Calculating Career In Accounting With Astrology!

Do you you have the suitable planetary combinations in your horoscope to be a successful accountant? Let's find out what does your ascendant says about a career in accounting.

Calculating Career In Accounting With Astrology!


Accounting is an integral part of every sector, every industry existing on the face of the earth be it Private, Government or Non-Profit in nature. Not just it is a fetching field of career but it also required a high level of patience ND SKILLS TO be able to handle such huge responsibility of the company’s finance. With a recent extension of all sorts of business in the digital platform has increased the expenses and profits of any company to the next level hence there is a rapid growth in the number of the requirement of people in profiles related to accounting in the market. But the question is whether the formula of accounting equals your interest in it? Or are you confused about it as to if you will be able to keep yourself motivated in the same field forever? Well, in Vedic Astrology, it is easy to check out whether or not account and you are directly proportional to each other or not.

Since it a known fact that accounting primarily is based on calculation therefore when it comes to considering accounting as a career prospect, the planet Mercury plays a crucial role in taking the decision. Mercury as a planet supports Mathematical skills such as calculation and computation, account maintenance, auditing, and other accounting related skills. Those natives who have a strong Mercury in their natal charts or Mercury has a strong relationship with the Tenth House (House of Profession) then such people have a strong connection to the profiles related to calculations such as Chartered accountant, cashier, Audit Manager, Tax Manager, and many others.

Therefore, the placement of Mercury requires to be thoroughly analyzed for those who are looking forward to trail acting as their career so as to make sure if it will be prolific to put in their endeavor in the industry or not.

Jupiter bestows the native with the ability of attentiveness, concentration and strong Focus. The relationship between Mercury and Saturn also has a huge role-play for those who want to pursue a career in accounting as the combination of these planets helps the native to have a strong inclination towards raising revenue and saving taxes. Such people work more towards protecting their taxes while fully concentrating on generating a high quantity of revenue.

There are few ascendants that have their expertise in the field of accounting and are riding the tide of success and recognition in the respective field.

Here, in this article, we will discuss the Career in Accounting in connection with the ascendant. Just in case, if you have any reservation or are unacquainted with your ‘Ascendant’ then don’t worry. Just click here and instantaneously get to know your ascendant and then further advance forward to know if Accounting is your cup of tea or not!

  1. Taurus

In connection to the Taurus Ascendant, Mercury is the Lord of the Second House (House of Wealth) and the Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, and Gains). On the off chance for Taurus that Mercury and Saturn share a good relationship with the tenth House (House of Career) then success and stability in accounting career go hand in hand for the native and the job remain on the beneficial terms with the native.

  1. Gemini

For the Gemini Ascendant, Mercury rules over the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character) and the Fourth House (Family Relationship and Property Matters). In the event that Mercury and Jupiter are placed in the Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, and Gains) or the Tenth House (House of career or Profession) or have conjunctions in the respective houses then it remains advantageous from the career perspective for the native, especially for accounting profile.

  1. Virgo

As per the Virgo ascendant, Mercury is the Lord of the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character) and the Tenth House (House of Career). On the assumption that Mercury and Saturn are placed in the First House or the Tenth House or have conjunction in the afore-mentioned houses then success in career is guaranteed and the native may serve in the field of accounting.

  1. Sagittarius

According to the Sagittarius Ascendant, Mercury as the Lord rules over the Seventh House (House of Business) and the Tenth House (House of Career or Profession). On the understanding that Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are strongly placed or have conjunctions in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), or the Seventh House (House of Business), or the Tenth House (House of Career or Profession) then this makes up for a Great Yoga for success in the accounting career.

  1. Aquarius

For the Aquarius Ascendant, Mercury happens to be the Lord of the Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or Education, and Gains) and the Eighth House (House of Unexpected Gains). Assuming that Mercury and Saturn are strongly placed in the First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), or the Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or Education, and Gains), or the Tenth House (House of Career or Profession) then the native surf high on the tide of success in the field of accounting.

Apart from the Ascendant Lord, the Lord of the tenth House, Fifth House, Ninth House, and the Second House should also remain STRONG as it allows the native to be able to work and also is bestowed with the gift of attaining higher studies. This in return will award the native with the gifts of name fame, popularity respect, and recognition.

In order to have a strong inclination towards the accounting profile, one must also look for a strong and healthy connection and the relationship between Mercury, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter.

Apart from the placement and conjunction of Mercury, there are other planetary placements and conjunctions that are needed to be brought into consideration to know the exact level of inclination of the native toward the field of accounting. And in order to be able to do so, one needs to get their horoscope or Kundali deeply analyzed by an expert astrologer.

