Weekly Cancer Horoscope July 14, 2024 till July 20, 2024 Moon Sign based

This week you will be able to express your feelings with passion to your favourite person and your love can move towards a new path, as you will come emotionally closer to each other. However, for married folks, the transit of retrograde Saturn indicates some problems in your domestic life.

This week will also strengthen your zeal to earn money, you will keep yourself balanced and handle the financial situation by becoming self-reliant at this time. If you want to take a loan, this period will be favourable for you, and money will be arranged on time.

With retrograde Saturn also being in the career house, your hard work may double. Employed individuals should not indulge in politics in the office. At this time, the transit of Jupiter is indicating success in your job, and you can also get the desired job. You will work with discipline and achieve a promotion or appraisal.

This is a good time for you to get success in competitive exams, and you must not waste your time. This week will be good for students preparing for higher education and government job.
If you are going on a long journey during this time, take particular care of your diet and take out time for outing and yoga. If you feel mental stress this week, then you must practice Anuloma Vilom and meditation.

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