Rahu in Capricorn

(Moon Sign based)

Rahu in Capricorn represents an individual who is highly motivated with a strong desire to achieve success. They are sensible, responsible, well-organized and disciplined. They like to focus on material success.

Rahu in Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the celestial plane. The tenth house represents authority, government, administrative power, status, and fame. In their profession, they have leadership qualities and perform hard work. In their company, employees feel happy and comfortable. Capricorn is an earth sign, movable, and has a feminine gender. It shows stability and responsibility.

In love, they are serious lovers. They deal with any problems in a practical way and secure their love life. Saturn is the lord of Capricorn which shows discipline and hard work. Rahu in Capricorn represents the individual who is selfish. They like to live in a calm atmosphere and do not like to talk with others much. They like only attractive friends.

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Rahu is an airy planet, and it creates illusions. Rahu represents foreign land, drugs, media, online work, cheating, fear, and illegal activities. If Saturn’s position is not good, then Rahu in Capricorn creates confusion in professional life. They cannot decide what to do and what is right or wrong. In this dilemma, they remain confused in personal and professional life. They do not take any decision at the right time. It makes their personality harsh and rude.

If Saturn is placed in a good condition, it will handle all situations and achieve its goals. Rahu is always in a retrograde position. For the combustion of Planet, Sun is responsible. But in case of Rahu, there is an opposite Rahu eclipse to Sun. Therefore, the theory of combustion is not applied on Rahu. Rahu exaltation and debilitation cannot be counted because Rahu is a shadow planet. Rahu has no aspects.

Rahu gives the result according to the planet it is conjunct, the house where it is placed and the result of lord as well as the significator of the house.

Rahu in Capricorn: Effects in all 12 Houses

Rahu in Capricorn in 1st House

Rahu in the first house in Capricorn represents an individual with strong desires to achieve goals. They work extremely hard and achieve success in professional life. In their personality, a competitive power has been seen in various parts of life. They have qualities to encourage others, to create new things and to achieve something. They try new methods to reach heights. They appreciate others for their good performance.

If Saturn is placed in a bad position, it leads to immoral and illegal activities. They become addicted with alcohol and drugs. They may suffer from health issues. They have many desires, if they have not achieved all desires, they feel unhappy and lonely. If Saturn is placed in a good position, it creates an attractive personality, name, fame, health and wealth. The individual has a sharp mind to achieve goals in a short period of time.

Rahu in Capricorn in 2nd House

Rahu in the second house in Capricorn represents an individual who is intelligent and brave. They accumulate money for their family through self-efforts. They may live far from their birthplace and have no support from family members. Despite facing many challenges in accumulating wealth, they manage their life well and fulfill all the facilities for their family. Their sharp mind helps increase their bank balance.

If Saturn is placed favorably, it ensures that the family’s position will be very high, and they have goodwill in society. They belong to a highly affluent family. However, if Saturn is unfavorably positioned, they may encounter various problems in life. When the Moon is conjunct with Rahu in the second house, it indicates wealth from occult sciences. Similarly, if Venus is conjunct with Rahu in the second house, it can lead to job opportunities in areas such as banking, the food industry, or social media. Through employment or providing excellent services in business, they acquire wealth and build goodwill within society.

Rahu in Capricorn in 3rd House

Rahu in third house in Capricorn represents the individual with high communication skills. They communicate with others and make money from their interactions. They take an interest in trading businesses, marketing, commission-based ventures, and travel-related enterprises. Daily travel and conversations are their preferences. Their communication skills contribute to the growth of their business. This individual brings luck to their brothers and sisters, enjoying their support. They frequently travel to foreign countries, and it is common to find their siblings living abroad.

When Saturn is favorably positioned, they receive support from their mother. Benefits also come from their brothers and sisters. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu in the third house, it indicates a love marriage. They will marry a known person and lead a happy married life. In business, partnering with others will lead to business growth.

Rahu in Capricorn in 4th House

Rahu in fourth house in Capricorn represents the individual who uses secret methods in profession. They try new technology in business to reach new heights of success. In this chart, Saturn is an auspicious planet for individuals. The individual’s children also support them in business. If Saturn is places in good house, it will make Raj Yog and Dhan Yog. In Saturn or Rahu Maha Dasha, it will give all comforts of life. They will have several lands and properties.

If Saturn is placed in a bad condition, the individual feels unhappy in their own house. They are devoid of mental peace and happiness. They tend to be worried about the future, and wealth accumulation. If Jupiter is placed with Rahu in fourth house, the individual may be a house owner through self-efforts or loans.

Rahu in Capricorn in 5th House

Rahu in fifth house in Capricorn represents the individual with a sharp mind. They are highly intelligent to create new things. It is likely that they may pursue a career in the science stream. Rahu and Saturn both are technical planets, and they give technical education to individuals. They may study in a foreign land or far away from their own house.

