Weekly Capricorn Horoscope July 14, 2024 till July 20, 2024 Moon Sign based

This week you will spend passionate time with your partner and your desire for intimacy will amplify, in which your partner will support you. You will go out with your partner and spend romantic time. Married individuals may give place to ego instead of romance and you should avoid doing so to create a harmonious love life.

This week the transit of retrograde Saturn will bring unnecessary expenses, and you will not be able to make savings, so keep yourself away from unnecessary expenses. At this time, there are chances of getting profits from old investment. This period will bring benefits regarding real estate, but do not get involved in any dispute.

This week, there will be momentum in your business, and you will be ready to take risks for new investments, but do not take any step from ego or to show-off. Employed individuals will get new opportunities in their work and will also get praise from the boss but keep your ego aside.
If you are currently studying, then this week will give you a chance to show your ability and you may also get a major achievement. For individuals performing research, the cosmos can bring the desired success.

This week, avoid any negligence in food, as sudden weakening of health can lead to a big expense, and you may have trouble due to throat infection or blisters in the tongue. If you have any problem related to skin or nerves, do not be careless. At this time, if you make changes in your routine, you will benefit.

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