Venus in eighth house brings suddenness in your life, makes you a secretive lover. A positive Venus in this house makes you committed to your spouse, fills your life with romance & immense love. Vipreet Raj Yoga can form with Venus in this house, which makes you rich, prosperous, knowledgeable, & blissful.
Venus in 8th house brings suddenness in your life. It shows a union or marriage and, this house specifically, shows how your in-laws will be, their traits and nature. This position will make you a secretive lover. You might meet the person at a social gathering and maintain a warm relationship but will be hesitant to reveal it in front of society. You will maintain the affair in secret.
As 8th house is the house of secrecy, hidden thoughts and beliefs, you will hold your secrets and this will also drive your assets and convenience. You will neither like nor be comfortable revealing too much to the world.
Your spouse will be committed to you but will not forgive you for any mistake. However, he or she will take extra care of your likes and dislikes; at the same time, will control all your assets and will take an interest in your finances. Your spouse would maintain a balance between saving and expense; and would wish to know about each expense on your part. Your joint assets will flourish after marriage.
You will be interested in occult sciences and will have healing powers, although you will not declare it to the world. If Venus is well placed, it will make you a ‘white healer’ who heals humanity for harmony and peace. If otherwise, it will make you interested in black magic and tantrism.
If you go against social norms and have multiple affairs, then you actually destroy the glitter and power of Venus. Venus is pure love and romance. If you exploit this energy by extra marital and other illegal relationships, then it will create repercussions in your life. Your speech will become blunt and rude, which will not be liked by people.
An 8th house Venus gives you the peculiar trait of blaming your spouse or life partner for the very same things that you do. It is, maybe, due to the deep psychological insight into one’s own behaviour that triggers such, usually untrue, allegations.
This Venus position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Venus's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
A positive Venus in the 8th house will make you maintain secrecy to the core, be it personal or professional. You will be committed to your spouse and your life will be filled with romance and immense love. Your family will support in financial growth and progress. Your speech will be attractive and soothing; this will help in influencing others, especially in the professional front.
A negative Venus in the 9th house will make you irresponsible and lazy. You will face a lot of heartbreaks and disappointment in your love life and will not be able to keep up the commitment. Your speech will be harsh and upfront, which will not be appreciated by others. You will not be able to enjoy the taste of life.
Retrogression of Venus in the 8th house will make you spend on whim and get into extra marital affairs. When it comes to relationship, there will be breakups, especially in airy and fiery signs, where it will create disharmony in the relationship.
Combustion of Venus in 8th house will not allow you to be attracted to the opposite sex. It will create humiliating situations and a sense of unworthiness towards oneself. You will not be able to attract wealth and prosperity; and will be cheated in business. You will get involved in wrong deeds and break social norms.
The good placement of Venus is one of the most recurring events in the chart of successful people. Venus is usually judged for business acumen, character of a person, luxury, opulence and comforts in your life and the practical sense of living your life. more
Jupiter in second house impacts your knowledge, the way you influence people, your family & wealth. A positive Jupiter blesses you with an attractive speech, skills to earn money & excellent money management. Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter in the 2nd house is at the first, fourth, seventh or tenth place from the Moon, making you prosper in life and extremely wealthy.
Read MoreJupiter in third house blesses you with the power of communication skills, makes you mentally robust, gives you strong inclination towards acquiring knowledge, & makes you explore places. Vasumati Yoga can form with Jupiter in the 3rd house, which makes you independent and prosper in life.
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