The Importance of Guiding Your Child in Choosing The Right Career

This article discusses the five key principles or the sutras as we call in Vedic astrology by which one can decide the best career choices for the child.

The Importance of Guiding Your Child in Choosing The Right Career

In this era of stiff competition, selecting a decent career path has become very important for every individual. Added to this, the job industry is witnessing the development of a number of new career fields coming up, thus providing us with plenty of career choices. With a myriad of options to choose from, it is not easy to suddenly wake up one day and decide on a career to finally settle down for.  

Choosing the right career option

One must also remember that settling down and focusing on one career must be confusing and overwhelming at the same time. One must thereby follow a foolproof systematic guidance, so that it is easier for the student to finally plan for his/her career effectively and work towards realizing their goals at the right time. As Abraham Lincoln had rightly said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Vedic Astrology as a Guidance

Keeping his noble thought in mind, we can duly take the help of astrology while choosing the best career guidance opportunity for our children. Through Vedic Astrology, your child’s birth chart can be observed precisely and every single minute detail can be keenly studied so that the right guidance is given. The child’s personality traits, and how these characteristics will influence their education and career, will be given due emphasis. Apart from this, the child’s personality, nature, development pattern, strengths, weaknesses, and potential, will also assist the astrologer to predict and analyze where the child’s inclination is, and which area or field would let him deliver his best, and thus reap maximum benefit.

Every Child is Unique with unique interests

Every child is unique; with a different personality, and born under a different Nakshatra and Charan, as believed by Vedic Astrology. For every child, knowing his right career option, or judging which career will be prosperous for him, can be known and decided upon these five essentials that we have specifically decoded for you. No matter where you are, or which part of the globe you belong, these 5 principles, will definitely be your guide and help you and your child settle down with the best choice of career. So, without further ado, let us get down to business.

1 - Analyzing the Moon sign and the Ascendant:

The first study is done based on the Moon Sign of the child’s birth chart. Vedic Astrology lays special emphasis on the moon sign of every individual, as the moon is regarded as the most influential planet since it influences our emotions, temperament, and behavior. The Ascendant of an individual is considered to be their awakening consciousness and it is based on the rising Sun, and henceforth exerts an influence on the horoscope, more powerful than the Moon and the Sun. So based on the Moon sign or the Ascendant of your child, or both, you can very well assess what career would be best suited for him/her as getting to choose from a specific wide range would guide you in the right way and help you know what would be best for them, as per their own interests!

Enlisted below are the career options your child can choose, as per the moon sign of your child or the Ascendant Zodiac sign in his Horoscope. If you still are not aware of what the moon sign of your child is, or want to know how to find out their Ascendant sign, we have you covered.

Now that you know what is required in order to decide on a career choice for your child, read on to find out what would be the best bet for your valuable progeny!

