Aquarius-Pisces Compatibility

(Moon Sign Based)

Aquarius and Pisces will get attracted to the innocent and friendly approach in their personality. They will find major transformations in their life after getting into a relationship.

Aquarius-Pisces Compatibility

Aquarius moon signs with their calculative and good sense of humor attract Pisces moon signs and Pisces with their emotional intelligence and stable nature attract Aquarius. However, Aquarius and Pisces moon signs do not feel comfortable with each other as partners. They do get attracted towards each other’s personalities owing to an innocent and free spirit but with time they will start to experience hurdles in their relationship.

An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.

Aquarius may hesitate from family responsibilities and restrictions in their relationship with Pisces. Sudden changes in their relationship due to financial responsibility, and over-expectations from both ends may come up. Due to a career-oriented approach on Aquarius’ end, they will not be able to spend quality time with Pisces and that can cause communication gap and stress in their relationship. Pisces will have differences in opinion due to being emotional which makes Aquarius uncomfortable in managing both personal and professional relationships.

Basic Equation between Aquarius and Pisces

Aquarius moon signs possess air elemental qualities and with their friendly nature, they attract Pisces moon signs. Aquarius will have a committed approach towards the relationship and try their best to give to their partner but sometimes they may feel lost and overwhelmed in the relationship.

They share an emotional bond but the need for attention from Pisces’s end will force Aquarius to change their approach and personality which may create challenges in their relationship. Pisces moon signs love their personal space which may make Aquarius moon signs uneasy.

They both get attracted to each other’s creative approach which helps them come closer. Pisces will never hesitate to make sacrifices in the relationship, but the fixed nature of Aquarius will make them feel uneasy to do so frequently.

Pisces moon signs and Aquarius moon signs understand each other as a partner and support each other in ups and downs in their journey of life. They both will learn how to express their emotions rather than getting overwhelmed with emotions. They will help each other to maintain harmony and have a happy relationship with their family.

Pisces express love like a friend and Aquarius have an innocent personality and acceptance like a child. They will enjoy their chemistry but may feel emotional suffocation when they both start expecting changes in each other’s personality.

Sexual relationship and intimacy will be high for Pisces and Aquarius. However, Aquarius’ may dwell on past mistakes or have an extremely workaholic approach which will cause challenges to spend quality time together and maintain a harmonious relationship.

When Pisces is the Woman & Aquarius is the Man

Pisces women will get attracted to Aquarius men for their emotional and caring nature. Pisces women have a strong inclination for Aquarius men for their creative and romantic approach towards life. They may find sudden clashes of opinion due to the quest for emotional satisfaction and perfection from Pisces women and sometimes due to the overprotective nature from the end of Aquarius men.

When Pisces is the man & Aquarius is the Woman

Aquarius women will have attractive personalities with a charismatic personality to understand the psychological shift and care for the relationship. They get attracted to Pisces men for their patience and a positive approach towards their life. They will enjoy each other’s company and be generous towards their decision.

Positive Aspect of Aquarius– Pisces Match

The Aquarius moon sign and Pisces moon sign will experience a transformation in thoughts as indicated by the strong influence of Jupiter and Saturn’s influences in their relationship. Jupiter will ensure that they experience a positive tuning, a wealthy lifestyle, and a good financial plan to live their life. There will be an expected rise in luck after marriage for these two. They might meet as colleagues at the workplace or in meetings with colleagues. They will find that they understand each other’s values and views.

Negative Aspect of Aquarius – Pisces Match

Aquarius and Pisces will find it difficult to manage the balance between their personal and professional life and it might be tough to divide their work responsibility which will affect their love relationship. They may not feel comfortable sharing their relationship history which makes them both uncomfortable with each other.

They both have an emotional nature owing to the air and water energy of these zodiac signs which may create some emotional challenges.

Nakshatra (Constellation) Compatibility

Aquarius has three constellations Dhanistha with 2 quarters, Shatabhisha with 4 quarters, and Purva. Bhadrapada with 3 stages.
The Pisces star constellations are Poorva-Bhadrapada with 1 stage, Uttar. Bhadrapada with 4 stages and Revati

Note: Different Aquarius-Pisces couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth. Hence, people of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatra.

