October Capricorn Horoscope


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Capricorn October 2021 monthly horoscope
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: Overview
Planet of Influence: Saturn
Predominating Emotion: Ambitious and determined
As per Capricorn horoscope, for the month of October will be on a favorable side. Due to planetary transit this month, you will be very career oriented and get a favorable result in your profession. Saturn the lord of 1st house of self, nests therein. Finance will also be good and you will accumulate a good amount of wealth during the month. Love life will pass through some testing period but married life will be harmonious and you will enjoy intimate moments with your spouse. Business persons are likely to get good business opportunities. You will spend good time with your near and dear ones.

Capricorn Career
Planets of Influence: Venus, Sun & Mars
Major Trend: Good recognition and new opportunities
Career of Capricorn will be on new heights and you will earn name and fame through your hard work and strong determination. You will earn good gains and rewards through your career. Sun will transit in the 10th house of career from 17th October and Mars will conjoin the Sun on 22nd October. In the last week of the month, you need to control your temper and be cool and patient at your workplace. Your ego will also be high between 22nd to 31st October. You need to be careful and drop your arrogance for better relationships with seniors, colleagues or even subordinates. For business persons, this time is favorable to get their desired results in trade. Your self-confidence will be high and helpful in achieving your set task.

Love, Marriage & Relationships for Capricorn
Planets of influence: Rahu, Venus, Moon, Saturn & Jupiter
Major Trend: Love blossom in hearts
Love life of Capricorn will be a little challenging during this month. Rahu is posited in the 5th house of love, which will intensify the opportunities in love affair but sustaining that love will be a little difficult as the blaze of love may die quickly. Married individuals will enjoy intimate moments with each other and will spend good time. You will share a harmonious relationship with your spouse.

Capricorn Money & Finance Horoscope:
Planets of Influence: Saturn & Jupiter
Major Trend: Accumulate wealth
For Capricorn, the month of October will be fruitful in terms of wealth. Venus is posited in the house of gains and Saturn the lord of 2nd house of wealth, will nest in the 1st house of self, with Jupiter. Due to this, you will accumulate wealth because of your own efforts and your profession. Your financial status in this month will be sound and stable. You will be able to manage and balance your expenses and savings well in the month of October. Money will come through speculation also or some past investment.

Capricorn Health
Planet of influence: Sun, Mars & Mercury
Major Trend: Medical checkups & tests
Capricorn Health in this month needs to be taken care of, physical and mental stress, would be there leading to body ache, neck pain, and headache. You may also be affected by irregular blood pressure. Don’t ignore any ailment during this period. If you feel any discomfort, immediately seek medical assistance. Follow your regular exercise regime and practice meditation to keep yourself healthy.

Capricorn Students & Education Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Rahu & Venus
Major Trend: Very confident & amazing management skills
Capricorn students will be very positive in their attitude during this time. Rahu is posited in the 5th house of education and will bless you with good academics. But, some or other sudden obstacles may be there. However, you will be able to manage to overcome adverse situations to achieve your desired results. Your confidence level will be high which will help you in achieving your goal. Students who are pursuing higher education will get good or new opportunities in accomplishing set objectives. Your passion and determination will strengthen your anticipation.

Family & Health Horoscope: Capricorn
Planets of influence: Saturn & Jupiter
Major Trend: Harmonious relationship with family members
As per your family horoscope, you will be emotionally attached to your family and stand with them lending your support. Saturn, lord of the 2nd house of family, will be sitting together with Jupiter. This planetary combination will bring harmony within the family. Any small misunderstanding will fade away quickly.
