(Moon Sign Based)
When Pisces partners enter a romantic relationship, they create a deep emotional connection that allows them to view life through a shared lens. This bond is enriched with wisdom, fostering a strong relationship characterized by understanding and unconditional love. However, they may face challenges in dealing with practical aspects of life like responsibility and mutual trust.
Pisces and Pisces relationship is governed by Jupiter which gives both partners the ability to understand each other very well as their personality traits are like mirror for each other.
Both partners share a deep understanding of the emotional needs of each other which makes their relationship strong with mutual sensitivity and compassion, but challenges arise in their relationship due to strong emotional complexity, leading them both to confusion in relationships.
Taking care of others is the strong and positive trait of Pisces relationship, which helps them connect romantically in relationship. However, this bond tends to last only as long as neither person feels burdened by responsibility or commitment.
This astrology compatibility is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. Please fill in your birth details below to confirm your moon sign for the purpose of compatibility analysis.
In Pisces and Pisces compatibility, both partner value personal independence, so they respect each other’s space with generous attitude, tenderness, and affection/love for each other. A strong love relationship is visible between Pisces’ partners where their love relationship is intense, but the question of mutual trust arises between them. They both understand each other’s positive/negative trends very well.
The basic equation between Pisces partners is marked with strong emotional connection where a similar nature makes them settle well in relationships making it a good match as they understand each other’s need for personal space. The ability to bring change in their nature will let them adjust well in relationship.
Pisces partners are kind and compassionate in nature, making them closer to each other mentally and emotionally with gentle understanding, making their relationship progressive. On the other hand, occasional moodiness in nature may bring friction in relations over any issue, leading to the initiative to give space and try to resolve issues with open communication with each other over concerned matters.
Pisces man and Pisces woman are attracted towards each other instantly due to similarities in nature where the dreamy, caring, and compassionate nature of Pisces woman attracts the Pisces man. Both are very romantic by nature and will make extra efforts to make their respective partners happy.
Pisces couple know how to respect each other’s space where they enjoy the parameters of traditional love. They both know the importance of giving personal space to their partner. Maintaining distance/coming closer to each other makes Pisces and Pisces compatibility strong with gradual maturity. They have perfect equations with each other as both share similar feelings and their mutual love is strong and deep if they are cautious towards monotonous routine in their love life.
Pisces and Pisces match have a gentle and caring nature which is ideal to make any relationship healthy. They can strengthen their bond making their love relationship strong. They are connected emotionally, and understanding each other’s behavior makes Pisces-Pisces partners to make adjustment as per mutual requirement for the prosperity of relationship. | Pisces and Pisces compatibility is determined by the balance of adjustment in their relationship as the Pisces sign is represented by two fishes swimming in opposite direction. Pisces as partners is intuitive and creative but this ability makes it difficult for them to discriminate between fantasy and reality of their life. |
Their bond has depth, joy and they align well in romantic relationships which makes them capable of maintaining balance and harmony in their relationship. | Both couples have a similar pattern of thinking where both have the desire for attention and in the absence of such expectation, may provoke heightened emotions that may affect the relationship negatively. |
Pisces and Pisces couples are attracted towards each other due to their intellectual connection that makes it easier for them to read each other’s wishes and aspirations without much difficulty. | Both couples have similar traits and knowing each other well can become a major weak point during emotional crises leading to third person sympathy that can bring frictions in relations due to their interference which may make them hurt their partner. |
You can request a free Vedic Compatibility Report on Indian Astrology principles. The report will need the birth details of you & your partner covering Date, Time & Place of birth. Our team looks forward to amaze you with the powerful Vedic Matching Report covering your thinking, social, sexual, financial & instincts related compatibility.
The Pisces star constellations are two stages of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra, one stage of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra and four stages of Revati Nakshatra.
Note: Different Pisces and Pisces couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of one’s birth. Hence, people of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatras.
Purva Bhadrapada- Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Purva Bhadrapada- Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra have good understanding in their compatibility where both have similar way of thinking and adjustment in real life. They make progressive movements for happiness in your relationship. They share understanding that keeps them aligned in marriage/long relationship.
Purva Bhadrapada- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Purva Bhadrapada- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra couple share good compatibility as the Uttara Bhadrapada partner is practical in nature which makes the relationship strong and progressive. Your sensitivity in relationships will bless you with mutual happiness and it will be beneficial if you will support your partner in relationships for mutual peace and harmony.
Purva Bhadrapada- Revati Nakshatra: Purva Bhadrapada- Revati Nakshatra compatibility is good in overall compatibility as you can divide responsibilities with your Revati Nakshatra partner for establishing satisfactory relations with your partner. On the other hand, you may face issues in your intimacy with your partner, but this will also be rectified where your Revati partner will charm you with his/her actions leading you to be submissive to your Revati partner’s needs.
