Mercury in second house makes you patriotic with deep roots in your history & religion. It will also make you a good salesperson, who can sell anything. A positive Mercury in second house will bless you with humour, wit, intelligence, knowledge, & presence of mind. This position can form Kalanidhi Yoga that brings you success & glory in the fields of art, entertainment & culture.
Mercury in second house makes you patriotic with deep roots in your history and religion. You are programmed to carry out the family intelligence, will become extremely communicative in the art of public speaking, controlling the masses like a politician, with the capacity to convey messages to the public. You can become a profound singer as 2nd house Mercury gives you the ability to mesmerize others through your melodious voice. Your song will deliver the message to the masses and touch the heart of the society.
Bliss in communication and speaking comes from Mercury in 2nd house, especially, in the field of finance, your logical mind would make you profits and earn gains in your business. The way your calculative and analytical mind works, no one can put you down in the financial sector. If Mercury is placed in Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, you will be a genius in calculating and in the finance sector. You can become a manager, salesperson, documentation expert and will even do very well at a high post in the financial sector. You will achieve success through your self-efforts.
This Mercury position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Mercury's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Your intellectual mind would make you put your own efforts and gain success in life. You will channel your intelligence through marketing and sales, by coordinating and communicating to sell your product. Mercury will make you a good salesperson, who can sell anything.
If afflicted, Mercury will cause a glitch and hiccup in your speech. Mercury will make you materialistic, make your communication only about gaining money, without any concern for anyone. It can also make you a tax collector, who loves the work and also gets to accumulate wealth. Astrology will also interest you as it involves mathematics and calculation. You will not believe in mystical things.
A positive Mercury in 2nd house will bless you with humour, wit, intelligence, knowledge, and presence of mind. You will be good in the financial sector and money management. It makes you super clever and intelligent; you will be very good at expressing your ideas as per the current marketing demand, may it be verbal or written communication.
A negative Mercury in 2nd house makes you stubborn and you will not go with the flow. You don’t like to be rushed into any kind of work and no one can push you to do anything that you don’t want to. Because of logic and reasoning, you think you know everything and will not listen to others’ advice or take anyone’s help. Life may bring serious challenges your way that can take a toll on you, but your pride will not make you accomplish as much as you had hoped.
Retrogression of Mercury in 2nd house will make you rigid and inflexible, you will not be able to take positive decisions for your growth and will always drift towards your pride. You think you know everything and can conquer the world by your intelligence and will not accept the present reality. You will not like being pushed to do your work, neither will you listen to others. This attitude will make you arrogant and rude towards others.
Combust Mercury will cause financial loses and legal litigation problems for you. Your intelligence and cleverness will not be able to shine and bring you recognition in your professional field. You will suffer humiliation; people will not listen to what you are trying to communicate, which might make you feel insulted. You will face financial losses in your business as you will not be able to deliver as per the demand of your customer.
Mercury in your horoscope holds the responsibility for your intellect, nerves and how you use your wit and senses to make the most out of your life. more
Jupiter in second house impacts your knowledge, the way you influence people, your family & wealth. A positive Jupiter blesses you with an attractive speech, skills to earn money & excellent money management. Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter in the 2nd house is at the first, fourth, seventh or tenth place from the Moon, making you prosper in life and extremely wealthy.
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