Aries-Libra Compatibility

(Moon Sign Based)

The Aries moon sign is the sign of self and is oriented towards self-growth. As a couple, the Libra partner will help Aries gain a broader perspective. They will make a lively couple as both will help to achieve each other’s goal. Aries – Libra polarity balances the self with the collective.

Aries-Libra Compatibility

Libra moon signs are indecisive individuals. They strive to make everyone happy and will take a calm and peaceful approach. Libra moon sign will teach their Aries companion not to jump to a conclusion immediately and avoid taking prompt decisions which might align your life in all aspects. Aries will get help from their partner to work on their anxiety which erupts because of restlessness.

The Aries moon sign is impulsive and aggressive by nature. They will benefit from the sharp eye of Libra which will function as a reflecting mirror. Aries will have the chance to gain self – understanding. Aries’ fighting nature can be transformed into harmony and love by their Libra partner.

An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.

Both Aries and Libra moon sign will share an amazing sexual attraction towards each other. The sex is greater than anything you can ask for and Aries and Libra both understands each other’s requirements. Both the signs are clear in their requirements, when it works it works, when it does not, there is no confusion.

Libra sign will teach Aries moon sign to maintain a harmonious way to organize things and to work together.

The two signs, Aries and Libra Moon sign have opposite agendas yet make a perfect match. The high will powered Aries can seem rough and tactless to Libra, who always thinks of what others think.

Both Aries – Libra moon sign, make a best rom – com movie match, both the signs have a strong emotional attraction, the quiet and balanced nature of Libra.

Basic Equation Between Aries Moon Sign & Libra Moon Sign

Based on Vedic Astrology, the Aries – Libra Moon sign will bring to the relationship what the other is missing, making for a wonderful balance. The harmony between Mars in Aries and Venus in Libra will bring balance between self and other represented polarities.

Libra may have to give in more often to Arie and keep the peace in a relationship which might at times lead to suffocation for the Libra partner.

When is Aries Moon is the Man & Libra Moon is the woman: Aries man is a person who loves to take the challenge off the Libra woman and smoothly win her heart with courage and romantic nerve.

When Aries Moon is the Woman & Libra Moon is the man: Aries is drawn to Libra’s beauty, grace, and glamor, while Libra finds Aries’ confidence and high energy attractive. They both attract each other easily and would repel easily.

Positive Aspect by Aries – Libra Match

Aries – Libra signs are both known for their spirit of generosity. Both the signs have moral and physical courage and will give support to fulfill each other’s goal.

They both are creative, open hearted, and high-spirited people.

Aries is courageous, independent, and dynamic. Libra is indecisive and would take help from the aggressive Aries who makes quick decisions.

Aries – Libra moon signs are like beauty with brains, Aries are courageous, while Libras are the signs of beauty, grace, love and overall partnerships. It is a combination of beauty and mind.

Negative Aspect by Aries – Libra Match

They are close to each other, and this closeness can create suffocation and decrease the space between both of them. This will increase frustration and irritation.

Aries are competitive and ultra opinionated and can spoil the relationship by not getting along with Libras point of view. Aries can at times be single minded and often juggled with multiple tasks, which gives them a tunnel vision instead of a bigger picture, this attitude may disturb the Libra companion.

Nakshatra Compatibility

The Aries star constellations are Ashwani and Bharani Nakshatra and have four stages each and Kritika Nakshatra has one stage.

The Libra star constellations are Chitra 3rd pada, 4th pada, Swati 1st to 4th pada, and Vishakha1st to 3rd pada.

Different couples will have different results because a moon sign always has an accompanying nakshatra which is different for different individuals.

Note: Different Aries- Libra couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth. Hence, individuals of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatra.

ASHWINI / CHITRA: Aries Ashwini nakshatra individuals are sincere, open minded, and hardworking while Libra Chitra nakshatra individuals love to gain technical knowledge with a tinge of arrogance and pride. Though both Ashwini – Chitra are indifferent, they both tend to go hand in hand and lead a harmonious relationship.

ASHWINI / SWATI: On the other hand, Libra Swati Nakshatra has full potential and intelligence but will be successful after the age of 25 years. Their calm nature would give them satisfactory results in achievement.

