Capricorn - Capricorn Compatibility

(Moon Sign Based)

Capricorns are comfortable with each other and share their unique personality to achieve success. They are hardworking and support each other to fulfil their dreams.

Capricorn - Capricorn Compatibility

Capricorn is associated with form and structure with a practical approach and without any emotional fuss.

They are committed to a relationship and will expect same from others. They do not take short cuts in life and belief in hard work and utilizing time properly.

Saturn is your Lord who possesses a practical approach, serious nature, and grounded personality. You are focused on the material world and are adept at using the resources to the core.

The ruling planet Saturn represents strictness and one pointedness while its influence makes Capricorns hardworking and responsible. It can also make them cold and unforgiving and become fixated on the past.

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Both are Earth signs, which can also make them firm and fixated, particularly in their relationships. This element gives them struggle to accept the opinions of others.

Capricorn – the symbol is Goat of Fear with the tail of a fish. This symbol represents one pointedness to achieve the desired goal and to negate the negativity both internally and externally.

Both being Capricorn have a beautiful mechanism to conquer their fears. However their immediate reaction can ruin their mood and momentum, which needs to be worked upon with deep analysis.

Basic Equation Between Capricorn Moon Sign & Capricorn Moon Sign

They both are known for their serious nature and as Saturn being the lord they are mature individuals, which makes them less excited about life.

Both the signs share equal emotions and might open with same ground reality. Both are equally ambitious and value their hard work.

You both plan and do things, you can’t take immediate decisions and take quick actions. Immediate things create anxiety and nervousness.

You both enjoy stability and a flow of monotonous momentum, and dislike change of pattern and non-utilization of time.

You both are committed to your life and take full responsibility which makes you rigid, cunning and self-centered.

You both will have the same fears and will not be able to communicate with each other because of unknown fear.

When Capricorn is the Man & Capricorn is the Woman

They are known for their seriousness and mature personality, but the silence amongst them forms a quiet and intense environment and prevents trust in each other. The communication gap can create awkwardness in the air.

When Capricorn is the Woman & Capricorn is the Man

You will be extremely ambitious and will face your fears in a positive way. You dive deep into the crux of any situation to achieve success in life. You deal with the problems that come your way by holding each other’s hand. You might agree on many things that you wish to discover with a meaningful conversation.

Positive Aspect by Capricorn - Capricorn Match

  • Positive attitude towards life will make both of you achieve success in life. The hard-working caliber will bear fruits in life.
  • Saturn the lord of the sign will give determination and courage to over come limitations and challenges in life.
  • They are born leaders with demanding and delegating properties to maintain a give and take relationship with the world.
  • They pave the path of success and maintain emotional balance in a partnership.
  • You can take charge, make decisions, and guide others effectively. Your disciplined and responsible nature makes you a reliable leader who can inspire and motivate those around you.

Negative Aspect by Capricorn - Capricorn Match

  • Their self-discipline will make others think of them as self-centered people. A rigid nature will not allow them to enjoy life to its fullest.
  • They put restrictions and boundaries in everyone’s life which others will not appreciate and can create disharmony.
  • They will be extremely anxious and fearful about the future, which will make their life difficult and restricted.
  • They are pessimistic, workaholic, and cold at times as they don’t care about other’s feelings and emotions.


Love Matters / Marriage Compatibility

It is amazing when a couple grows old together and still has deep love and respect for each other. They remind us that relationships can last for long and can still be loving. But the fact is, this success rests on the compatibility between the two individuals. more

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Nakshatra Compatibility

The Capricorn star constellations are Uttarashada Pada 2, Pada 3, Pada 4, Shravana Nakshatra Pada1, Pada 2, Pada 3, Pada 4 and Dhanishta Nakshatra Pada 1 and Pada 2.

Note: Different Capricorn- Aquarius couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth. Hence, people of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatra.

UTTARASHADA / UTTARASHADA: You may suffer from sexual incompatibility and dissatisfaction in the act of pleasure. This might increase frustration levels and can create disharmony in marital life.

SHRAVANA / SHRAVANA: You will be very generous and committed in a relationship. You will have high perseverance and determination to achieve success and will lead a courageous lie.

DHANISHTA / DHANISHTA: You will lead a wealthy and courageous life, and often do not express your disagreement with others. You are socializing and easily adaptable as per the situation.

UTTARASHADA / SHRAVANA: Both are devoted to each other, Uttarashada will enhance the qualities of Shravana nakshatra. Shravana will respect Uttarashada’s viewpoint, and both will achieve success.

UTTARASHADA / DHANISHTA: Both the nakshatras understand each other’s emotions and expectations which allows them to lead a friendly life. They even share their darkest secrets with each other and still respect the relationship.

SHRAVANA / DHANISHTA: They both share a glorious compassionate relationship. They both like to explore many new things and are always open to inculcating knowledge. They believe in expanding their intelligence.

How to Have a Happy and Healthy Relationship

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is known as a strict father who follows time and boundaries to finish tasks on time. They are filled with responsibility which makes them serious people, who at time lacks happiness. They both are highly ambitious for which they set rules to achieve success. If they stop chasing the goal and relax in life, they can spend more happy moments together.

They should not sulk, rather an open discussion will heal their past and present issues to create a better future. They crave trust and faith in a relationship. Family is important for them, and their commitments are their priority.

Love Compatibility Score

If Capricorn Moon signs fall in love with each other then it will take time to reveal love to say it out loud. They respect each other and will maintain silence as they have similarities in their nature. This will increase the intimacy in their love life and will exchange gifts and something that their partner likes.

They might demand more time and attention which might create friction between both. It is better to listen to each other’s viewpoint while taking important decisions.

Score: 8 Out Of 10

Sexual Compatibility Score

Capricorn partners can be too specific about their needs or at times they just lose interest and need a break. Their intimidation depends upon their emotional statistics which may vary as per the emotional graph. The two same signs will take the lead in the bedroom and will devote time to listening carefully to each other and take turns being in control.

Score: 8 Out Of 10

Communication Compatibility Score

They will be committed to your relationship and will be possessive about their partner. They both will take time to open up with each other and have a warmth communication. Rather might sulk a lot in small matters and have high expectations from their partner. They can continue with their likes and dislikes, their fears are their major short comings, but if they are hurt might have a prolonged sulking time.

Score: 7 Out Of 10

Overall Recommendations

  • The two signs have similar traits and personalities which makes the game of superiority lead them towards an inevitable end of success. However, both need to make space for emotion which they both find to balance midway throughout the journey.
  • Therefore, a relationship between Capricorn Moon Sign & Capricorn Moon Sign will work well and is recommended.


Relationship Analysis Report

Vedic astrology can assess the compatibility of a couple by analyzing their birth charts. It also sheds light on other facets because the equation between the couple or the love partnership also affects in different ways other aspects of life like luck, family, status, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, and parenthood, to name a few. more

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