Uttara Bhadrapada- Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada- Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra have good compatibility in relationships where both have different attributes but still understand the unspoken needs of their respective partners. You like the optimistic attitude of Purva-Bhadrapada nakshatra partner who initiates you to be more expressive about your emotional needs and you are supportive in your love relations without any expectations for your efforts.
Uttara Bhadrapada- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra has good compatibility as you are hardworking and devoted in relationships. You form a strong intellectual relationship, but both find it hard to express your emotions, so it is essential to communicate with each other about your feelings by spending quality time with each other for strong bonding and understanding.
Uttara Bhadrapada- Revati Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada- Revati Nakshatra has strong compatibility in relationships where your Revati nakshatra partner has unconditional love for you and they help you overcome your emotional complexities and embrace this special feeling in relationship. Your relationship becomes stronger and your love for relationships flourishes gradually as your relationship matures when faced with any challenge.
Revati - Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Revati - Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra compatibility is good in overall compatibility where you can divide responsibilities with your Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra partner for establishing satisfactory relations with your partner. On the other hand, you may face issues in your intimacy with your partner, but you will compromise in your physical intimacy as it will not be a crucial factor in your relationships. You will have strong emotional connectivity with your Purva Bhadrapada partner leading to cordial relations with each other.
Revati- Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Revati-Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra have strong compatibility in relationships where you have unconditional love for your Uttara Bhadrapada partner and treat your relationship as divine connection. You want to create long commitment in relationship with peace and happiness in mutual relations, but this does not indicate that you do not face challenges, but your relationship becomes stronger as your love matures gradually.
Revati- Revati Nakshatra: Revati- Revati Nakshatra indicates moderate compatibility as the relationship between similar traits may lead to difficulties as you both desire for perfection in love that is not easy to maintain leading to disappointments in life. So, it is necessary for you both to keep yourself rooted in the reality of life and learn to be realistic in your relationships.
The union of two Pisces can make them an ideal pair, or their similar traits can affect their love relationships unfavorably.
Pisces and Pisces relationship can bring satisfying and unpleasant events in your relationship, but the positive attribute will be more visible with little intelligent approach and efforts in relationship with your partner.
They share similar attributes that would bring elevated levels of compatibility in their relationships. You value your partner’s personal space, love for freedom and you support your partner in their endeavors with your unconditional support.
But on the other side if both the partners feel challenged from each other over any matter on the same platform where you may have to struggle for your individuality and power in situations/relationships. So, to make your relationships work and to have a happy and healthy relationship, it is essential for both of you as a couple to adjust and compromise with firm mutual decisions to celebrate each other’s achievements without feeling intimidated with others’ success.
The duo Pisces and Pisces are two emotional partners who share a positive and deep bond, feeling that their love relationship is more perfect than any other. Pisces partners are dedicated to their relationship, maintaining peace and harmony. Pisces and Pisces compatibility is usually convincing as both partners are caring towards each other.
However, their love compatibility can occasionally sway when both become more sensitive to their own sentiments. They may struggle to draw personal boundaries and lose themselves in unrealistic expectations. Realistic understanding and flexibility can revive their love, making their Pisces and Pisces match pleasant and blissful.
Love Compatibility Score: 7.6/10
The sexual compatibility between Pisces and Pisces seems perfect on the surface, but they must make efforts to voice their desires. One of them must take direct action to form physical intimacy. They are attracted to forming fantasies or daydreaming about their personal sexual life and may not have a definite way of getting closer to each other. This behavior may be due to a lack of initiative and the inability to share their feelings.
Pisces and Pisces sexual compatibility can be strong when they overcome their personal shyness and develop the strength to openly share their intimate needs with their partner. This will have a positive impact on their relationship compatibility.
Sexual Compatibility Score: 6.8/10
The Pisces and Pisces match have their own share of fantasies related to their love relationship, but they lack the ability to have practical communication with each other over daily routine problems that demand responsibility. Pisces and Pisces communication compatibility will not work well without emotional connectivity, and both may get stuck at one point, showing more resolve towards the practical aspects of life rather than their love relationship.
They can talk about their fantasies in their love relationship for a long time, but any communication related to daily routine life is less likely to take place, leading to less connectivity in their relationship.
Communication Compatibility Score: 5.8/10
If you have a Question you can ask our Astrologers
Pisces and Pisces compatibility will work well in marriage/relationship compatibility, where they confirm and voice out each other’s needs and validate each other’s feelings. Pisces and Pisces have a strong love bond with the need to work on their sincerity regarding responsibilities/commitments in relationships.
Vedic astrology can assess the couple by analyzing their birth charts. It also shed lights on other facets because the equation between the couple or the love relationship also affects in different ways other aspects of life like luck, family, status, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, and parenthood, to name a few. more
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