D10 Career Report


Unique process to discover effect of each planet on your career & most successful method of working

A D10 chart, also known as Dasamsa, is a method of breaking down each zodiac sign into 10 smaller parts that zoom into your horoscope 10X times to help evaluate the effect of all the planets individually as well as collectively on your career as well as your overall status and standing in life both professionally and personally.

How does the D10 Chart analysis work?

  • D10 is a divisional chart. Vedic astrology builds 32 charts like D10 (also called sub-divisional charts).
  • An expert Vedic astrologer will always review your basic horoscope (D1) chart along with your D10 chart to analyse the planet placements here to solely judge how they would behave for your career & karma.
  • You might have noticed that many times, when personal life is great somehow career is drifting without purpose while many a time exceptional growth at work finds home environment or family matters very challenging. Such diversity of effects is captured perfectly by this Vedic technique of creating sub-divisional charts for various parts of your life like career, love / marriage, family & children, money, health etc.

Why is a D10 Reading Important for You?

  • Your birth chart’s review along with your D10 chart and Vimshottari Dasa shows a clearer window of how all planets would individually impact your career.
  • D10 Reading is essential to gauze the real strength of your professional potential and the level of success you would achieve in life.
  • D10 is also a very helpful method of understanding which field of work & industry hold maximum promise for you.
  • Challenges and avoidable professional decisions can also be found out & validated with the D10 chart.

Benefits of D10 Reading

  • Understand how the array of your planets shows up in your D10 & correlate the strength with your basic birth chart (D1 Chart).
  • Get a rundown on ALL the positions of the planets in your D10 Chart with a special focus on how career, job & profession would be impacted.
  • Understand how your career will fare due to the impact of each planet & help you understand your true success triggers & the actual career you are destined for.
  • Get suggestions on how to maximize success & find the right career trajectory to help you realize your full potential.
  • Suggestions & remedies on how to avoid problems & setbacks in your career.
  • You can ask questions, webchat with the astrologer who prepared your reading and get 5 Year career predictions based on the D10 chart.


When you get a reading, you will easily understand which planet is your friend or star professionally!

Helpful Tips:

  • Rundown on ALL the positions of the planets in your D10 Chart with a special focus on how your career, job & profession would be impacted.
  • Insights into how your career will fare due to the impact of each planet & help you understand your true success triggers & the actual career you are destined for.
  • Suggestions to maximize success & find the right career trajectory.
  • Remedies to avoid problems & setbacks in your career.

Report Size:

12 Pages


