Leo Financial Year


Leos have been born leaders and master players of their own life. With help of Vedic astrology, we bring to you the predictions for the Financial Year 2021-22, so that you can make the full out of life, in your own flashy, extravagant lifestyle, with ample time to prepare for overcoming any challenges. Read on.

Leo Financial Year

Leo natives will have a prosperous financial year ahead. Mercury, the ruler of your wealth house, will offer you a lot of opportunities to get involved in analytical research and use your creative mind to judge the situation. The Leo moon signs will see profitable outcomes in the year 2021 because of their hidden talents and manipulated efforts. You will be able to strike a perfect balance between your income and expenditure.

April 2021 to June 2021 – This period will give the Leo natives some flourishing opportunities, on both career and financial front. An increase in wealth and assets is quite indicative, as your ascendant lord, the Sun, and planet of luxuries will be placed in the ninth house of fortune and the eleventh house of gains. This planetary position will provide a lot of opportunities. Jupiter’s aspect over your ascendant will give you a better clarity regarding your finances.

July 2021 to September 2021 – This is the time when there is a possibility that you may get hospitalized and there are chances for raised expenses due to ill health. Avoid taking a loan during this period because Saturn will be posited in your sixth house of health and debt throughout the year causing unnecessary obstacles in your life. This time may trouble your family members with some health issues. The natives of Leo moon sign will be seen making strong efforts to enhance their financial position.

October 2021 to December 2021 – The presence of Rahu in the house of career will create multiple sources of income for you because of your vigorous efforts and also due to the aspect of benefic planet on your horoscope. You will give a good fight to your opponents. You will be able to make more money and save better during this period.

January 2022 to March 2022 – Jupiter’s presence in the seventh house will produce beneficial results on both career and wealth fronts. Your finances will improve during this period, and savings will increase. You will get more business opportunities with the favour of your luck. The period also suggests gains that will add to your credit. You will be able to make money and build a good professional image, which will be very beneficial for your business.
