Cancer-Virgo Compatibility

(Moon Sign Based)

Virgo and Cancer are compatible signs, as they both help each other and work on challenges to grow in life. Virgo encourage their Cancer partner to take decisions and take a lead, which develops trust.

Cancer - Virgo Compatibility

Cancer moon signs are empathetic and compassionate. Extremely loyal, they prefer to spend time with their family at home. Virgo moon signs also prefer to spend time with family but also like to travel and explore.

Cancer – Virgo moon signs give space to each other. They are not bound to share their activities with each other yet still maintain a great connection.

Virgo is a practical sign, in their notion, a Cancerian is a grounded person, and they feel comfortable in sharing their detailed plan of action and discussing their schedules. Cancer being a good listener helps them feel comfortable.

This astrology compatibility is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. Please fill in your birth details below to confirm your moon sign for the purpose of compatibility analysis.

They both have a sharp memory and might not forgive and forget the good and bad moments, which might create differences at times.

They both have different attributes; Cancer loves nurturing and counselling others by understanding other’s pain whereas Virgo will perform mental exercises and is intellectually inclined.

The moon is the ruling planet of Cancer which represents emotions and past karmic deeds, this sign is intuitively very powerful and might oscillate between past and present. Mercury is the lord of Virgo and will have an analytic and intellectual persona.

Basic Equation Between Cancer Moon Sign & Virgo Moon Sign

Their equation is like earth and water and are compatible to each other. Cancer is highly intuitive and wants to serve and nurture humanity. Virgo is a material sign and will always be inclined towards their comfort and calculations, which is beneficial for both.

Earthy sign Virgo will clean up the entire house and run errands for their Cancer partner.

They will organize things and Cancer will bring an emotional touch to their Virgo partner.

When Cancer Moon is the Man & Virgo Moon is the Woman

They will lead a successful life and Cancer man will make their Virgo partner understand how to fulfil emotional formalities and lead a happy life. Cancer man will listen to their partner and will be ready to provide their support and will share their emotions.

When Cancer Moon is the Woman & Virgo Moon is the Man

They are extremely creative individuals. Virgo is a beautiful organizer and will help their Cancer partner in scheduling. Your emotional and physical intimacy will be balanced. You will spend quality time with your partner to boost stability in your relationship. Any trace of ego and rude tone in communication is likely to bring disparity.

Positive and Negative Aspects of Cancer- Virgo Match

Cancer – Virgo will complement each other, and both the signs thrive on security and trust to create a solid connection. Cancer moon signs fantasize and spend time dreaming things whereas Virgo partner will help show them the reality Both the signs are reserved and may accumulate pent up emotions, which might create havoc in the relationship. Virgos are infamous for their critical and taunting behavior which an emotional Cancer might not take.

When Virgo becomes overwhelmed by their own planning and scheduling, Cancer partner will give them comfort and listen to them. They make a strong bond in the relationship.

Virgos spend less time thinking about emotions and are inclined towards problem solving. Their relationship will bring feelings of contentment, and they will share tender gestures of romance.

Due to their varied habits and thinking ability, a lack of communication may arise with your partner over the matters of concern. Virgo moon may become fussy and irritated when Cancer partner does not follow the plans and daily routine.

They both take time to open up in a relationship and will open up slowly with each other. They initiate by discussing their hobbies, likes and dislikes to understand each other deeply.
Virgos express their emotions in a practical way, and they deal with their own limitations in displaying love and affection.


You can request a free Vedic Compatibility Report on Indian Astrology principles. The report will need the birth details of you & your partner covering Date, Time & Place of birth. Our team looks forward to amaze you with the powerful Vedic Matching Report covering your thinking, social, sexual, financial & instincts related compatibility.


How can Cancer- Virgo have a Happy and Healthy Relationship?

Cancer must learn to become emotional and to use analytic thinking, Virgo must learn from their Cancer partner to become an emotional person.

Virgo must minimize their complaints and critics towards their Cancer partner, rather they should stop being judgmental, which can make them to lead an aloof life.

