How to make an Aquarius fall in love

Aquarius natives are silent observers. They have an eye for detail. Your activity, action, words and gestures will be imprinted on their mind and memory. Saturn rules Aquarius sign, which is why the Aquarius natives take their own time to open up with people.

How to make an Aquarius fall in love


Aquarius is probably one of the most difficult yet simple sign. It is difficult to understand an Aquarius just like their character. Eccentricity is what one must keep in mind while talking to an Aquarian. They love to be impartial. They work for humanity and that too in a big way. However, the natives of Aquarius sign are rebellious by nature. They are against the herd mentality. Unconventional, unorthodox, unusual is their way of handling things and situations.

Friendship and the natural chemistry are essential for them. Not everyone can gel with an Aquarian. It is a sign of deep connection but Aquarius natives love to stay aloof and independent. Boundaries or restrictions are not meant for them.

An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.

Their official motto is ‘live and let live’. Superficial beauty doesn’t impress them. The essence of body, mind, and soul with originality is their way of life. They need their own time and space in relationships. Although they take their own time to form a connecting with people, but once they are in harmony, they will stay loyal and faithful.

Let us find out ways to impress or attract an Aquarian

  1. Stay Eccentric, strange or mysterious

Aquarius natives love to solve mysteries and they try to find deep meanings. They are more often interested into something, which is difficult to understand.

Easy and simple things or people do not attract them. Give an Aquarian some basic information about you in bits and pieces and leave more for him/her to find out. Unless and until your persona is a puzzle for them, they will not try to understand you more. Also, you need to stand out of the crowd to be in their good books. Bring your unconventional approach out of box and remain a mystery.

  1. Be intelligent in real

People belonging to Aquarius sign are very intelligent and hence they love talking on serious topics. You need to have a good general knowledge, a deep understanding, and a logical approach to carry out a healthy discussion with an Aquarius native. If you cannot make your own opinion based on your logic then they won’t even look at you. For them nothing is weird or gross as long as it is a unique and an original idea. If you want to impress an Aquarius native, then stay original and unique in your own way and never follow someone else’s path.

  1. Be creative but respectful

Being an airy sign, creativity is what runs in Aquarian’s blood. The unproductive people do not at all impress them at all.

The natives of Aquarius sign not only read your mind and thoughts but also match them with your actions. If you are creative or unique, unconventional or weird they won’t mind it. In fact more the unconventional you are, the more they will be interested in you. Aquarius natives never judge and never like to be judged. Wear the ripped jeans or get that tongue piercing done if you love it.

Aquarius will never question you. If you are witty enough to carry sarcasm in a positive manner, it is attractive to them. However, one should keep in mind that cracking jokes on some other person’s financial condition will not be welcomed at all. The natives of Aquarius sign never like demeaning anyone and they love treating everyone with equality and respect in general.

  1. Be a friend first

Aquarius natives never go fast in relationship matters and if you will move too fast, they will ignore you at very first instant. For them, relationship builds on a strong pillar of mutual understanding and chemistry. If they find out that you are trying too hard to get them, they will lose interest in you. Take small steps towards them and let the friendship grow first. They are one of the most patient people so desperate people are definitely out of their league. They value connection and companionship so live the moments with them naturally without having any particular objective in mind.

  1. Do not be too emotional

Aquarius people are very generous with everyone, however they are not so empathetic. It is slightly difficult for them to handle emotions, which is why they may sound rude to most people. Aquarius build deep connections but they experience emotional detachment at times. Their decisions are largely logical, not emotional. If you are looking for a shoulder to cry, then Aquarius people are certainly not meant for you.

  1. Be independent & give them their own time and space

Aquarius lovers are most compatible with people who are stable and independent. For them independence is very crucial. They will have their own individual life and would want you to have one of your own. They run away from clingy and over possessive people. Personal freedom is most important to them. The natives of Aquarius sign value equality and follow ‘live and let live’ principle. They do not have possessive attitude and they are one of the most open-minded people of the zodiac. If you are not confident and have some insecurities in relationships, then do not approach an Aquarian. They do not control others life and expect the same from others.

