Transit of Mercury for Capricorn moon sign

Transit of Mercury for Capricorn moon sign


For Capricorn moon sign natives, Mercury is the lord of 6th and 9th house. Thus, focus on service, luck and relationship with seniors will be greater, at this time.

Mercury is, in fact, exalted when in 9th house and thus, the themes related to this house will manifest more profoundly on the lives of Capricorn moon sign natives.

You will derive support from seniors and favors of luck to get promotion and appreciation at work, during this time. Challenges are visible in your daily routine, as displayed by the presence of Mercury in your 6th house, but you will be able to manage them well with your wisdom and tact.

In various phases of Mercury, including exaltation and debilitation, opportunities and challenges will be presented to the natives. It would be up to you to utilize these periods for your growth and betterment and never losing the faith and courage to fight the odds.

Power and position is both signified by Mercury’s transit for Capricorn, but efforts will need to be meticulous and sincere to derive effective results. For students, prospects of higher education are bright and success in academics is ensured, at this time.

Capricorn professionals, especially those with skills or experience in language, programming or software related fields can look forward to a superlative period, during Mercury’s transit in its various houses.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 1st House of Capricorn: On January 13, 2020

When in the ascendant/lagna house of Capricorn moon sign, Mercury bestows the native with enhanced intellect, wisdom and acumen. These traits will help you in giving a new direction to your professional life. Sudden transfers, in job, or relocation is indicated, in this phase, so, you need to be prepared for such changes, on the professional front. For business professionals, guidance and support of work associates or business partners will be critical in taking your venture ahead. This will be the period to upgrade and upskill to new technologies and tools, significant to your workplace, in order to get recognition and rewards, at workplace. However, you must keep your expectations low, during this time, as the outcomes, at this time, will not be as desired.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 2nd House of Capricorn: On January 31, 2020

Moving in your 2nd house in Aquarius sign, Mercury will get you the support of your colleagues in attaining success at work. Your professional network will expand during this time and you will strike some long-term and fruitful friendships with some of these people. Research and wholesale business related work fields will offer you good professional gains, at this time. Some stress can be witnessed in daily responsibilities – whether professional or household. Challenges will be there in routine life, but nothing will of the intensity that will not be handled by wisdom and diplomatic approach. Support of seniors and colleagues will be helpful in finalizing important deals. This period will be good for starting a new job or if it is your first job. You must keep positive approach towards life, in this time, as negative outlook will prove detrimental for personal and professional growth.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 3rd House of Capricorn: On April 07, 2020

The transit of Mercury in your 3rd house, in Pisces sign, is going to bring about some challenges in professional life. Since, Mercury is debilitated in this position, a check on communication and dated skills is required to uphold the current professional status. New initiatives and changes should be avoided, during this time. Concentrate on acquiring new skill sets and upgrading your knowledge for better success rate, during this time. Follow the suggestions of your seniors and avoid taking impulsive decisions, at this time, otherwise you may incur loses. Trust your siblings to show the right path, when stuck in a complex situation. All sorts of communication must be thorough, so to ensure that no ambiguity is there on the part of recipient, and therefore, no scope for confusions and misinterpretation of message.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 4th House of Capricorn: On April 25, 2020

Mercury’s transit in the 4th house of Capricorn will be in Aries sign. During this time, the natives will actively participate in career related activities and take the essential steps for growth and development of their profession. You will have good decision making abilities, at this time, and will be able to effectively decide your current and future course of action. Due to this skill, you gain well on financial grounds, through the career field, you are currently part of. Incentives, bonus, perks and profitable returns on safe business investments are indicated, at this time. Still, hard work and patience is required to attain and sustain success, in this period. Some new project, which you have been waiting to materialize, for long, will get the necessary approvals and will start rolling on, from this period. Sudden disputes with seniors will prove detrimental for your professional attainments, so try to avoid such instances.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 5th House of Capricorn: On May 09, 2020

Making headway into the 5th house of Capricorn moon sign, Mercury will present the natives with a refined and enhanced creative disposition. Relocation, change of job location could be there, during this time. In most cases, your place of work will be far off from your residence, during this time. Chances of expat work opportunities are high, in this period, which will shift your work base to a foreign location. You will have the favors of luck, during this time and will be equipped with ingenious abilities to impress your seniors. Your uniqueness, intelligence and inventive approach will give you good amount of success, in this period. If you are looking forward to change your job, this period will be highly favorable for you and chances of selection in job interviews are indicated, during this time.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 6th House of Capricorn: On May 25, 2020