Cancer must stop whining and crying, which their Virgo partner can never understand, because Virgo is a problem fixer.

Love Compatibility

Both will be cordial and expressive in their feelings to their partner. Virgo moon sign will adopt a more grounding and less demanding approach towards their Cancer moon sign partner. Cancer should use their intellect and Virgo must use emotions in their relationship. Virgo must practice feeling love through emotional aspect not by using their brains.

Love Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10

Sexual Compatibility

Virgo and Cancer will create a great tuning in their sex life. Virgo being calculative will get busy organizing to make it perfect and for Cancer it’s all about taking time with a prolonged communication. Both will learn to understand to build their sexual life creative. Cancer will need to create emotional connection to bring their bars down and to enjoy the moment with their brainy Virgo partner.

Sexual Compatibility Score: 8 out of 10

Communication Compatibility

Cancer partner might run out of words which Virgo will fulfil and keep them engaged. They will share passion in their relationship and exciting romantic experiences in relationship. They both know their weaknesses and strengths and will be prepared for challenges in their relationships. But Virgo must understand that their Cancer partner will take time to revert from a sulking mode. Virgo should also minimize their expectations from their partner and understand that it is acceptable to make mistakes.

Communication Compatibility Score: 7 out of 10


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Overall Recommendations

Moon and Mercury are an interesting combination of emotion and intellectual thoughts which is important to bring balance and maintain harmony in a relationship. The emotional Cancer and reasonable Virgo complement each other as the heart compliments the mind. The relationship is a match made in heaven.

Therefore, a relationship between Cancer Moon Sign & Virgo Moon Sign will work and is recommended.


Relationship Analysis Report

Vedic astrology can assess the couple by analyzing their birth charts. It also shed lights on other facets because the equation between the couple or the love relationship also affects in different ways other aspects of life like luck, family, status, happiness, health, longevity, prosperity, and parenthood, to name a few. more

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The Cancer star constellations are Punarvasu 4, Pushya 1 pada,2pada,3pada, 4pada, Ashlesha 1pada, 2pada, 3pada, 4pada.

The Virgo star constellations are the Uttara Phalguni 2,3,4, Hasta 1,2,3 Chitra 1,2 Pada fall in this sign.

Different couples will have different results because a moon sign always has an accompanying nakshatra which is different for different people.

Note: Different Cancer-Virgo couples would have different results because a Moon Sign is always associated with a Nakshatra (constellation), which is determined by the presence of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra at the time of birth. Hence, people of the same Moon sign would have different Nakshatra.

PUNARVASU / UTTARA PHALGUNI: Cancer constellation combination with Virgo constellation will complement each other by working on trust and faith. They both will share their likes and dislikes.

PUNARVASU / HASTA: Punarvasu will support Hasta’s viewpoint and will work on the challenges together. But Hasta might not be as mature as Punarvasu in maintaining a harmonious relationship.

PUNARVASU / CHITRA: Chitra nakshatra will appreciate their partner for their intelligence and wisdom. They will regard each other with a positive attitude.

PUSHYA / UTTARA PHALGUNI: Pushya nakshatra will be egoistic and will not be compatible with Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. They can create mistrust in a relationship and will not respect their partner.

PUSHYA / HASTA: Pushya can help Hasta nakshatra to come out of their fears by their high potency and energy. They are born leaders and will teach their partner how to improve their strength.

PUSHYA / CHITRA: They both are different in nature, Chitra might not be able to cope up with Pushya nakshatra’s egoistic behavior and will cause distress.

ASHLESHA / UTTARA PHALGUNI: They are compatible and will support each other. They have a friendly approach towards each other. Ashlesha will help to fulfil Uttara Phalguni’s goal and vice versa.

ASHLESHA/ HASTA: Their friendly support will make them achieve happiness, but Hasta needs to understand and respect Ashlesha’s presence in their relationship.

ASHLESHA / CHITRA: Ashlesha needs to acknowledge the cleverness of Chitra and stop being bossy in their relationship.


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