ASHWINI / VISHAKA: Aries Ashwini nakshatra individuals are those who like to do their work on their own while Libra Vishakha nakshatra individuals are excellent at speech and delegation of work. So Aries constellation combination with Libra constellation will lose the trust and confidence in Libra partner and will lead to an average and suspicious marital relationship.

BHARANI / CHITRA: Aries Bharani nakshatra individuals are confident and ambitious which can at times lead to stubbornness. However, Libra Chitra individuals are self-centered and arrogant, which is not a compatible combination to lead a blissful married life. The association will lead to hopelessness and challenges.

BHARANI / SWATI: Aries Bharani nakshatra individuals are determined and headstrong, in comparison to Libra Swati nakshatra individuals who suffer from adamant and extreme procrastination nature. They both will be busy judging each other.

BHARANI / VISHAKHA: Aries Bharani nakshatra individuals are generous, protective, and deeply attached to their loved ones. Their common sexual excitement will allure each other. They are committed to their promise. Possessiveness will create disharmony and mistrust in their relationship.

KRITIKA / CHITRA: Aries Kritika nakshatra individuals want perfection in everything and will always support other’s point of view which contributes with Libra Chitra nakshatra individuals to get along and have a compromising and innate warm, caring, and protective marital relationship.

KRITIKA / SWATI: Aries Kritika nakshatra individuals are courageous and aware. Libra Swati constellation individuals are also courageous and independent. Both the nakshatra individuals will have immense trust and confidence towards each other, they sort out the issues cordially.

KRITIKA / VISHAKHA: Aries Kritika individuals are blunt and straightforward, and Libra Vishakha nakshatra individuals are jealous and egoistic by nature which will face problems and confusions in marital life. Both the nakshatras will have differences in their assumptions.

How can Aries-Libra Moon Signs have a Happy and Healthy relationship?

At the same time Aries must learn from Libra on how to control their aggressiveness. Both the signs may share many adventurous moments that raise their energy levels.

Both are passionate and highly enthusiastic but in a different way. Aries gets instigate immediately while libra would utilize its creative mode to catch up with their partner.

Love Compatibility Score

They are highly creative in nature, which would keep on flourishing their Love life. Their love life will be remarkably interesting. Aries pumps up their Libra partner’s mood in a fraction of second, and Libra is extremely sensitive and maintains harmony.

Aries – Libra moon signs are not used to holding grudges, and once they have cooled down, the make – up is likely to be quick and easy.

Score: 8 out of 10

Sexual Compatibility Score

Aries and Libra moon signs have notably strong sexual compatibility. Both will be enthusiastic when it comes to physical intimacy.

For Aries and Libra moon sign, sex can be fun filled moment with unbridled pleasure. Before jumping into physical intimacy, they will want to take some time to get to know each other.

For Aries and Libra moon sign, it is always important for them to balance a safe and emotionally satisfying sexual relationship, rather than just one night of fun.
Aries and Libra moon sign will have many romantic and creative ideas to enjoy a fresh and strong relationship.

Score: 9 out of 10

Communication Compatibility Score

The Aries Moon sign will have many ways to communicate and to clear the air in the relationship. This is something the Libras need, as they have trouble in adopting open communication.

Aries moon sign will always communicate directly and deliver their point clearly.

On the other hand, Libras, being indecisive souls, may have trouble in communicating. Libra has enough depth to look inside the Aries personality instead of superficially examining their behavior.

The Aries Moon sign believes in speaking their mind, and Libras will maintain their communication in a balanced way. But Libras will balance communication.

For Aries moon sign, it is important to sort out the issues through proper communication before it escalates. Libra moon signs need time to gather the courage for confrontation and to clear the air.

Score: 6 out of 10

Overall Recommendations

Aries Moon and Libra Moon’s relationship is never dull. Aries the impulsiveness of Mars and Libra, the beauty of Libra would make an interesting combination, if they spend quality time to understand each other’s traits and space out their relationship.

Therefore, a relationship between Aries Moon Sign & Libra Moon Sign will work well and is recommended.

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