You are likely to do extremely well in your profession. There might also be an increase in your income due to your own efforts. Your confidence will be par excellence. Your brothers and sisters will make a progressive step towards you to maintain a good bond with you. Your partner will appreciate your efforts in personal relationships.
Business & professional Activity: Favourable day throughout.
Love & relationships: Average day. There could be mental distances.
Money Matters: Good for all kinds of monetary transactions especially taking loans throughout the day.
Dealing in stocks & shares: Favorable for investment in debt and related funds. Speculation will borrowed money could be positive (subject to strength of birth chart)
Travel: Good for all kinds of journeys.
Purchase of new house/ car: Average day.
Gambling: Average day. Be careful.
This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
For Match Making 8 different mental & physical attributes are compared. Weight age is assigned to each and the final score is the summation of all 8 scores.
Planet | Position | Rashi | Star |
Ascendent | 9° 49' 29" | Sag | Mula |
Sun | 5° 53' 9" | Sag | Mula |
Moon | 20° 1' 54" | Leo | P.Phalguni |
Mars(R) | 10° 31' 16" | Can | Pushya |
Mercury | 14° 26' 41" | Sco | Anuradha |
Jupiter(R) | 20° 14' 34" | Tau | Rohini |
Venus | 21° 58' 20" | Cap | Sravana |
Saturn | 19° 36' 3" | Aqu | Shatabhisha |
Rahu(R) | 7° 54' 4" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Ketu(R) | 7° 54' 4" | Vir | U.Phalguni |
Uranus(R) | 29° 43' 25" | Ari | Krittika |
Neptune | 2° 58' 43" | Pis | P.Bhadrapada |
Pluto | 6° 32' 39" | Cap | U.Asadha |
Tithi | Shashthi | upto 12:21 PM |
Yoga | Priti | upto 06:23 PM |
Nakshatra | Purva Phalguni | upto 06:14 AM |
Rahukala | 09:45 AM to 11:02 AM |