You will take out some time for your partner so that both of you can spend time together. You need to be aware of what you say to your junior as Ketu is in the house of speech might create issues in your relationship with your colleagues. You may lose your self-confidence and get impatient which will give you challenges on the relationship front. From the evening onwards, you need to take care of your health and avoid being aggressive over small matters.
Business & professional Activity: Very favourable day throughout for all kinds of deals, short as well as long term.
Love & relationships: Very favorable day. There will be harmony in mind which could give you result in the long term.
Money Matters: Good for all kinds of monetary transactions throughout the day.
Dealing in stocks & shares: Very positive. There could be long term gains & positive result on actions commenced today. (Subject to strength in birth chart).
Travel: Good throughout the day.
Purchase of new house/ car: Favorable day for both kind of purchase.
Gambling: Very positive and gainful. You could go ahead (subject to strength in birth chart).
This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
For Match Making 8 different mental & physical attributes are compared. Weight age is assigned to each and the final score is the summation of all 8 scores.
Planet | Position | Rashi | Star |
Ascendent | 6° 8' 57" | Cap | U.Asadha |
Sun | 7° 28' 3" | Cap | Abhijit |
Moon | 3° 24' 55" | Lib | Chitra |
Mars(R) | -0° 6' 37" | Can | Punarvasu |
Mercury | 25° 14' 53" | Sag | P.Asadha |
Jupiter(R) | 17° 24' 8" | Tau | Rohini |
Venus | 24° 8' 54" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Saturn | 22° 7' 15" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Rahu | 4° 56' 50" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Ketu | 4° 56' 50" | Vir | U.Phalguni |
Uranus(R) | 29° 5' 27" | Ari | Krittika |
Neptune | 3° 28' 57" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Pluto | 7° 30' 18" | Cap | Abhijit |
Tithi | Shashthi | upto 09:58 AM |
Yoga | Sukarma | upto 02:53 AM |
Nakshatra | Hasta | upto 08:30 PM |
Rahukala | 08:34 AM to 09:53 AM |