What will Your Next 365 Days be Like?

Saturn’s fall back into Capricorn from a high position in Aquarius in July 2022 along with other planetary swings predict too many changes too quickly. Read this article to learn how your life will be affected in the next 365 days.

What will Your Next 365 Days be Like?


As Saturn falls back into Capricorn on 12 July 2022 from a high position in Aquarius, along with other planetary movements underway and lined up, there will be an element of suddenness extending till September 2023. All this is going to affect the next 365 days of everybody’s life.

The upcoming 365 days will be eventful, oscillating between disruptive and opportune.

How will the next 365 days pan out?

  • After freeing itself from the challenging transit in Capricorn during 2020-April 2022 and moving into the liberating Aquarius, Saturn’s fall back into Capricorn on 12 July 2022 comes as the biggest and, in some measure, shocking move.
  • This move suggests a particularly tough time as both Mars & Rahu are in an inimical position, becoming more challenging till 10th August 2022.
  • All this will cause many major changes in our lives, world over. E.g.: There can be an escalation in war positions and a build-up of Covid19 fears as there are chances of disruptive variants appearing again.
  • Retrogression of Mars from 30 October 2022 onward and multiple Mercury retrogressions would also mark many changes and challenges in the upcoming 365 days of everybody’s lives.

How will your life be affected?

  1. Aries

Your love life will see excitement and delights in relationship, along with a few challenges. Dating, romance, sex, and love will be all around. Jupiter and Venus come in trine position from 7 August to 31 August 2022, bringing some sweet moments in love and romance. Your professional life will remain active over the next 365 days, you can expect gains. There would be sudden changes that may come up without any warning, but still an overall period of gain will operate. On 12 July you may experience a sudden pull down when Saturn would fall back into Capricorn and there may be a sort of shock effect at work. You will have to be careful and avoid confrontations and issues with seniors or customers / clients.

  1. Taurus

The next 365 days begin with some pressure on your finances due to a few unplanned and unwanted expenditures, which would affect your financial status. This situation may not last for long though and within a month or two, things will be better and come on the right track with the favorable transit of planets. However, the upcoming 365 days will see some ups and downs in the family front. This period has some challenges in store for you, as there may be some issues and tensed moments that can become the reason for stress. You may also get aggressive at times; hence, there will be a need to control your anger.

  1. Gemini

You may come across opportunities to accumulate wealth and grow your savings. Investments in real estate would be profitable for you; you may choose this investment option to enhance your wealth. There may also be gains from investments in speculative markets. During this period, you may get an opportunity to grow in your professional life and see a rise in business or job. You will build trust at your workplace and your seniors will admire and appreciate your good work and cherish a positive attitude towards your work.

  1. Cancer

There will be profits from investments in the past and, thus, this period will be fortunate in that matter. From 17 August 2022 to 17 September 2022, your wealth lord Sun will be in the place of wealth only, whereby your income would be on a growing trend and there will be an inflow of money from many sources. There will also be opportunities to get selected in competitive exams and clear them on merit. This may be a dream come true phase for you and all your hard work will be rewarded.

  1. Leo

You may earn profits from your investments; hence, in this period, you must invest. But do not rely on your emotions and feelings while investing. It is better to seek an expert’s advice so you do not waste your money. Nonetheless, this period will bring progressive moments for you. Venus, lord of career, transits in the house of gains from 13 July 2022 to 7 August 2022, suggesting a rising trend in your growth graph for this period and this would happen with your good and dedicated work. It is important for you to stay focused.

  1. Virgo

Your career would see some challenges as well as good times in the next 365 days. The period may begin with some opportunities as Sun will be transiting in the place of career from 15 June 2022 to 15 July 2022. This will bless you with power and high confidence and elevate your career, but your mind may get distracted towards other less important things. In matters of love, you may see mixed results. This would be due to the placement of Mars and Jupiter in the 7th house. You may get aggressive, but your partner will react calmly and there would be good times soon.

  1. Libra

There would not be any major medical issue troubling you. As for your career, the upcoming 365 days would see good opportunities for growth and prosperity. If you are looking for a good job, or you are a fresher, rest assured that a good job is waiting for you to kickstart your career in the manner as you may have expected. In matters of love, if you are single and looking for a partner, then you would be surely blessed and may meet your love mate. Your love life will be good in this phase, although the needed passion and excitement may be at a slightly lower level.

  1. Scorpio

In the next 365 days, there will be opportunities for you to start a new business of your own and this would later bring good gains for you. If you are looking for a job, then there may be an opportunity of getting selected for a government job during this period; therefore, working towards achieving this goal at the moment would be beneficial for you in the long run. This period may bring mixed results in career. Job changes are also possible, however, any change done in haste may lead to troubles. You will see better outcome financially, but the period is not favourable for investments in share markets.

  1. Sagittarius

There would be ample opportunities in your family life to assume a lead role in resolving issues among the members through your good communication skills and ability to convince people with your wise decisions. This period may see some ups and downs in your career. People looking for a job may get blessed with the best available option that will give a good start to your career. You should improve your skills to express yourself and increase your knowledge to enhance your chances of success.

  1. Capricorn

The period would be good and rewarding in love at times, and there would be times where differences may lead to conflicts. You may see some high and low phases in your career. Your dedication to your job would be visible, however, there may be some situations in the office that would create a dent in your relationship with your seniors and colleagues. Things would soon improve though and your tensions would not exist anymore. You would team up with your immediate subordinates and will be able to control the impact and effect good gains and benefits.

  1. Aquarius

You may see growth in finances. There will be continued flow of income during this period, and this would help you accumulate immense wealth. Income from many sources would be possible, therefore, you need to put a plan in place to ensure how you would manage this increasing wealth. Old ailments that have troubled you for long may get cured during this period. Aquarius students may see some good results in this phase. But for higher studies, you may need to put in more efforts and devote more time.

  1. Pisces

This period will see good relations amongst family members. However, your trips to distant places may keep you away from your family for some time. There may be some stress due to a few hidden reasons or secretive activities or an unknown person who may create a rift between the family members. There will be numerous opportunities, ways and means that would enhance your income, and accumulation of wealth in this period would be much possible. Your financial state would become alleviated in this phase.
