Rahu (Dragon's Head) Remedy: Afflicted Rahu Pooja

Rahu (Dragon’s head) is termed a natural negative planet & generally gives bad results. It creates illusions & never gives satisfaction in life. It denotes a bad element in society & when the ascendant lord is afflicted by Rahu, it can lead to problems in life: One can keep bad company & get into crime. Harsh results can come in Rahu's main period or sub-period.

Rahu (Dragon's Head) Remedy: Afflicted Rahu Pooja

Rahu or Dragon’s head is a naturally negative planet that gives bad results. It eclipses positivity in one’s chart when placed in conjunction with another planet or aspects another planet. In certain charts, Rahu afflictions can be extremely negative due to house placements or conjunctions. In such cases, it is advised to get the afflicted Rahu remedy done.

When does Rahu (Dragon’s head) need a Remedy?

  • If the Rahu (Dragon’s head) is weak in your chart, or is placed in a bad house, or in conjunction with other planets, it might bring negative results.
  • Placements such as in 4th, 8th or 12th house are considered bad/negative placements of the Rahu (Dragon’s head).
  • This is specially activated during the time of Rahu’s main-period or sub-periods.


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An afflicted Rahu (Dragon’s head) can cause issues like:

  • Family issues: an afflicted Rahu creates progeny issues or issues caused due to the male child, either physically or behaviorally. It may also lead to abortions. It is not favorable for family ties and creates unrest with bad placements.
  • Corruption, defamation and illusions: an afflicted Rahu can lead a person towards illicit ways of living, corrupted means of earning, looking for an easy way out, illusions, portraying a personality which is quite different in public and private life, running after fame and materialism, insensitive towards others, not being able to see the motive or essence of any situation and bad judgements. All of these result in accumulated bad karma and may lead to defamation in life.
  • Unhealthy Occult practices: a placement of Rahu’s affliction in the 8th house gives rise to practicing occult majorly to create hurdle r harm others with an evil intent. This in turn creates a karmic baggage and a heavily flawed and promiscuous character.
  • Health issues: an afflicted Rahu may cause health issues like cancer, breathing problems, ulcers, cataracts and stammering issues. It also leads to confusion, depression, menta illnesses, emotional unbalance, impulsiveness, and fickleness with not being able to stick to a decision for very long. It gives a lethargic attitude as well.
  • Guru Chandal Dosh: when Rahu or Ketu gets involved with Jupiter, it creates a Guru Chandaal Dosh which creates huddles in life and effects the mentality and wisdom. Making bad decisions and never being able to think straight is one of the impacts out of the rest.

To mitigate these harmful effects, one needs to know the strength of Rahu (Dragon’s head)’s affliction through houses of placement and its degrees in one’s chart, and accordingly remedies can be prescribed.

How to know if you need a remedy for afflicted Rahu (Dragon’s head)?

  • Your birth chart needs to be reviewed by an expert Vedic Astrologer to determine if Rahu (Dragon’s head)’s affliction in your horoscope needs a remedy and to what degree.
  • There are certain charts where the Rahu (Dragon’s head)’s affliction will not cause any ill-effects, whereas, in some, it may cause long-term issues if the chart doesn’t hold much strength. In such cases, it is important that the remedy be carried out by a trustworthy and knowledgeable source.


To get your horoscope reviewed for remedies, CLICK HERE

What are the remedies to address an afflicted Rahu (Dragon’s head)?

Depending upon the degree of affliction, remedies are suggested.

For mild to moderate afflictions

  • You should try to wear dark blue colored clothes as much as possible.
  • You should try staying in a joint or big family along with your parents.
  • Feeding birds is another effective way to mitigate Rahu’s ill effects.

For serious Rahu (Dragon’s head) afflictions

In severe cases, a Rahu (Dragon’s head) Pooja or Rahu (Dragon’s head) Mantra Chanting is suggested, which is one of the effective remedies that helps resolve Rahu (Dragon’s head)’s affliction to an extent. It can be performed by a priest, in your presence, or it can be performed on your behalf on a particular day in case you cannot be physically present during the occasion.

How do we channelize Rahu (Dragon’s head) pooja for you in India?

  • The first step is to fill in the form and order Rahu (Dragon’s head) Pooja for yourself, upon horoscope analysis.
  • You or someone close to you (in case, you’re not available or residing in India) can get the Rahu (Dragon’s head) Pooja done on your behalf. We channelize this pooja through Indastro by connecting you to a trusted priest who performs the pooja for you.

Book a Rahu Remedy Pooja through Indastro

Pooja as Remedy for Afflictions

Indastro does not conduct pooja, it acts as a medium to connect you with trustworthy sources to help you with this remedy. The fee for this remedy is USD 150 (for the Pooja) + USD 50 (for arranging the Pooja via Indastro).

USD 200 / Rs.12000


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