Transiting in the 6th house of Capricorn, in Gemini sign, Mercury is going to expand your network work associates. You will make connection with new people, at work and will strike a friendly chord with them. These associations will prove rather beneficial for you, in the long term and will also lead you towards a gainful professional path. You will get to learn new things from these colleagues, which help in charting new heights of success, going forward. Your work environment will be highly supportive, during this time and your business ventures will flourish. Investments or deals made in foreign countries or with foreign clients turn out to be very fruitful for your trade. For working professionals, opportunities in writing, publishing and legal or government related fields will work out pretty well, during this time, giving them name, fame and income gains.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 7th House of Capricorn: On August 02, 2020

Mercury’s transit in your 7th house, in Cancer sign will demand practical approach from you. You will tend to be highly emotional during this time which could hinder the pace of growth in professional life. Thus, it is required to stay real and concrete in your approach. Do not base your professional decisions on emotions, otherwise you may incur loses, during this time. You need to very careful and strict with financial matters, in this period, so as to avoid financial boomerangs. You should not trust anybody in monetary matters, in this period and be very alert and cautious in your transactions. Guidance from seniors will be there to sail you through challenging times, during this transit. You will have gainful projects, in this period, but delays could be there, so you are required to keep patience.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 8th House of Capricorn: On August 17, 2020

The transit of Mercury in the 8th house, in Leo sign will give good professional gains to Capricorn moon sign natives. You will succeed in fields related to tax, research and medicine. Healing related jobs or business will give good gains, in this period. Your finances will be good and income from career will grow steadily, during this time. You must avoid any kind of arguments with your seniors or influential people or government officials, during this time, else financial losses and even mental stress will be there for the natives. Ensure keeping a balanced outlook, to avoid any harmful effects on your health, at this time.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 9th House of Capricorn: On September 02, 2020

Mercury will transit in the 9th house of Capricorn moon sign natives to give enhanced favors of luck. Mercury will be exalted during this time and thus, will bestow you with best possible results in your professional field. You will get the favors from your seniors and will be blessed with windfall gains, during this time, beside the monetary benefits you will get through your professional field. This will be a good time period to get success in career. Chances of selection in new job or in jobs of higher position and authority will be high for the natives, at this time. You must keep watch on your communication patterns, during this time and avoid getting too emotional in the matters of work.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 10th House of Capricorn: On September 22, 2020

Moving into Libra sign, in your 10th house, transiting Mercury is going to enhance your grasping abilities. You will be rather good at multitasking, at this time and will be pretty well skilled in managing the workload. This period will specially be beneficial for those who work in the manufacturing or engineering fields. These areas will give you profitable projects and good financial gains, besides promising recognition and promotion, at work. Hastiness will not be a good idea, during this time. Take calculative risks and small steps towards success, otherwise you may miss out on important information. Lady luck will smile on you, during this period and you will get favors and support of your female colleagues. Thus, you must ensure being respectful towards them, to continue deriving the benefits of this period.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 11th House of Capricorn: On November 28, 2020

While in your 11th house, Mercury will demand greater dedication and commitment towards professional life. Capricorn moon sign natives, must ensure that every tasks is accomplished with honest hard work and complete devotion. In an otherwise challenging period, your diplomatic approach will give you good support of financial gains. Research work and wholesale business will give you more profits, during this time. In all other work or business fields, the natives will face certain challenges. Disputes with boss, seniors and even colleagues, will ensue. Hence, a check on aggression is a must during this time. Try to stay away from argumentative situations, to maintain peace and harmony in work life. Also, loss or delay in finances will be there, during the time of this transit, so manage your savings and investments, effectively.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 12th House of Capricorn: December 17, 2020

Transit of Mercury in your 12th house, in Sagittarius sign, is going to give some workplace challenges to the Capricorn natives in the beginning, but these will manifest in desirable outcomes later in the period. You are required to improvise on your skills to derive greater benefits from this period. Any issues related to tax and associated areas will need to be resolved on priority, else problems could surface, which could make attaining success in professional life a bit difficult. Deals and projects with foreign clients/countries will prove beneficial, during the time of this transit. So, ensure that you grab such opportunities well in time, but sign on the dotted line only after thoroughly analyzing the pros and cons of the agreement.

