a lot of negative thoughts. Therefore you’re suggested to keep a control over your mind and move ahead, welcoming all the positive thoughts. You will get good heritage wealth and financial help from in-laws due to the placement of Saturn in the Eleventh house of your horoscope.

Rahu in 2nd house

As Rahu is posited in the second house of your horoscope, you will acquire mastery over many languages, often to be associated with high-ranking historic values. You may likewise uplift your status from second marriage. You generally get attracted to knowledgeable and socially privileged people. The second house Rahu causes stammering, speech disorders, separation from family, poverty, discords with relatives, dissatisfaction and mixed lineage.

Ketu in 8th house

Eighth house Ketu also makes you susceptible to injuries due to firearms, weaponry, insects or animals. Chances of accidents likewise exist. Moreover, you may also have to undergo surgeries in life. When Ketu is positively located, you can expect some sudden gains too. However, this position of Ketu can affect your health and cause perineal pain. The placement of Ketu in the Eighth house generates your interest in research work, astrology, occult science and Tarot card reading. You will always be in a quest to find out the truth of life and search for liberation will incline you to de meditation and penance. You seem to build a good career in the fields that require research and analysis.

Detailed Horoscope Reading

A horoscope is drawn as per the time, date & place of your birth to unravel the mysteries of your life. more

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Planetary conjunctions help bring various energies together in your horoscope. Two planets together are like a chemical reaction and effects are never on the lines we expect. We find the below planetary conjunctions in your horoscope.

Moon and Saturn Combination

You will have smart strategies to earn good financial gain with the eleventh house Moon and Saturn in your horoscope. Your hopes and wishes will not get fulfilled easily. You will get struggle to form a network circle with the Moon and Saturn in the eleventh house. You should understand that without hard work things will not come easily in your life with the eleventh house in your horoscope. You should avoid negative thoughts because the eleventh house Moon and Saturn will always plod you with an inclination towards negative things in life. The eleventh house Moon and Saturn will give you late success in love and romance.

Mars and Venus Combination

You will receive a good foundation in your childhood when it comes to attaining scholastic or moral education. Your mother will have a good relationship with you. She will play an important role in bringing success in your life because of the fourth house Mars and Venus. You will receive good help from siblings in your career as well. There will be a success in business with the tenth house - Mars and Venus. You will share a good relationship with your seniors at your workplace.

You will gain immeasurable help from the government in your career. You will live a rich life with good surroundings because of the tenth house - Mars and Venus. The tenth house, Mars and Venus, will cause you nerve-related disorders, knee problems, or emotional setbacks. The tenth house controls professional life, reputation, character, status, karma, next birth, weaknesses, ambition, etc. When the person has Mars and Venus in the 10th house, the native will be quite ambitious and determined in nature.

Mercury and Ketu Combination

Mercury and Ketu are forming a conjunction in the eighth house of your horoscope, giving you a reserved personality. However, on a separate note, you’re excellent at digging deep into the matters, solving puzzles and reasoning questions. Besides, you are blessed with a good amount of knowledge and analytical skills which helps you to achieve the milestones in your professional life. Moreover, you’re deeply inclined to learn the secrets of hidden knowledge like astrology, tarot card reading, and are keen about knowing how the mantras that work effectively to give an accurate solution for every problem. You can learn a programming language, legal hacking or do research in mathematics, etc. Moreover, you seem to have good connectivity with people who work in Multi National Companies.

Yogas in your Birth Chart : Vedic Yogas defined for you

A Yoga is combination of planets where the sum of the planetary effects is more that the planets that participate. This is due to the unique Synergy the planets bring being in proximity & in a unique matrix with each other. A yoga is a unique Vedic concept & so it cannot be found in any other astrology system. We have discovered the below Yogas in your horoscope

Ruchak Yoga

You are blessed with Ruchaka Yoga. It is considered as one of the most fortunate Yogas out of the Panch Maha Purusha Yogas. Panch maha Purusha Yoga has been accorded as the highest rating amongst all acknowledged yogas/planetary combinations in Vedic Astrology. Panch refers to the number five while Purush means a person. This yoga is considered to be one that makes your personality truly great. it is conjured up because of the presence of Mars in a specific location of your horoscope. It gives you incomprehensible strength to stand afloat in life. Supreme power & courage are synonymous to the mars. So, you will be bestowed with these qualities where the Yoga will help you build a fortunate, prospectus, and successful life for yourself.