Dhanistha-Poorva-Bhadrapada: Indulging in intellectual conversations will be the strength of this relationship. They will actively participate together, have fun, and learn from the ups and downs in their relationship.

Shatabhisha - Poorva-Bhadrapada: They get attracted to each other for their free spirit and are ready to accept and learn new ideas and innovative approaches. They love to share experiences and enjoy their company. However, getting stuck with workload and a rigid approach towards their decisions may cause a sudden break in their relationship.

Purva. Bhadrapada - Poorva-Bhadrapada: Purva. Bhadrapada - Poorva-Bhadrapada is the combination which brings forth a strong connection and mutual understanding as both will align on the same energy. However, in terms of financial decisions and sexual compatibility, there might be challenges and clashes of opinion which can create separation and challenges in the relationship.

Dhanistha- Uttar.Bhadrpada: They will get attracted to each other for their strong personality and are ready to take risks with a protective nature for each other. They may find bursts of anger in their relationship due to over-expectations and expecting to change their partner as per their need.

Shatabhisha - Uttar.Bhadrpada: They will get attracted to their innovative ideas and protective nature. They may adopt an aggressive approach when they do not find things as per their plan. They are often not ready to face ups and downs which cause challenges in their relationship. They will find clashes in their relationship when they dwell on past mistakes. Fostering ego clashes will create communication gap in their relationship.

Purva. Bhadrapada - Uttar.Bhadrpada: They have mature personalities and love to be in a relationship, mentoring each other and listening to each other's opinions. They both will enjoy their journey as partners owing to their caring nature, but Pisces’ partner may get stuck in the past and over-expectations from Aquarius will create challenges in their relationship.

Dhanistha- Revati: An eloquent speech and attractive personality will attract them together as partners. Sudden challenges in the relationship may occur due to unnecessary arguments or getting rigid with their opinions.

Shatabhisha – Revati: An attractive and royal personality will attract them together. They will enjoy their company only till they get into a committed relationship. Post commitment, they will start feeling the heat of restrictions.

Purva. Bhadrapada - Revati: Wisdom and intellectual approach is the theme for this match. They both will have fun and embrace love as partners. They will also learn how to make things easy when challenges arrive but ego clashes and restrictions due to over expectations will create challenges in their relationship.

How can Aquarius-Pisces have a Happy and Healthy Relationship?

Aquarius will find a lot of financial responsibility and family interference after being in a relationship with Pisces.

Pisces will find a lack of emotional support from the end of Aquarius which creates a challenge in their relationship. They both get attracted to their enthusiastic demeanor but often find that they as a partner try to change each other’s perspective which makes it uncomfortable for both Aquarius and Pisces as life partners.

Love Compatibility Score

Aquarius moon signs will have a passionate approach to express their love when they are with Pisces moon signs. Pisces will also reciprocate with the same intensity of energy. It is likely that Pisces may become rigid and an impatient approach from the end of Aquarius will make things tough to understand by Pisces.

Score: 6 Out Of 10

Sexual Compatibility Score

They get attracted to intelligence and a loving approach and enjoy their company as partners while forming an intimate relationship. They may find challenges if restrictions and hesitation to express love show up in the relationship. Pisces will search for perfection and Aquarius will look for care and to express their love while forming a relationship. These desires may not get fulfilled because the energy and air nature influence their sex life, creating challenges.

Score: 5 Out of 10

Communication Compatibility Score

They may find clashes of opinion while expressing their desire and they always try to emphasize their view rather than understanding each other. They will find an attraction to each other’s friendly approach while conversing but an overtly optimistic approach from Pisces makes them overwhelmed and creates emotional suffocation for Aquarius. Aquarius will not find clarity due to emotional decisions from the end of Pisces which creates communication gap between them.

Score: 5 Out Of 10

Overall Recommendation

Aquarius and Pisces compatibility will not work. They have differences in opinions, but they will get attracted to each other as a partner due to their good sense of humor and emotional intelligence. They will have strong personalities, but sudden ups and downs in their life are possible due to differences in opinion.

Due to a lack of commitment and support from their partner, this match will not be good together as life partners.


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