2018 Aries:
Aries, planets demand more hard work from you. There will be new opportunities as well as life lessons to learn. You will do well in career and income also looks satisfactory. However, some issues might take place on the domestic front. From March to July, you need to be cautious in spending or expenditure could spiral out of control. During this period, do not indulge in foreign connections either. If you are a businessperson, do not start a new venture from April to September as losses are indicated. Broadly,
2018 horoscope holds promise for
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2018 Taurus:
A peaceful and relaxed mental state awaits you Taurus as you ring in the New Year. However, make sure to tame your anger before it squeezes out love from your relationships. Career will progress fine but do not think of switching job from March to July. During this period, you need to take your work seriously and avoid doing anything that might affect your job security. The period after May is positive for spouse, who may score a promotion! 2018 is promising if you were looking to work and settle in a foreign country. A loan may also get settled this year.
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2018 Gemini:
Suggests many new business and growth opportunities ahead but exercise caution from May to November when enemies would be most active. There's also a possibility of injury/accident. Other than that, your energy level is excellent this year. Rahu may spoil your language this year so think twice before you utter anything controversial. Overall, exercise caution when lending money and keep working hard, eventually, your labor will bear fruits. If married, the period after October could be rough.
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2018 Cancer:
This year, there could be some confusion and stress but if you maintain an optimistic approach, life would not be as hard as it may seem. There would be sudden opportunities that may bring you money for a long while; it could be income from rent or sale of ancestral property or a new business proposal. Work pressure would be high which means you will need to maintain work-life balance before it affects your relationships.
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2018 Leo:
This year will bring a lot of mental relief but don't let anger take the better of you. Haters will hate, but you know how to deal with them. That said, it would be in your best interest to not create new enemies. Victory in court case is also indicated. But if in business, keep a watch on competitors in the market. Overall, business would be growth-oriented and you might have to travel a lot from March to July. This is also a good year to buy a house or settle abroad. However, your 2018 horoscope also indicates possibility of some fresh ailment so health needs attention.
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2018 Virgo :
Communication and intellect would be your strong suit this year. And you seem to have a good energy level too. However, from May to November, you might become short tempered. Avoid purchasing a house this year and also, do not trust anyone in business matters in the second half of the year. If married, relationship would become sweeter if you pay respect to your spouse and their family.
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2018 Libra:
Career would remain your priority it seems but you will also spend enough time with your social circle this year. 2018 is a year to be practical. Do not make false promises or hand over something of value to someone you don't trust. The period from May to November is not much positive for your domestic life but spouse would have substantial monetary gains during this period. In career matters, the period from March to July is crucial when you should avoid any hasty decisions like job change.
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2018 Scorpio:
2018 would get off to a good start as long as you know how to make the best use of the energy you seem to have as the year begins. Planets are poised to make you intolerant of crude people and conversations. Your temperament at this time is serious and helping. The period from May to November would be full of confidence and courage, make the best use! Siblings will also do well in this period. For foreign settlement, you could make efforts during March to July. This period is also good for foreign and spiritual travel. If unmarried, wedding bells might ring for you after August.
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2018 Sagittarius:
You would become a serious, generous and disciplined person. However, your outlook and temperament may be a bit unstable during April to September. Avoid taking any major steps during this period. This is a good year for you to settle in a foreign place. Career and income graph would show upward trends but not without cutthroat competition and challenges. And the period from March to July demands more caution in career and money matters. Property deals would be favorable this year, not after October though.
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2018 Capricorn:
Capricorn, your talents and skills would come to light now. Stay calm and focus on your work. As long as you do this, there is no looking back. However, the period from March to July could be tricky in career so keep an eye out and avoid any career change. This year is not much promising in terms of business partnerships. It would be good idea to screen all the paperwork yourself before giving a green signal. Gains from sources abroad are indicated during April to September but don't be impatient. Things might take time to materialize. Avoid misunderstandings in relationships too.
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2018 Aquarius:
You will be on a hunt to acquire multiple sources of earning this year, it seems. Have patience, you would eventually get recognition you deserve. And don't be afraid to make some compromises either. Making new connections this year would help you a lot later in life. But frequent mood changes could adversely affect your personal and professional relationships so change your approach accordingly. Try to be understanding and diplomatic at work, it will help progress faster.
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2018 Pisces:
Your interest in spirituality would expound further, affording more peace and contentment. However, career may still become stressful at times when things seem out of hand. It could be a forced job transfer too. Career would be a lot stable after October. The idea is to practice patience and keep expectations low. Results may get noticeably delayed during April to September but don't rush or get impatient. You have good energy and luck quotient. All you need is some patience to make it far.
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