Amala Yoga

You are endowed with Amala Yoga. This unique Vedic Yoga will give you admiration and appreciation in society because of your numerous accomplishments. This yoga encourages an affinity for fair actions in your conscience. One of the best qualities of this yoga is that it promotes virtue and a fascination to choose the right path in life. In the consequence of your good work, you will receive appreciation & recognition among your people in the immediate surrounding.

Anapha Yoga

Natives blessed with Anapha yoga signifies that you carry the favor of luck due to your karma from the past. This yoga will endow you with respect in society and an exceptional mental strength that will help you to achieve success in life. You will also be bestowed with skills and the ability to deal with people around you. This particular yoga is an extremely unique and effective planetary conjunction for a successful life, despite the naïveté of the yoga.

Raj Yoga

You are blessed with Raj Yoga - one of the most powerful and yielding combinations in your horoscope. Raj Yoga is the indicator of good fortune, financial success, gains of special skills, and a great career ahead. The power that is wielded by the Raj Yoga in your life is determined by carefully analyzing which house or sector your chart is involved with. Your 'Karma Bhava' - the 10th house of profession and deeds will be the deciding factor for a better living standard.

Vaasi Yoga

Your horoscope has a promising Vasi yoga which is due to the presence of benefic planets from the Sun in the 2nd or 12th house. Sun signifies the authoritative personality of the native. It also implies native's ego and status in society. The presence of Vasi yoga also denotes financial wellness, dignity, and status among the people in your immediate surrounding. The support of the Sun from the presence of Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus will bestow the native with great privileges in life.

Your Birth Nakshatra

Your Birth Nakshatra is that constellation that was rising in the East when you were born and holds the key to your nature, physical appearance, instincts & destiny. Vedic Astrology was all Nakshatra ( Constellation) based before sign based astrology became prevalent with the Greek era. Results of your birth under your Nakshatra are mentioned below.

Effects of birth in Nakshatra

You are born under the Star of Dhanishta Nakshatra that is part of Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendant for you. The Dhanishta Nakshatra (Constellation in astronomy) runs from 23 Degrees & 20 minutes in Capricorn to 6 Degrees & 40 minutes in the sign of Aquarius.

The star appears as a five star formation that looks like a musical instrument which symbolizes symphony and compliance.

Your Nakshatra Dhanishta is ruled by Mars, the planet of desires, actions, energy, passion, war, aggression, sex and proclamation.

You are a multi talented person and you ace everything that you do. You can adjust yourself at any situation quite efficiently and have no difficulty in getting through, you do not hurt anyone in any manner.

You have quite a sharp mind and you are always ready to learn new things. You have a charming smile that can entice anybody. You are quite popular and loved by people because of your good oratorical skills. In return, you honour and respect others too.

You are a jolly and social person and do not like to stay alone. You like spending time with people around you. You are pious, who doesn’t like to leave behind the responsibilities. It is in your nature to face and fight all problems and hurdles that come your way.

You are good at arguing, so you can make a good career in law and politics. But no matter what your field of education is, you are known for your wisdom on a variety of subjects. Since you are so dedicated to what you do, you will always achieve success and prosperity in life.

Your nakshatra determines your basic sketch of your character & destiny, although placement of other planets would help define you and your destiny in greater detail.

Still as a Dhanishta born you would experience the below mentioned effects in your life:

Physical Attributes:

You have a beautiful and slim body and are tall. In exceptional cases, you may be bulky and on a shorter side. You have a very attractive and alluring smile on your face.

Who you are:

You are an intelligent and efficient person. You are good in all sorts of arguments and it is difficult for others to win against you in such situations. You are of a very adaptable nature and know how to mould yourself to adjust in any situation without complaining. You will lead a peaceful life. You never want to hurt anyone thus showcasing your graced personality and good upbringing. People around you like your presence and get motivated with your inspirational words. You always crave to perform your duties and responsibilities with utmost sincerity and dedication.

Profession & Education:

You are good at keeping secrets, and do well in professions related to secret services, historians, scientists, soldiers, Judiciary, bank officers. Some other suitable career options are songwriter, poet, musician, surgeon, business in electronic items and property are likely to give success. You will pursue education in related fields like history, science, law or music etc.

Direction: The north direction from your place of birth would be most beneficial.

Family & marriage:

You are likely to get married around the age of 27. Married life is likely to be average for you. You would always be very close to your family and attached to your siblings.


With the influence of Mars on your Nakshatra, you will be prone to aggression which may lead to many health issues. You need to be careful as possible health problems are Hypertension, Heart problem, Lung infection, Prone to cold and cough and Anemia.

Important years:

Age up to 24 years will be full of struggles and instability.

After the age of 24, there will be growth in personal as well as professional sphere.

You will suffer from bad health around the age of 45 to 50.

