April first marks the beginning of each Financial Year. Each year is different than the other in terms of budget and tax accounting. Depending upon your income generation and tax assessment, you can determine how you will fare on a particular financial year. With help of Astrology, we bring to you our predictions for how your FY 2021-22 will fare. Read on.
Aries sign depicts a strong character and the year 2021-22 will bring mixed bag of fortunes and experiences for you. Year 2021 will be an average period in terms of finances as Rahu will be present in the house of wealth throughout the year bringing contradictions in your finances, if not handled with care.
April to June 2021 – You will be under the influence of Saturn and Venus which would bring financial gains from profession. However, there will also be a high rise in expenses at this time. As a result, there will be some delay in the realization of these monetary gains. Avoid any financial investment during this period as Jupiter is in its debilitated sign, Capricorn. Hard work is the key to your achievements.
July to September 2021 – Your personal planet, Mars, will remain posited in the 3rd house of your horoscope during this period. The third house is the house of initiatives. The placement of Mars in this house may give you monetary gains. After some time, Mars will leave the third house and enter the fourth house of your horoscope, which signifies financial stability. Also, Jupiter will move from the house of career to the house of gains. You can expect some sudden gains at this time. This period is prosperous in terms of your wealth. At this time, a lot of fresh opportunities will be there on the career panel bringing a very favorable period of income through your profession. Jupiter’s placement in the house of gains will also help Aries natives resolve their financial conflicts bringing mental peace and serenity in life. Chances of buying a new vehicle are also quite possible at this time.
October to December 2021 – This period may give you some unexpected expenses and setbacks as Jupiter will be in retrograde (reverse) motion moving towards the house of gains in Aries horoscope. The period between October 2021 and December 2021 is a little unstable, and you should take any decision regarding investments, only after analyzing all the factors thoroughly.
January 2022 to March 2022 – This is a favorable period for your career as well as money, and you can expect some sudden changes coming in your favour. This will be a positive period for the Aries natives in terms of their finances. The planets will bring you a very favorable period of income through your profession. You will get income from various sources and gains from the investment. It’s during this time that you can get some good news however you will need to keep a track of your unnecessary expenses.
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