Libra Love Horoscope

Libra is a Venusian sign with the element of balance being airy by nature. This affect brings, by virtue, a beautiful disposition within the person. Libra born people are balanced, fair and deep romantics. They love all that is beautiful and are completely devoted to their partners.

Libra Love Horoscope


Libra is a cardinal and movable sign which means it easily accepts and understands various viewpoints while not forming any rigid judgments about either. They love fairness, are kind and look for friendship as well as love in their romantic relationships. They aren’t the overtly passionate ones to bring tempestuous highs and lows within the relationship, instead, they believe in keeping their partners happy with balance, providing joy, comfort and peace of mind.

The passion however mixed with beautiful doses of romance definitely shows up within their relationship which you can make out from the genuine smile that you will see on their partner’s faces every time you meet them in public. They are kind people with a very humanitarian outlook with their heart and mind in the right place. The will love to make you smile the moment they meet you. It simply makes their heart flutter with pride.

Traits of Libra

Libra are romantic and affectionate with not a single bone in their body that supports drama. In case, a situation arises, they’re always looking to bring peace into the situation. They don’t commit easily and are practical in nature, not to mention, selective, however, once they commit, they are the most eternal lovers that there can be.

The love the candle-lit dinners, the roses, the fragrance and the beauty that love seems to inspire in a relationship and aim to experience this all with their partner. Their relationship will be a playful, happy one, and their marriage will begin with a ‘honeymoon in Paris’ or on an extremely romantic and positive note.

They will always profess their undying love to their partner and will ensure that they’re happy on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and of course, conjugal. They are Venusian and therefore, one can expect the freshness and beauty of love to be the emblem in their relationship.

The charm and warmth will never subside, regardless of a few, normal rough patches that may arise later. They are totally committed to one alone and expect to explore their lives entirely with them.

  • They are not possessive or controlling.
  • They are very caring and aspire for a healthy relationship.
  • They will try to deal with any disruptions in the relationship with maturity.
  • They might have some issues with decision-making, but once the choice is made, it is irreversible.


Libra Love Horoscope

Weekly Predictions (23 Mar - 29 Mar)
Libra, your love might be tested, so support your partner if they need you. Misunderstandings could cause some stress but being honest and open with each other will help you navigate through any challenges.

Libra Man in Love

Men belonging to the Libra Moon sign are courteous and hospitable. They are fond of beauty in all forms. They enjoy the company of their partners. They are very honest in love relationships and have everlasting relationships.

  • A Libra man is hard to get to commit as he has a huge social circle which makes him feel like an independent bird.
  • There might be many women crushing after him while he’ll just be cordial to them all, which will often be mistaken as flirting. However, once approached, he’ll clearly tell you what he has on his mind.
  • He doesn’t chase, and he doesn’t like to be chased either.
  • He has high regards for a woman who, if appreciates him-romantically, expresses it through her actions, such as respect, kindness towards him and all, sweet to all-in general, a good friend, and just a good person with good spirits.
  • He is ready to and easily adjusts with anyone, so he doesn’t have extremely hard and fast rules for his partner, but a feminine woman who’s beautiful, knows herself well, and takes care of herself is a few good points for starters.
  • He is romantic and likes to take the lead in this arena.
  • He likes a woman who is of substance and stronger than him in decision-making. A decisive, firm, yet sweet girl who’s feminine, classy and is a true friend to him may have him catch feeling for her.

A Libra-born partner is cheerful, passionate, of adjustable nature, accommodative, and will provide for his partner all the comforts of life. He is a very good demonstrator of love. In case he does not get a response from you, he will be disappointed but will not seek a break-up.

He has a strong conjugal affection and for him, the most important thing is a pleasure. Love and Libra are synonymous. This man will never lose interest in his partner. Once caught passionately, he will be a miserable prisoner of love. He is on the whole a balanced and harmonious man. Cultural shows and parties are his favorite places, where he can enjoy good food, wine and enjoy with his beloved.


Libra Woman in Love

The beautiful Libra damsels are very courteous, hospitable, and fond of beauty in all forms. They’re impressionable, sexy, passionate, and of commanding nature. They carry an air of class around them in the way they carry themselves especially in public. They will never be seen getting involved in petty matters publicly and will try to resolve the situation as calmly as possible. However, people who try to waste their energy in useless things bother her a great deal.

  • Girls belonging to this sign are blessed with warm and charming manners.
  • These girls are very adjustable. They will never hurt anyone’s feelings. They can handle any situation tactfully.
  • They have warm and charming manners and that’s how they excel at being peacemakers.
  • Libra women in Love are always concerned to keep their partner in good cheer and also create a conducive environment.


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Love Guide for Libra

In terms of zodiac compatibility, the two most compatible signs for the Libra Love relationship are Aquarius and Gemini.

Libra and Aquarius

Libra and Aquarius make for a formidable match. They’re both lovers of class and social presence.

  • Libra is a social animal and loves to meet new people and expand their circle. Aquarius on the other hand, likes to associate with people who can assist them in some way or the other or be of help of some kind. However, both tend to forge social relationships even though for different reasons.
  • Both being airy in nature can understand the similarities and grow through them in their social life. Personally, they feel and emote the same way.
  • This brings a sense of harmony in relationships. Sexually, Vishakha and Shatabhisha constellations have huge appetites, but different behaviors.
  • Vishakha belongs to the ‘tiger yoni’ type (sexual behavior) and needs someone equally tenacious. However, they are extremely compatible on other aspects.
  • As love deepens, they might explore sexual union for delightfully. But generally, Libra and Aquarius make for an enviable couple for everyone else.

Libra and Gemini

Libra and Gemini are considered best for each other since they inspire the other to do better in life and grow. They flourish in each other’s company. Geminis are commitment-phobic to an extent, but Libras somehow know a way to get them out of that choice.

  • Geminis will change their mind for you because they look for a sensible, independent, fun-loving partner who is actually more mature than them.
  • Geminis are a good mix of wisdom and comedy which will keep you happy, besides you are just what they were looking for and when they do look at you for the first time, they might gaze a little longer wondering if you are someone who’ll excite them, challenge them yet love them in a way that makes them stay.
  • You both have the potential to live in a love bubble together for the longest period. You both have a great level of compatibility when it comes to understanding each-other.
  • Its effortless and the time & effort that would go into changing a moderate or bad relationship into workable one with someone else, can be utilized to experience blissful love here.


To Make Their Love Relationship Perfect, Libra should:

  • Try to be decisive in love. When it comes to making the big decisions or taking up real-time responsibilities, Libra can be dicey and re-think their decisions more than required.
  • The ability to trust and make decisions needs to be developed.


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