With the new financial year starting on April 1, there will be a few changes in your financial trend and growth from last year. Keeping the current economic scenario in mind, it will be amazing to find out what this new financial year will bring to the table.
April first marks the beginning of each Financial Year. Each year is different than the others in terms of budget allocation, inflation rates, tax accountings and myriad other reasons. Depending upon your income generation and tax assessment, you can determine how you will fare on a particular financial year. With help of Vedic Astrology, our team studied the planetary positions in different houses for each zodiac to bring to you our predictions for how your FY 2021-22 will fare.
Aries sign depicts a strong character and the year 2021-22 will bring mixed bag of fortunes and experiences for you. Year 2021 will be an average period in terms of finances as Rahu will be present in the house of wealth throughout the year bringing contradictions in your finances, if not handled with care. Read more in detail.
Taurus is a fixed earthy sign of the zodiac. The Taurus natives will do charismatically well in their professional life. However, the year 2021 is going to be an average year in terms of their wealth and finances. Rahu will be posited in your ascendant giving you a daring and confident approach in life. Jupiter will cover your Ninth house of fortune and Tenth house of career along with Saturn, which will remain posited in your Ninth house of fortune throughout the year. Read more in detail.
Leo natives will have a prosperous financial year ahead. Mercury, the ruler of your wealth house, will offer you a lot of opportunities to get involved in analytical research and use your creative mind to judge the situation. The Leo moon signs will see profitable outcomes in the year 2021 because of their hidden talents and manipulated efforts. You will be able to strike a perfect balance between your income and expenditure. Read more in detail.
This Financial Year may be quite favorable for the Virgo moons sign. There will be a positive increment in their wealth due to the presence of Mercury in Virgo’s horoscope. Mercury will give Virgos sharp analytical acumen throughout the year which would help them manage their finances in the best possible manner. In terms of gains, this financial year will be filled with instances of good luck. Read more in detail.
This year is going to be an average year for the Libra moon sign natives. You will enjoy this year with gains and profits. You will have good fortune from the start of the year. However, you will have to make sound financial decisions for smooth sailing throughout the year. Besides that, you will also need to make the best use of the opportunities that are likely to strike your way this financial year. Read more in detail.
This is going to be a good financial year for the Scorpio natives. You will get flourishing offers from various sources. You will have satisfying year in terms of wealth and finance. You will have good income and your cash flow will stay positive throughout this period. Read more in detail.
This is quite a relaxing period for the Sagittarius natives as far as their finances are concerned. Jupiter will remain posited in the Aquarius sign, in the third house of initiative and courage, throughout the year. You can expect some good news during this period. It is due to your analytical and creative mindset that you will be able to make the best use of the opportunities. Jupiter rules the ascendant and fourth house in your horoscope. Your courage and wisdom will bring good monetary gains during this period. Read more in detail.
The financial horoscope of Capricorn moon sign reveals that this 2021-22 may not be a financially rewarding year for the Capricorn natives. Even though you will put in a lot of efforts, yet the planets will cause hurdles and challenges in your life. Also, the planet of prosperity, Jupiter, will remain in debilitated sign for most parts of the year. Read more in detail.
The financial year will be a mixed bag of fortune for the Aquarius moon sign natives in 2021. Saturn will remain posited in the twelfth house that signifies losses and expenditure. Jupiter is your planet of wealth and prosperity, and it will remain in its debilitated sign, Capricorn, for most parts of the year. Aquarius natives will see gradual but slow financial growth in 2021. Read more in detail.
The financial trend for the years 2021-22 will show mixed results and strength where you will have to handle monetary circumstances quite carefully. Your efforts will have to be manipulated in such a manner that your savings are maximum during the progressive periods. Read more in detail.
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