You will get an offer for part time work and get the desired outcomes. Your income will be better, making you happy. Avoid lending money to anyone and avoid extravagance. If there is dispute with your spouse, then try to have a healthy discussion with the to resolve the misunderstanding. You will get success only through hard work and dedication.
Business & professional Activity: Ordinary day for business transactions throughout. Avoid major decisions as they could be emotional.
Love & relationships: Average day. No major progress possible.
Money Matters: Good throughout the day.
Dealing in stocks & shares: Positive day but major investment should be avoided as chances of wrong emotional decision possible.
Travel: Favourable day throughout.
Purchase of new house/ car: Quite favorable. The move or purchase will be peaceful and positive.
Gambling: Insignificant day. It would be better to avoid gambling today.
For Match Making 8 different mental & physical attributes are compared. Weight age is assigned to each and the final score is the summation of all 8 scores.
Planet | Position | Rashi | Star |
Ascendent | 28° 44' 57" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Sun | 10° 51' 14" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Moon | 17° 6' 37" | Cap | Sravana |
Mars | 27° 23' 46" | Gem | Punarvasu |
Mercury(R) | 9° 37' 44" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Jupiter | 20° 48' 5" | Tau | Rohini |
Venus(R) | 6° 55' 28" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Saturn | 29° 29' 25" | Aqu | P.Bhadrapada |
Rahu | 3° 11' 19" | Pis | P.Bhadrapada |
Ketu | 3° 11' 19" | Vir | U.Phalguni |
Uranus | 0° 15' 34" | Tau | Krittika |
Neptune | 5° 36' 4" | Pis | U.Bhadrapada |
Pluto | 9° 13' 52" | Cap | Abhijit |
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Ekadashi | upto 03:45 AM |
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Shiva | upto 02:53 PM |
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Shravana | upto 03:49 AM |
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03:31 PM to 05:03 PM |