If Saturn is placed in a bad condition, the individual is a diplomatic person. They face problems in education. Their negative thinking can disturb them in life. They may feel lonely and unhappy because they always think about themselves and their profit. If Mercury is conjunct with Rahu in fifth house, it will enhance personality with great achievements and success. Their profession might be related to their education and likely technical in nature.


Natal Rahu Report

Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940


Rahu in Capricorn in 6th House

Rahu in the sixth house in Capricorn represents an individual who is alert in life. They have many enemies and competitors, facing numerous challenges in life. Their struggle period is exceptionally long, but it ultimately grants them the power to win over rivals. These challenging times make them remarkably resilient. They emerge victorious in all competitions, achieving higher success in life.

When Saturn is unfavorably positioned, they become self-centered, offensive, and skeptical of spiritual matters. They resort to illegal methods to earn money, seeking success through shortcuts. However, if Mercury is conjunct with Rahu in the sixth house, they excel in the fields of medicine, loans, and competitive endeavors, using their intelligence and sharp mind

Rahu in Capricorn in 7th House

Rahu in seventh house in Capricorn represents an individual who is emotional and intelligent. The partner of individual also has a sharp mind. The bonding of the individual with their partner is good if the partner is modern. The individual must praise their partner’s beauty and appreciate them for a happy married life.

If Saturn is placed in a bad condition, the individual is physically weak. They think excessively, which hampers their state of mind. They may face issues in their marriage life and face losses in business. If Moon is placed in seventh house with Rahu, the individual’s partner is from foreign country. They may marry for love to someone from a different culture or religion.

Rahu in Capricorn in 8th House

Rahu in the eighth house in Capricorn represents an individual who works hard in career. It will bestow good results to the individual. It may lead to sudden profits in life. It will bring inheritance money or property.

If Saturn is placed unfavorably, it will create illegal issues. The individual creates problems by their foolishness and may get involved in bad company, indulging in illegal work. They may face problems and sudden losses in life. If Mercury is placed with Rahu in the eighth house, the individual has low confidence. However, they receive inheritance property or money from in laws.

Rahu in Capricorn in 9th House

Rahu in the ninth house in Capricorn represents the individual with a high position in life. They will be blessed with many houses in foreign countries. They will receive great wealth from their father. It is likely that their father is a famous person. They will live a lavish life in foreign countries or far away from their birthplace.

Rahu in Capricorn makes one fond one a luxurious life. They travel to foreign countries for business, which will be beneficial for you. If Saturn is placed in a bad position, they may not believe in God, and their own culture and rituals. They may also face losses in their careers. Sometimes they are attracted to other religions and other cultures. If Mercury is placed in ninth house with Rahu, the individual gets higher education in foreign land or far away from their house.

Rahu in Capricorn in 10th House

Rahu in the tenth house in Capricorn represents an individual who incorporates high technology in business. They possess leadership qualities to maintain their business, and their employes support them. They possess the administrative power to lead a high status in life. Rahu expands their business in all areas, creating easy profits.

If Saturn is placed unfavorably, it will cause some issues with their father. The individual and their father differ in thinking. The individual may feel unhappy in the company of their father. They may also face problems in their career. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu in tenth house, they achieve success in professional life owing to their spouse. In their company, there is a possibility that all employees are females.

Rahu in Capricorn in 11th House

Rahu in the eleventh house in Capricorn represents an individual who is extremely hardworking. They have a strong desire to achieve something high in life. They put in diligent efforts to make money and wish to be a famous person in life. They possess good networking skills and connect with their social circle to attain profits from them.

Their nature is friendly, and they easily connect with people. They fulfil their desires and achieve success. They are highly intelligent and achieve higher education. If Saturn is placed unfavorably, one ends up with excessive desires which can lead to indulgence with bad company and loss of money.

Rahu in Capricorn in 12th House

Rahu in the twelfth house in Capricorn represents an individual who is highly intelligent but is a lazy person. They work slowly and take a long time to complete their work. They may earn money from foreign business and likely work in a multinational company. They may use technical equipment in their business.

If Saturn is not placed well, the individual spends his money on unnecessary work. They may also suffer from health issues. They face losses and challenges regarding wealth. If Sun is conjunct with Rahu in twelfth house, the individual may marry a foreigner or someone from a different culture.


Natal Rahu Report

Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more

USD 49 / Rs.2940


Rahu in Scorpio

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents worldly desire, materialistic possessions, illusions and rebellion and chaos whereas Scorpio is the sign that indicates depth, transformations and secrecy. When Rahu resides in Scorpio it tends to make you focused, determined and you possess a deep thirst for understanding life and its hidden meanings which leads to your interest in occult sciences, secrets and the truth about the unknown.

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Rahu in Sagittarius

(Moon Sign Based)

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a shadowy planet that represents desire, and ambition. It is associated with sudden and unexpected changes in any individual’s life, whereas Sagittarius sign is known for freedom and philosophical approach with optimistic outlook towards life. Rahu in Sagittarius indicates the connection of desire and wisdom, and you are a seeker who loves to explore the reality and truth about life.

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