Sex & Astrology: Influence of Moon & Other Planets on Your Moon Sign

Sex & Astrology: Influence of Moon & Other Planets on Your Moon Sign


The Science behind Vedic Astrology is vast, and it not just covers Humans but the entire Universe in it. Astrology has the depth and knowledge to study any aspect of human life and give due predictions for the same. The blessing of creation has been bestowed upon every life present on this Earth and is something every one of us should be proud of.

Humans are the most evolved among all the species in this Universe, and so are their urges and feelings. As per Astrology, our birth chart is the mirror of our lives, and can see through almost every aspect of our lives and know which areas of our life are balanced, and which are unbalanced.

Whether you would be loyal in life with your partner or love to explore, can be predicted through the birth horoscope. Your sexual behavior and temperament in matters related to it is connected to the Moon sign you belong to. Like for example, the planets Mars and Venus play a very important role in the sex life of a person. Your sexual urges, and the kind of lovemaking you prefer, are already there in your birth chart, and are manifested in different ways as different planets transit throughout and wherever they are placed.

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Moon’s influence on Sex through the planets

The Moon rules the zodiac sign Cancer, and wherever and whenever the Moon would be placed, it would be an influential section in your life. Majorly, your sex life is predicted by the 8th house from where the Moon is placed in your Horoscope. This would denote what kind of a sexual life you would have, depending on the planets that rule those signs as well. Apart from this, the 12 houses from the Moon’s placement denote the happiness quotient that can be derived for you out of sex and lovemaking.

Placement of Benefic Planets from the 8th house of Moon’s placement

If the 8th house from the house where the Moon is placed in your birth chart and has the auspicious and benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Mercury, you can expect that your sexual desires would not be out of control or derogatory. Overall, you would have different results varying on the three planets and the results they give; but nonetheless, it would not be abusive or degrading.

  • If the 8th house had the placement of Jupiter, you would be a traditional sex doer. You would not be fond of casual sex or love making which arises out of affection or love and you would never abuse the act of sex. You would only have sex for the basic need of forming a family, i.e., giving birth to a baby, and also believe that it is the only reason why one should have sex. Your inner urges are very calm and you would generally have no sexual urges in particular, and would be very honest in your ways. You would, therefore, handle your partner very well, without harming them or being abusive during sex. Read more
  • If the 8th house has the placement of Venus, the sex that you would have with your partner would be aesthetic, fulfilling and very dreamy. You would be a lover of sex and the beauty in it, so you never do it just for the sake of doing it. You would be a fan of lovemaking, and prefer the place where you make love looks the best, fresh and to have a romantic feel. You would give your partner special gifts on special occasions, and adorn the place with aromatic candles, flowers and spread a calming fragrance to uplift your moods. Overall, the sex you would have will delight your partner and let them believe in the depth and love that lovemaking has, as it would all be dreamy and romantic. Read more
  • If the 8th house has the placement of Mercury, you would be interested in playful sex. You would enjoy sex as well as foreplay, and let your partner take part in the game along with you. You would make sure that your partner too enjoys sex to the fullest and takes it as a game that has two players, with equal talents and equal opportunities. You would love to explore new ideas in sex, and would make the entire experience one that your partner looks forward to. Overall, you would have a playful, interesting and fulfilling session of lovemaking every time. Read more

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Placement of Benefic Planets from the 12th house of Moon’s placement

If the planets Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are placed in the 12th house from the Moon, they would give good results in sex. There would be pleasures involved and sex would not be deemed as a mandatory task that needs to be done and would be something that brings happiness to your partner.

  • When the 12th house has the placement of Jupiter, you would take part in traditional sex with your partner, but this time you would gain the trust and assurance of your partner and promise them to never hurt them, and fulfill all of their wishes. Read More
  • When the 12th house has the placement of Mercury, it would give you communication during playful sex. As such, you would love to interact with your partner while lovemaking. Read More
  • If Venus is placed in the 12th house from the Moon, you would shower your partner with beautiful gifts like flowers, aromas, fragrances, or even jewelry at times, to show the love you have for them, and that lovemaking matters a lot to you, and so it should be beautiful in every way. Read More

Placement of Malefic Planets from the 8th house of Moon’s placement

The planets that are regarded for their malefic results when it comes to sex and lovemaking are Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. These planets do not give pleasurable results when it comes to sex and lovemaking, and you should know about them in detail.

  • If the 8th house from the Moon has Mars placed in a good position, it would not harm your sexual life and would always make you enthusiastic for sex; thus, overall it would not be bad. If the placement is bad, you would go for forced sex on your partners, or could also fall prey to sexually harass someone, to the extent of harming them with rape.
  • If the 8th house from the Moon has Saturn, you would have sex just for the sake of child bearing. It would turn out to be a boring affair for your partner, as they would never be satisfied and never get the chance to experience the beauty of lovemaking. Thus, the sexual desires would be dissatisfied between the partners, and with time it would get more and more uninteresting, leading to no interest further on.
  • With the placement of Rahu in the 8th house from the Moon, you would be thirsty for sex all the time, and would love to have sex excessively, much more than normal. If your partner is able to cope up with you, it would be managed, but if not, you would be dissatisfied all the time and would look out for options other than your partner to have sex with. This would lead to you being disloyal to your partner. This would create problems until you and the person other than your partner are able to hide it from your respective partners.
  • If the planet Ketu is placed in the 8th house from the Moon, the sex would be very dry, and you would have a very religious and spiritual bend of mind. You would believe in the thought that you should leave the worldly pleasures, along with physical pleasures and sacrifice it all. You would also not be attracted sexually to the opposite sex nor will have any sexual urges to fulfill. Your partner would be very dissatisfied, which would lead you both to have frequent quarrels and dissatisfaction.

Placement of Malefic Planets from the 12th house of Moon’s placement

  • When placed in the 12th house from the Moon, you would sexually abuse your partner and try to dominate them in bed. You would not care about bed pleasure and would love to have forced and hard sex, which might hurt your partner emotionally, physically and mentally. You would try your best to make your partner your slave while having sex.
  • If Saturn is placed in the 12th house from the Moon, you would absolutely have no interest in sex, and you would never take the first step to have sex with your partner. You would only do it for the sake of your partner and would not know the real essence of bed pleasures. This would make your partner’s sexual urges miserable.
  • If Rahu is placed in the 12th house from the Moon, you would not be satisfied even after having sex with multiple partners. You would be in a quest for physical fulfillment, which would be very hard to satiate, even after having sex with many partners, apart from your one partner.
  • If the planet Ketu is placed in the 12th house from the Moon, you would have absolutely no attachment in having bed pleasures and sex with your partner. It would detach you from sex and diminish your sexual urges to zero. This would, thus, mean that your partner would not be satisfied and would have to either look out outside for pleasure, or drift apart from you.

However, it further depends on your moon sign how you would react in such a way during sex. If the malefic planets are placed well, there are chances that you would not have an appropriate reaction with your partners during sex.


Natal Moon Report

Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more

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