Cancer - Sagittarius Compatibility

(Moon Sign Based)

Cancer is an emotional water sign while Sagittarius is a fire sign with a practical approach. Together, they will not work well as partners as they both have completely different personalities.

Cancer moon sign and Sagittarius moon sign will get attracted to each other for their courage. Sagittarius will get attracted towards the emotional strength from Cancer’s end and Cancer will get attracted towards Sagittarius for their bold initiative. However, as the relationship progresses, the fundamental differences may pose problems for the sustenance of the relationship.

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Overall, this match will not go ahead because they have different qualities and personalities.

Basic Equation between Sagittarius and Cancer

  • Cancer moon signs are known to be emotional, which may cause trouble for the fast- paced Sagittarius moon sign to move ahead. They may find it difficult to make decisions with mutual consent.
  • The initial phase of their relationship will be roses and sunshine because of their creative approach as both Sagittarius and Cancer are fun-loving. But after some time, they may realize their difference in opinions for financial decisions, family values, and relationships.

When Sagittarius is the Man & Cancer is the Woman

The Sagittarius man will have a strong personality and they will have a committed approach for their Cancer partner. Sagittarius man will express their feelings and be ready to take initiative for their partner. Cancer women will find it challenging to express their feelings with Sagittarius owing to their bold and aggressive personality. They both get attracted to each other’s hard work, emotional intelligence, and caring attitude for their responsibilities.

When Cancer is the Man & Sagittarius is the Woman

Sagittarius women will get attracted toward Cancer men for their emotional and caring nature. Sagittarius women will have a strong inclination for Cancer men for their protective nature. They may however find sudden clashes of opinion due to a quest for perfection. Cancer seeks emotional security and Sagittarius women may get overwhelmed due to the overprotective nature of the Cancer man.

Positive Aspect of Sagittarius– Cancer Match

Sagittarius moon signs have a protective nature. They will be ready to take risks for their partner. Sagittarius will have a stable financial status and be ready to help their partner and family. Cancer moon signs have a royal and problem-solving approach. There will be expected rise in luck after marriage for these two. They might meet at workplace or meet through colleagues. Both will find the relationship exciting, especially in the initial phase.

Negative Aspect of Sagittarius – Cancer Match

  • This match is marked by completely different personalities. They have differences in opinion on various domains and ideas, causing ups and down in the relationship.
  • They may not feel comfortable to share past events related to their relationship which makes them both uncomfortable with each other. They have an emotional nature but differ in terms of energies, which creates challenges.

Love Matters / Marriage Compatibility

It is amazing when a couple grows old together and still has deep love and respect for each other. They remind us that relationships can last for long and can still be loving. But the fact is, this success rests on the compatibility between the two individuals. more

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Nakshatra (Constellation) Compatibility

  • The Cancer star constellations are Punarvasu with 1 stage, Pushya with 4 Stages, and Alesha with 4 Stages.
  • Sagittarius has three constellations Moola with 4 quarters, Purva Asahda 4 quarter and UttaraAsadha with 1 quarter.

Note: Different Cancer-Sagittarius couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth. Hence, people of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatra.

Punarvasu- Moola: They will find an attraction for each other due to their sense of emotional intelligence and ability to take care of their partner as a child. But, being stuck in past mistakes and over-expectations from their partner will cause challenges in their relationship.

Pushya – Moola: They will find sudden attraction to each other due to their hard work and intuitive approach. However, due to their different personalities while making decisions, they may encounter issues.

Alesha – Moola: They may face a lack of emotional support and chances are that they will encounter clashes of opinion regarding their lifestyle. Cancer and Sagittarius will face a break in the relationship due to lack of commitment.

Punarvasu- PurvaAsahda: They will be attracted towards each other for their knowledgeable approach. They will face challenges in their relationship due to ego clashes.

Pushya – PurvaAsahda: They will face challenges in their relationship because of a lack of clarity to move ahead together as life partners. A stagnant situation will arise due to a lack of command over financial decisions with mutual consent.

Alesha - PurvaAsahda: Cancer will try to dominate in relationship with Sagittarius. They both will get attracted towards each other’s power and status, but after getting into the relationship, they will start facing clashes of opinion and a lack of emotional support.

Punarvasu- UttaraAsadha: They will get attracted to their committed and disciplined approach. Sometimes they may face relationship clashes.

Pushya – UttaraAsadha: They both will have a difference in opinion but love to learn from each other, which bounds them together. They will explore new personalities within themselves when they come together.

Alesha – UttaraAsadha: They will get attracted towards each other’s strong personalities and power. In the first phase of their relationship, they will feel comfortable and give space to each other to understand their needs but after some time they will start developing expectations to change as per their need. They will face ego clashes eventually.

How can Cancer-Sagittarius have a Happy and Healthy Relationship?

Cancer moon signs should not overanalyze the situations in their relationship with Sagittarius moon signs. Cancer should avoid dwelling on past mistakes because that will cause repetitive arguments in the relationship with Sagittarius.

Giving space and a friendly approach rather than forcing others to make changes in personality should be the theme for the couple. They both should work as good friends to overcome the clashes in their relationship. Both have good knowledge and understanding but lack of a learning mindset and listening to each other makes them uncomfortable as partners together.

Love Compatibility Score

In terms of love expression, attachment, and sharing sweet memories with gifts and travel they are good together. Cancer with their emotional intelligence know how and when to share their thoughts and opinions with Sagittarius and that makes them come closer together. But getting stuck with mistakes and the past causes challenges in the relationship with Sagittarius.

Score: 8 Out Of 10

Sexual Compatibility Score

They get attracted towards each other for their courage and emotional intellect. They also give space to understand each other as good friends. Cancer and Sagittarius are attracted to each other for their knowledge and decision-making ability. But after spending time together they realize there is a stark difference in approach and ideas which creates conflict in their personality as a couple. When it is time to make a relationship work, they will find ways to express their feelings in writing. As partners, they find it difficult to express their feelings to each other.

Score: 5 Out of 10

Communication Compatibility Score

Cancer will take the initiative in its relationship with Sagittarius. They love to spend time together and will travel with their Sagittarius partner, enhancing the attraction towards each other. Sagittarius will also have a friendly approach with Cancer. However, they both have completely different elements (fire and water) which makes them over-emotional and over-aggressive causing sudden arguments, a communication gap and a break in the relationship.

Score: 5 Out Of 10

Overall Recommendation

This match is not going to be fruitful because of an absence of same opinions and their expectations will not be fulfilled. Cancer (Water sign) and Sagittarius (fire sign) pull each other but cause friction in the relationship. Cancer will adopt a reserved personality in the relationship that makes them feel uncomfortable expressing their emotion with Sagittarius. This couple will face ups and downs in their relationship. Sagittarius will always try to transform the personality of their Cancer partner.


Relationship Analysis Report

Vedic astrology can assess the compatibility of a couple by analyzing their birth charts. It also sheds light on other facets because the equation between the couple or the love partnership also affects in different ways other aspects of life like luck, family, status, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, and parenthood, to name a few. more

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