Other Doshas

Vish Dosha

When Moon is conjunct Saturn in a house, it forms Vish Dosha. Saturn here poisons the milky effect of Moon thus affects the auspicious vibes and causes disturbance in life. Native in this case becomes emotionally and mentally weak. He or she becomes very harsh and disciplined in nature. It is also called Punaraphoo Yoga.

Remedies for Vish Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Vish dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should avoid wearing dark colored clothes
  • You should build free water kiosks at places where there is shortage of water.
  • You should donate medicines to the needy.

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Amavasya Dosha

When Sun is conjunct Moon in a sign, it forms Amavasya Yoga. This Yoga gives a strong inclination for literature and reading. Such people tend to have great writing skills. However, Sun’s masculine energy here outshines Moon so it loses its positive impact to some extent. Due to this, native may have to struggle with his mother and may not get her blessings. His or her willpower and level of concentration could be low as well.

Remedies for Amavasya Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Amavasya dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should respect your parents and try to fulfill their wishes whenever possible.
  • You should donate food in religious places on every Thursday.

Paap Kartari Dosha

When a retrograde malefic planet occupies the second house and another malefic occupies the 12th house from a benefic planet, it forms a Paap Kartari Dosha. This means that the planet which has malefic planets on either side, with a retrograde malefic in the house just ahead where it is positioned, falls in Paap Kartari Dosha. This is called the scissor effect. So the sins of the two malefic planets cut the happiness that the benefic planet could give. Native experiences lack of energy and positivity in the house that is under the effect of the Dosha.

Remedies for Paap Kartari Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Paap Kartari dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should practice alternate nostril breathing, called Anulom Vilom in Yogic terminology every morning.
  • You should practice meditation for 15 to 30 minutes on daily basis.
  • You should donate clothes to needy children on every Monday.

Daridra Dosha

This Dosha forms when the lords of 2nd and/or 11th house are debilitated in 6th, 8th or 12th house or malefic or debilitated planets occupy 2nd and 11th house or the lords of 6th, 8th or 12th house occupies the 2nd and/or 11th. This is an unfortunate yoga due to which native always remains in a financial crisis. A lot of problems and changes take place in professional life too. Moreover, native also suffers on the health front especially concerning eyes or ears.

Remedies for Daridra Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Daridra dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should make it a habit to feed animals and birds early in the morning
  • You should try to cleanse your home yourself instead of hiring domestic help.

Shrapit Dosha

When Rahu is conjunct Saturn in a house, it forms the Shrapit Dosha. This dosha brings many difficulties in native’s life. The bad karmas of the past life manifest into this life. Native works really hard but due to some bad luck, he or she struggles to get the desired result. This dosha is the worst if it falls in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and the 12th house. Native faces a lot of negative implications, especially in married life. Disputes with family and problems in career also persist.

Remedies for Shrapit Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Kaal Sarpa dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should visit a religious place daily and offer cleaning service.
  • You should donate medication to needy senior people every Saturday.

Guru Chandaal Dosha

This Dosha forms when Jupiter and Rahu are either conjunct or aspect each other in the horoscope. This dosha is fully effective only when Jupiter is weak or debilitated. The impact of the dosha majorly depends on the houses that the planets occupy. The native appears as a sage but inwardly, his actions are corrupt and immoral. On the other hand, this Dosha also brings some positive results. Native can become a great philosopher or social worker due to the combined influence of Jupiter and Rahu since both the planets are associated with spiritual growth.

Remedies for Guru Chandaal Yoga

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Guru Chandaal dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should always keep a yellow handkerchief in your pocket.
  • You should feed seven types of grain to birds every morning.

Angaraka Dosha

This Dosha forms when Mars and Rahu are either conjunct or aspect each other in the horoscope. Both these planets are considered malefic in Vedic astrology. If this association falls in 3rd house in a birth chart, the native develops violent and even criminal tendencies in extreme cases. People with this dosha are usually more aggressive, ego-ridden and self-centered. They might feel attracted towards others even after marriage.

Remedies for Angaraka Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Angaraka dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should offer red lentil to workers.
  • You should try to drink water in copper-made glass.
  • You should feed seven types of grain to birds every morning.

Pitra Dosha

Pitra means ancestors. This dosha gives the results of the karmic debt of your forefathers which you have to pay. Several combinations form this yoga such as:

When Sun is in conjunction with Rahu in 1st, 5th, 9th, or the 10th house in a horoscope

When Jupiter is in conjunction with Rahu in 1st, 5th, 9th or 10th house in a horoscope

When Saturn is in conjunction with Rahu in 1st, 5th, 9th or 10th house in a horoscope along with Sun and Jupiter being under malefic influence.

The native has to struggle through life if this Dosha exists. He or she may face issues in progeny matters or have some problems with their own children. This dosha also affects one’s health and education.

Remedies for Pitra Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Pitra dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should respect your parents and try to fulfill their wishes whenever possible.
  • You should donate food and yellow clothes at a religious place on Thursday.

Naag Dosha

Several combinations form Naag Dosha such as:

If Rahu or Ketu occupies the Ascendant and forms a conjunction with Moon

If Rahu is in 8th house which is under malefic influence or Rahu is conjunct with Saturn in 8th house

If Rahu occupies a Badhak house being either conjunct or under the aspect Saturn

If Rahu occupies Ascendant, 2nd, 5th, 7th, or 8th house

Along with any of the conditions mentioned above, Moon should also be under malefic influence. This Dosha spoils your image in society so one should be very cautious and stay away from any illicit activities. Problems also persist in married life due to this dosha. Native struggles in both healths matters as well as career too.

Remedies for Naag Dosha

To nullify and lessen the negative impact of the Naag dosha, you could consider practicing the remedial measures below.

  • You should offer milk to animals and needy children.
  • You should volunteer for and donate to organizations involved in environment and ecosystem conservation programs.
  • You should keep the sacred groves, parks and plantations clean and purified.


Raj Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Raj yoga is the combination of the most positive houses in the horoscope which is Kendra and trikona. This yoga makes you a celebrity, it gives high imaginative and creative power to make yourself larger than life. It gives you the inertia to work hard and potential to create long-lasting fame and reputation. Raj yoga is not essential for achieving success, but it is one of the key elements of fame that lasts for generations. If the planets forming this yoga has full strength, then will bestow good health, wealth, happiness, and a successful life.

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Budh Aditya Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury both are placed in same house, irrespective of sign the yoga is formed, but the house which it is formed that matters. There is a mutual friendship between these two planets, and together they give auspicious results. It works best when Mercury is behind the Sun, placed at 14 degrees. Below three degrees and more than 12 degrees between them also neglects his yoga. Sun blesses you with royal comfort, and Mercury makes you clever and an extremely successful businessman. This yoga will bless you with all kinds of comforts and richness in life. It will give you high energy level, makes you mentally stronger, offers good education, poses good chances of getting a government job, and a learned person along with witty and strong personality.

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