(Moon Sign Based)
The position of Sun in Dasamsa chart has strong influence on one’s professional life and shape career path. This D10 chart represents career, achievements, status, and plays a vital role in this sector. The impact of the Sun in each house has its benefits and consequences, depending on its position.
The tenth division of your Horoscope is responsible for shaping your career while showing a clear picture of your responsibilities. You will come to know about your career path, whether you will work as an entrepreneur, or as an independent professional, or will be employed.
This chart, along with shaping your career, also makes you skilled and compassionate, which clearly are visibnle in your personality. You will learn the effective ways to deal with society, finances and your family responsibilities.
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You will get clarity over your responsibilities and learn new skills to perform well on the work front. Sun in Dasamsa rewards you with financial gains and a successful career. The Sun’s energy guides you in the right direction in your career, giving you good growth and success.
You will have good grasping ability, rewarding you with success and growth even in a competitive environment at workplace. The placement of Sun in 1st house in Dasamsa. You will gain success and a high rank with your correct decisions with the blessing of Sun.
With this placement of Sun, you will get the guidance from your father, giving a new shape to your career. You will do well in resolving conflicts, legal work, and the health sector. An afflicted Sun will cause ego clashes and make you incapable of expressing your ideas to others.
The placement of Sun in Dasamsa chart makes you capable of converting the challenges into opportunities. With the help of resources and facilities, you will achieve success on the professional front. You will have remarkable engineering skills and expertise in technology.
Sun plays a significant role in dasamsa and when it gets afflicted, it will cause challenges and clashes of opinion on the professional front. However, you will get the support of your senior authority with well-placed Saturn in 2nd house in Dasamsa.
You will attain high rank and stability in your career with this placement of Sun in the 3rd house in Dasamsa. It will give you an attractive personality that grabs the attention of the masses, and make you master in convincing other. Sun will make you aggressive when things do not go as per your plan.
Strong Sun in Dasamsa will give you a large friend circle on the professional front. An afflicted Sun may make you lethargic to executing your work, causing delayed results.
You will achieve success in your career with the blessings of the Sun in the 4th house in D10 chart. A workaholic approach will make you always ready to work, leading to company growth and career progress. You will have great presentation skills with this placement of Sun.
The afflicted Sun in Dasama in 4th house causes challenges because of a self-centered approach. You may face obstacles to execute the work plan because weak Sun might affect your memory.
You will have a great intellectual personality, making you capable of executing tasks even in worse circumstances. You will win over your rivals with a disciplined approach. You will have great counseling skills with this placement of Sun in your Dasamsa chart.
Strong Sun will give you support from your father and senior authority. The guidance of your father will work as a blessing on the professional front. You will have unique ideas and a minute detail-oriented approach, rewarding your success on the professional front.
You will have a duty-bound personality, giving you success on the professional front. The placement of Sun in 6th house will bless you with a harmonious personality. You will take calculative risks with your courage and get success in computer, data analytics and cyber security field.
Sun will make you aggressive while giving replies, causing litigation. When Sun is afflicted, it will cause litigation and false allegations on the professional front, ruining your image.
Sun’s placement in 7th house in Dasamsa causes challenges on professional front in the first phase of your life. However, you can deal with the challenges through your strength and confidence and climb the ladder of success.
Well-placed Sun in 7th house in D10 make you patient and give you the ability to find opportunities in challenging circumstances. Sun in affliction gives you a self-centered approach, causing you challenges in society and impacting your relationship with near and dear ones.
You will get deep into matters and this quality will make you successful in a research-related field. Sun in the 8th House in Dasamsa will give you the ability to deal with conflict, war, and competition. You will see a major shift in your career in the second phase of your life with the energy of Sun.
Strong Sun will give you success and a good reputation in the Government departments. Afflicted Sun might cause worse situation in your career, and you may lack confidence while dealing with challenges.
Sun’s placement in 9th house will bless you with creative abilities, management skills and efforts, giving you success on the professional front. You will do well in your career related to travel agencies and achieve success in higher studies in science.
A positive Sun will make you capable of following the principles and dealing with challenges. However, Sun in afflicted causes arguments with seniors which will create challenges on the work front.
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This placement of Sun in 10th house gives you a charismatic personality and intelligence, leading to success. You will attain a name, fame and success in your political career. You will achieve success in pharmaceutical, surgery or neurology related domain.
You will notice a rise in your career and reputation, thanks to the Strong position of Sun. An afflicted status of Sun will cause challenges on the work front, leading to stress and unstable lifestyle.
It will give the insight to work with new ideas and generate new sources of income. Affliction will cause stress and challenges on the professional front. It will cause an unstable lifestyle at the workplace.
You will have the ability to guide people, helping them to achieve their target and aim. A disciplined approach towards projects will make you successful in competition, with the blessings of Sun in 11th house in D10 chart. You will be highly ambitious to grab the opportunity.
Due to lack of ambition in your work, you may face hurdles to get expected success and growth as indicated by the afflicted position of Sun. There may be a lack of harmony at the workplace.
You will achieve the expected growth and success in the second phase of your life. There will be success in your career through your research skills and ability to work with your strong sense of intuition, thanks to the position of Sun in 12th house in Dasamsa chart.
You will get expected success and growth with the strong placement of Sun in 12th house. When Sun is afflicted, it will cause a delay in getting the expected response from senior authority.
D10 is a divisional chart which is analysed for the career trends & shows the real strength of your Karma bhava - your 10th house that rules your career, earnings and business. more
(Moon Sign Based)
The placement of Moon in Dasamsa chart impacts your career and professional life. The placement of Moon in each house guides different career paths, and offers growth, success, and challenges based on its position in D10 chart. Moon strengthens your connection to the family guidance and nurtures career growth that will provide clarity and direction.
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Due to Mars in the Dasamsa Chart (D10), key insights into the career and responsibilities will be revealed. As a result, one will see influences in their career progression, leadership, and ability to handle societal, financial, and familial responsibilities. Mars will provide psychological strength, decision-making, and adaptability on the professional front. Because of its placement in various houses, Mars shows different career traits. However, the presence of Mars in different houses will provide leadership qualities and promote wealth. Positive Mars boosts confidence whereas a negative one will cause impatience and challenges in the career.
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