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Daily Aries Horoscope Thu, Feb 20, 2025 Moon Sign based


Aries Today's Forecast

Things might not move with a super-sonic speed today as you feel low on energy levels. It's okay. Everything takes time. Rome was not built in one day! Do not immerse yourself unnecessarily into thinking and reflecting about what is going to happen next. Chances are that you're draining your energy for something that just might not happen. Delays at work and news from overseas will upset you.

Astrology Guide

  • Business & professional Activity: Favourable day for business deals through out. There could be success in partnerships

  • Love & relationships: Quite favorable. There could be rise in feelings and bonding on attempts made today.

  • Money Matters: Good day throughout for all kinds of monetary activities.

  • Dealing in stocks & shares: Average day. Gains could be moderate.

  • Travel: Favourable throughout.

  • Purchase of new house/ car: Positive day. Go ahead.

  • Gambling: Average day. Special day for gambler's with gambler's luck (subject to birth chart).

* You might find some contradiction between the Daily Forecast & Daily Planner. This is so because the Daily forecast is how your day would go while the daily planner advices on how you should plan your day. Doing the right thing or avoiding the wrong thing helps us find success & happiness in life.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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Planet Positions & Ephemeris for (Fri, Feb 21, 2025 ) Panchanga & Planetary Positions

Planet Position Rashi Star
Ascendent 1° 47' 44" Aqu Dhanistha
Sun 8° 52' 25" Aqu Shatabhisha
Moon 17° 13' 57" Sco Jyestha
Mars(R) 22° 51' 1" Gem Punarvasu
Mercury 18° 42' 5" Aqu Shatabhisha
Jupiter 17° 33' 23" Tau Rohini
Venus 15° 13' 15" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Saturn 25° 34' 5" Aqu P.Bhadrapada
Rahu(R) 3° 27' 50" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Ketu(R) 3° 27' 50" Vir U.Phalguni
Uranus 29° 15' 40" Ari Krittika
Neptune 4° 24' 56" Pis U.Bhadrapada
Pluto 8° 28' 0" Cap Abhijit
Tithi Saptami upto 09:58 AM
Yoga Dhruva upto 11:34 AM
Nakshatra Vishakha upto 01:30 PM
Rahukala 02:00 PM to 03:25 PM