Mercury will bestow the Virgo moon sign natives with all the positive energies to lead a happy and blissful life. You will be highly productive as an employee and pretty sharp as an entrepreneur. You will have a keen eye for detail and thus will largely take profitable career decisions. On the personal front, your communication will be to-the-point, precise and clear, which will help you to sort out any misunderstandings then and there, thus avoiding any long term setbacks.
Mercury will be spending around 30 days in each sign, thereby completing its entire zodiac cycle in a year. It will also retrograde quite a few times during this transit and thus you will be required to be more attentive and mindful of events that will happen around you. This will also be a time to relook at your actions and reactions for better understanding of situations with an aim to move ahead with cognizance and poise.
When? 26th August to 11th September 2019
Professionally this will be a good period for you, as Mercury will transit in your 12th house. You will be able to prosper in your professional endeavors, despite adversities because of the positive influence of Mercury on your intelligence and perceptiveness. By making use of your improved analytical sense, you will be able to choose good opportunities to ascend your career. Utilize your business acumen to get new clients and build new connections for successful returns, in this period. Health will be a matter of concern and certain complexities will require extra care and attention.
When? 11th September to 29th September 2019
Transiting in your ascendant house, Mercury will give you positive results in both work and personal life. You will get name, fame, status and financial stability, in this period. Your career will take flight and you will be able to create a niche for yourself in your current role and organizations. Suitable opportunities for expansion will knock your door and the onus will be on you to make the most of these prospects. If you are planning to get married, you will get a supportive and loving spouse and for those who are already married, you will enjoy a blissful married life. Some of you might get attracted to study of occult sciences, in this period.
When? 29th September to 23rd October 2019 & 7th November to 5th December 2019
This transit phase will demand balance in your actions and personality. While you will have a pleasing personality, in this period, certain events will try to unleash your recklessness and there could be instances of sudden emotional outburst which may taint your public image. So, you need to keep a check on such happenings. Your marital relationships will be strong and steady and you will also share good relationship with your children. You will also be religiously inclined, in this period. It is advisable to repay any long due debts, within this period.
When? 23rd October to 7th November 2019 & 5th December to 25th December 2019
You will be highly impulsive when Mercury will move into your 3rd house in Scorpio sign, but this won’t deter your chances of earning well, in this period. You will be able to gain a lot of fame and wealth through an existing foreign connection or by making a global alliance. Health will need a check, however, the repercussions would not be too complicated but it would mostly be on your energy and stress levels. Thus, it is advisable to follow a regular exercise and diet regime to keep healthy and fit.
When? 25th December 2019 to 13th January 2020
This will be largely a harmonious period for both personal and professional life, however, some obstacles will try to hinder the smooth flow of events. The strength of your mind, your wisdom and analytical skills will help you get good career gains, in this period. Some disputes with regard to difference in viewpoints might crop up and that could bring a certain level of anxiety and distress in personal and professional relationships. These issues will not be too complex and you will be able to handle them well by applying your rational and sound thinking.
When? 13th January to 31st January 2020
Your intellect will help you receive good gains from the professional front. Any sort of chances that you might take in this period will yield good results for your career growth. So, do not be afraid of taking any risks related to career progression, but do check for all the pros and cons before finalizing any deal or contract. If you are a student, higher education prospects for you are pretty bright, in this period. Children will be a source of happiness and delight. Eating disorders are indicated and thus you need to follow a balanced diet routine and avoid erratic food habits to stay healthy and fit.
When? 31st January to 7th April 2020
All of your energies should be channelized here to take care of your health and related issues. You will only be able to have a successful professional run, if you will be healthy and same applies for your domestic life. You will be a little detached on emotional grounds and health problems will only worsen the situation. Rise in expenditure is also indicated in this period and this will largely be on getting medical treatment for health disorders. It is advisable to follow a strict and healthy diet regime to be able to prevent any severe illnesses.
When? 7th April to 25th April 2020
You will benefit greatly from business partnerships and professional alliances, in this period. Good career gains are indicated and thus this period will help strengthen your financial status. On the work front, projects which require team work will help give you good amount of recognition. Colleagues will be supportive of your efforts. Marital relationships will need some extra care and you must avoid any ego clashes with your spouse, which are quite predominant in this period, to sustain the integrity of your relationship.
When? 25th April to 9th May 2020
This will be a period of caution, when Mercury will transit in your 8th house in Aries sign. You will need to take care of your health, your spouse’s health to avoid delays in professional endeavors. There will be lot of ups and downs in your professional life, in this period, so you need to keep the hope alive to sustain these challenges as better opportunities will come through you in coming months. Avoid travel, in this transit phase, and also escape any investments on career or personal life, as they will not turn out to be profitable. Keep a strict vigilance on your expenditures to increase savings in an otherwise dull period.
When? 9th May to 25th May 2020
There will be lot of self-indulgence in luxuries of life and thus money matters will keep you occupied for the larger part of this transit period. Family and finance related matters need to be handled with care and affection, as money matters may cause havoc in your personal relations, if not handled well. In the light of the same, dispute with your father is indicated, in this period, which will be over some inheritance issues. But, you will be able to avoid these quarrels with simple and transparent verbal communications.
When? 25th May to 2nd August 2020
There will be an aura of confusion in both personal and professional front and thus results will be delayed. Your efforts will be in the right direction but frequent misunderstandings will hinder the pace of growth, and success will thus, be deferred. Be very cautious of signing any deals, contracts or agreements without reading through them properly and giving them appropriate thought. Misunderstandings in domestic life will also need initiatives from your side to be clarified in time, to avoid any major consequences on your personal relationships.
When? 2nd August to 17th August 2020
Your wisdom will be at its peak in this period and you will be able to overcome all the challenges with your intelligence and acumen. You will be highly practical and will be quite aware of the opportunities that will give you greater benefits abs bigger income gains from your career. You will invest with due care and proper caution and these investments will yield good returns in the long term. On family front also, you will spend wisely, but will also not ignore the pleasure trips and weekend outing opportunities with your spouse and children. You may in fact, plan a trip abroad, which could be a mix of work and pleasure, and guess what, it will turn out to be quite a successful expedition.
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