Is Law or the Legal Profession, the right career choice for Libra moon sign?

This article maps the personality traits and planetary combinations of Libra Moon Sign with the combinations and Yogas written in the Vedic scriptures that hold the key to becoming a successful lawyer. Do you have the makings of a successful lawyer? Find out.

Is Law or the Legal Profession, the right career choice for Libra moon sign?


India is a vast country and has a lot of scope for aspiring law students. With good Law colleges at national and state university level, each year many students take admission to pursue L.L.B. However, not everyone becomes a successful lawyer. Many students appear for judiciary exams as well, since they are fascinated with the benefits and respect that comes along with this profession. Everyone sure works hard, but only few achieve success, depending upon not just their hard work and efforts but also due to the favour of luck.

There is no dearth of good lawyers and legal advisors in India and there is no lack of fresh demand for these professionals either. In a country where legal and law professionals are required to mitigate disputes in the areas ranging from family, marriage, property to business contracts and deeds, one can explore a rather exciting and lucrative career in the legal sector.

What makes Libra moon sign natives to be good lawyers?

As a Libra moon sign native, scales symbolize you, representing balance. Career astrology plays a vital role as planetary combinations in your birth chart tell us about your caliber to become a successful lawyer. You are born to do well in a legal profession.


Traits of Libra to be a successful Lawyer:

  • You are defined by the need for balance and peace, as is required in the courtroom proceedings
  • You are perspective oriented, which makes you impartial towards different viewpoints
  • You have an aura of a distinctive charisma, which helps people to have trust on you.
  • You are detail oriented which makes you excellent at research and analytical skills
  • You have the gift of gab and therefore you are able to effectively and smartly communicate with others
  • Your nature is diplomatic and tactful, which is much required for being a successful lawyer
  • You are bestowed with confidence and great interpersonal skills, necessary for public speaking and presentational skill as a lawyer.

All these traits compliment your career choice as a lawyer. However, you need to understand what a lawyer’s profession actually entails.


What does a Lawyer do?

  • A Lawyer advises or represents individuals, businesses, and government agencies on legal issues and disputes.
  • They advise people on private legal matters, as well.
  • They need to prepare and file legal documents, such as lawsuits, appeals, wills, contracts, and deeds.

However, even if you meet most of these criteria you may not be able to gain much success in this field. Why? Because you may not be favored by your stars. Read below to find out the placement of your stars and whether or not you have it in you to become successful in the legal world.

Career Astrology for Libra Moon sign Natives

Which houses in astrology play the key role in making a successful lawyer?

The role of ascendant, 2nd, 6th, 9th, and 10th house in the making of a good lawyer:

  • The 6th house is the house of litigation.
  • The 9th house indicates justice and the
  • The 2nd house denotes strong and influential speech.

Therefore, the strength and relationship between these three houses and their lords is directly proportional to the success of a lawyer.

Which astrological planets are involved for being a successful Lawyer?

Ascendant and its lord are critical to identify your inherent characteristic.

  • For Libra, Venus is the lord of 1st and 8th Its placement in your natal chart gives you average results related to self.
  • But, if the same Venus is placed in your 6th house in Pisces sign, it gets exalted and thus, magnifies all the essential qualities that is needed to become a successful lawyer.
  • As 9th house indicates justice, you need its strength to possess a natural ability to be just and fair.
  • In case of Libra ascendants, the 9th house is occupied by Mercury, which gives you a natural inclination towards matters of law and litigation.
  • For the 2nd house, the strength of its lord determines if you can earn well through your professionas a lawyer.
  • In case of Libra, Mars is the lord of the 2nd house and this placement primarily indicates flow of positive energies to ensure financial stability.
  • However, the native might have to work a little hard.
  • Mars also retains the lordship of the 7th house of the Libra native.
  • If Mars, as the lord of 2nd and 7th house of Libra moon sign, makes any connection with Jupiter in the 2nd or 10th house, it gives the native the ability to make wise decisions to align well with the court proceedings.
  • Besides, checking the strength of your 10th houseis also important, because it depicts your career or profession and thus, helps you gauge if you have made the right choice.
  • For Libra ascendant, Moon is the lord of the 10th house of career and by virtue of its nature, it strongly influences the native’s ability to be quick and effective in decision-making.
  • If the Moon in the natal chart of the Libra ascendant, is placed in the 6th house, it enhances the argumentative capabilities of the person and gives them a clear perspective, to efficaciously take on the proceedings of the court.
  • If 10th house has the placement of Mars and Jupiter and aspect from Saturn, it indicates your success as a lawyer.
  • If Saturn or Jupiter is well placed in the 10th house or Mercury is in the 2nd house, the native will make a good career in the legal sector and it will yield good income benefits for them as well.

Which are the best Astrological Planetary Combinations for making of a successful lawyer?

The illustration of Saturn’s placement and power is fundamental in assessing your career growth as a lawyer.

Saturn is considered as the planet of law. It is the Karaka for justice and righteousness. Having a strong and well-placed Saturn in the birth chart signifies a reasonably good career, in the realm of law. However, Saturn alone cannot make you a successful lawyer. You also need the blessings of Sun to make your mark as an effective lawyer, as the Sun denotes authority, status, and high rank positions.

  • In case of Libra ascendant, Saturn is the lord of the 4th and 5th house and aspects the 10th house of career.
  • If the same is placed in your 10th house, it gives you the fruits for your labor and hard work by becoming ‘karamphal data’.
  • If Saturn is placed in your 3rd house and aspects your 9th house with Venus (as the 8th house lord) occupying it, it makes for a great Yoga for criminal lawyers.
  • Sun occupies the 11th house of a Libra native.
  • If it is placed in your 10th house, it will give you high rank in government sector. With this placement, you can even become a Judge of high repute.
  • If Sun is placed in your 2nd house it ensures you good income gains from the legal profession.
  • The placement of Sun and Saturn should be thoroughly analyzed to determine if you would have a stable and flourishing career in the field of law.

What role does Rahu and Mercury play in making of a good lawyer?

While Mercury influences the native’s speech and aspects of verbal communication, Rahu denotes illusion and diplomacy. A positive connect between Mercury and Rahu makes the Libra ascendant a clever speaker. They are bestowed with argumentative and politically correct speech, which is a prerequisite for a successful lawyer.

If the 2nd house lord, Mercury and Rahu are connected with your 6th and 10th house, and there is some association between your 6th and 10th house, the Libra native in all possibility will become a successful litigation lawyer.


Beside the court proceedings, legal and law professionals are required in the corporates as well. The scope of work has expanded with time and technology and has given rise to newer roles in the field of law and litigation. Beyond the domestic boundaries, there is a huge demand for legal and law professionals, globally as well. So, if you are somebody who is eager to make a mark in the legal territory, you must understand what can make you succeed.

For an in-depth and more accurate personal career analysis, you can register here for your custom-made birth chart analysis report.