  • Aries as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Mars is the Lord of the Aries moon sign, and it insists that the child’s interests are directed towards technical fields of varied backgrounds. This further suggest that he/she would excel in the fields of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, real estate business, construction business, marketing and sales, business administration, businesses of hotels and restaurants, armed forces or defense forces, police, and so on. They could also excel as a sportsperson or be an enthusiast for adventure sports.
  • Taurus as Moon Sign or Ascendant : If your child is born under the Taurus moon sign, be assured that he/she would have a creative bend of mind, as the Lord is Venus. Excellence in studies related to the arts, media, fashion, and jobs in related fields seem to be fruitful for them. Who knows your child could be the next big action hero or win the Grammy for the best vocalist? Naturally blessed with creativity, their options are many. Apart from this, they could also very well score high in the hotel and restaurant business or jobs in this sector, and do very well in business, which are generally women-centric; like lingerie, cosmetics, perfumes, boutiques, jewelry, or even women’s goods like clothes and shoes.
  • Gemini as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Mercury being the Lord of Gemini means that your child is bound to excel in the domains that require analytical skills and they would have a sound mathematical ability. This would mean that excellence in the fields of any profession related to commission or consultancy would be beneficial. Even the construction business or contracts could be good for them. Your child can opt for an accountancy or the related, like C.A., C.S., Brokerage, Share market, trade, and advisory.
  • Cancer as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Since the Lord of Cancer is the Moon, your child will be successful in businesses that revolve around different spheres, thus allowing them to choose from a wide range of options. He/she could represent businesses that produce or deal with milk and dairy products, would get handsome returns if they invest in speculative acts; like the stock market and businesses related to that, liquid or water related business, like mineral water supply and production, soft drinks, and so on.
  • Leo as Moon Sign or Ascendant : A Leo Ascendant or moon sign bearer would definitely possess authority and leadership qualities, necessary to excel in related fields, as its Lord is the Sun. She/he would show his real brightness when they join a career or profession in the authority department, an even get a Government job, excel in agriculture business and jobs, clerical jobs, administrative jobs, jobs of higher authority in any organization, and do very well in sports as well. They could also be a sportsperson or excel in adventure sports with your guidance and support as the only extra add-on needed to let them shine in a shining armor.
  • Virgo as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Mercury being the Lord of Virgo, it would mean that excellence in the fields of any profession related to commission or consultancy would be beneficial for your child. They are also bound to excel in the domains, which require analytical skills and would mean that they have a sound mathematical ability. Your child can opt for an accountancy or the related, like C.A., C.S., Brokerage, Share market, trade, and advisory.
  • Libra as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Naturally blessed with creativity, the Libra has many options, as there is ‘Venus’. They could score high in the hotel and restaurant business or jobs in this sector, and do very well in business, which are generally women-centric; like lingerie, cosmetics, perfumes, boutiques, jewelry, or even women’s goods like clothes and shoes. The fields of interior designing, architecture, animation, vfx, etc. also would be a viable option.
  • Scorpio as Moon Sign or Ascendant : This further suggest that he/she would excel in the fields of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, real estate business, construction business, marketing and sales, business administration, businesses of hotels and restaurants, armed forces or defense forces, police, and so on. They could also set up a business dealing with machinery goods, construction materials, and have the ability to be a good sportsperson.
  • Sagittarius as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Jupiter insists that the child born with it as Lord, i.e., in the Sagittarius moon sign, would have high chances of procuring an administrative job, a clerical job, any religious job or service, work in a religious environment, work in the teaching department, or own a teaching/coaching institute, or work in related fields. They also have chances of earning well from interest-based incomes.
  • Capricorn as Moon Sign or Ascendant : The Capricorns have Saturn as the Lord and they would succeed if they specialize in the departments of all the branches of engineering, medical and dental, aviation, i.e., become a pilot or air host, hold a degree in agriculture, and work in the same sector. Apart from this, they would also show their best traits in the law and justice department, judiciary field, and related jobs, work in iron or gas companies, or even own similar company, or work for the railway departments.
  • Aquarius as Moon Sign or Ascendant : When the Lord of the 10th house is Saturn, it would mean that your child would excel in fields, which test his/her prowess in technicality. Therefore, they would succeed if they specialize in the departments of all the branches of engineering, medical and dental, aviation, hospitality, hold a degree in agriculture and work in the same sector. Apart from this, they would also show their best traits in the law and justice department, judiciary field, and related jobs, work in iron or gas companies, or even own similar company, get rental income, or work for the railway departments.
  • Pisces as Moon Sign or Ascendant : Born under the Pisces sign, the Lord is Jupiter and your child would have high chances of procuring an administrative job, a clerical job, any religious job or service, work in a religious environment, work in the teaching department, or own a teaching/coaching institute, or work in related fields. Having so many options in your platter will definitely satiate your inner needs and let you hope for the best!

2- Analyzing the 10th House – The house of ‘Career’

The second study is done based on the 10th house of the child’s birth chart or horoscope. The planet sitting on the 10th house and its Lord, duly decide what kind of a career choice would be beneficial for the child so that he is able to be at his highest potential. Known as the house of career, this house signifies the opportunities the individual has in his professional life, and its Lord further adds more light to this signification, so that the interpretation is worthy of success. By studying the traits of the 10th house, an astrologer can very well suggest what kind of career options could be viable for your child, so that he/she follows a path of success and prosperity.

3- Analyzing the 1st and 5th House of the Horoscope

The third technique, according to Vedic Astrology, is by studying the 1st and 5th house specifically, will let an astrologer identify the strength and nature of potential inherited in the horoscope of the birth chart. The ascendants and the Lords of these two houses will greatly signify and influence what kind of career he/she would be interested in, and what would he/she likely choose in future as their definite ultimate. Studying your child’s nature, attitude and personality, coupled with these houses’ indications, an astrologer can very well suggest some of the best options you child can move forward with.

4- Studying the D10 Chart in the Horoscope

The fourth practice followed in Vedic Astrology, is using the D 10 Chart. Anyone interested in Vedic Astrology, knows its essence, and astrologers use the ascendant   Lord of the 10th house of the D 1o chart as a symbol to decode the various career options a child could take up in future, or be interested in. For e.g., if the ascendant Lord of the D 10 chart is Mercury, then your child will be inclined towards the professional fields wherein Mercury dominates. For finding out more, which Lord dominates which profession; you can refer to the first point, where it is discussed in detail.

5 - Studying the 6th and 10th House of the Horoscope

The last and fifth procedure experts follow in Vedic Astrology is by studying the traits and placements of the Lords of the 6th and 10th houses. The placement of the Lord in these houses ascertains the auspicious characteristics of the Lord, and thus gives divine blessings to excel in the related fields. Studying them would help an astrologer give you the right direction to understand what kind of career options would help your child get a career boost and walk towards success!

Now that you have the guide to your child’s future career, why wait? Explore, discover, and then once decided; get ready to be called the proud parents of a successful child, aiming for the stars, and being grounded at the same time with a settled profession. Happy Parenting!!
