Weekly Gemini Horoscope March 23, 2025 till March 29, 2025 Moon Sign based

This week, Venus, the lord of your love house, is transiting alongside eclipse Rahu and the Sun. This could lead to some tension or confusion with your partner, possibly due to ego clashes. It's important not to doubt your partner about anything. For married couples, things will be much smoother, with love and closeness growing as you both talk patiently with each other.

If you're considering investing in a new business this week, it looks like a good time to move forward. If your work is related to beauty, design, or travel, you should start seeing positive financial results after March 25th. If you’ve been dreaming of buying a new car or house, your wish may come true starting from March 26th onwards. This is also a lucky week for those who want to invest in the stock market or in lottery tickets.

In business, you’ll suddenly encounter new opportunities, but there could be some obstacles in completing projects. However, you’ll receive solid support from both your partner and your seniors. For those employed, new opportunities for change are on the horizon. Your work environment will become more positive, and you might get a promotion.

Your mind may wander this week, pulling you away from your studies. If you get caught up in distractions, you could end up wasting precious time. It’s a great time for new research. With hard work and dedication, you’ll be able to learn something new that you’ve wanted to learn for a long time.

Your health will be relatively normal this week, but if you’re going out, be mindful of what you eat and drink. Carelessness could lead to skin, throat, or head issues. Make sure to carve out time for a morning walk, meditation, or yoga—this will improve your health and cause you to feel more refreshed. It’s important to take care of yourself during this time.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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