Chaturmukh Yoga

Jupiter, the most pious planet sitting in Kendra from 9th house would make you a learned person who will expand the knowledge through wisdom. Your intellectual quality will make you an outstanding person and people will respect you for your expertise. Venus, the glamorous planet placed eleventh from Kendra, will pave path for success through expanding your confidence in your field. This combination will make you wealthy and prosperous.

Chaturmukh yoga is a yoga which is formed by the influence of both the gurus- Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter in a quadrant from the ninth house i.e., from ninth house it should be placed in 3rd, 6th, or 12th from lagna. Venus is placed in Kendra from eleventh house (2nd, 5th, 8th, or 11th from lagna). Jupiter and Venus must have planetary traded signs to form Chaturmukh Yoga.

  • The most benevolent planet will make you a renowned and successful person in your field.
  • You would achieve great success through your communication skills and cleverness. You will be passionate to do research and detailed work. Jupiter’s position might make you settle abroad, and earn foreign currency.
  • You will have a harmonious married life.
  • The benefic aspect of Jupiter and Venus will subside the negativity in the horoscope and will make the horoscope strong enough to give benefic result even in the struggling time.
  • Fructification of results is visible particularly when planets of signs’ Dasha – Antardasha comes. Minor effects can be seen when these planets transits over the natal position in your horoscope.

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Effects of Chaturmukh Yoga

  • Sudden gains
  • Financial gains after a loss.
  • You might face humility .
  • You will become wealthy and prosperous.
  • You will have an attractive personality.
  • Sudden happiness might arrive.
  • You might be inclined towards spirituality.
  • You will work hard towards success.
  • You will have the willpower to overcome crisis.
  • You will have good health.
  • You will earn a name and respect.
  • You will do good deeds and help others.
  • You might get influenced by others.
  • You will have authority.
  • You may have influential networks.
  • You will have a disciplined lifestyle.




Partial and Negative Combination of Chaturmukh Yoga

Jupiter’s placement will be counted from 9th house kendra and Venus from 11th house kendra, else it will not be counted as Chaturmukh yoga. Any affliction to Jupiter and Venus will affect the potency of Chaturmukh Yoga.

Combustion and Retrograde effect of Chaturmukh Yoga

Combusted and Retrograde planet in connection with Jupiter and Venus will give negative results and will delay the event. Any kind of combinations with a retrograde and combusted planet will not make Chaturmukh yoga.

What you should do to amplify Chaturmukh Yoga?

  • Respect your guru, teachers, and mentors.
  • Respect women, especially in your workplace.
  • Follow a disciplined and healthy lifestyle.
  • Follow religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • Avoid pride.
  • Follow laws and civic amenities.
  • Do not take undue advantage of your power and position.
  • Do not be jealous about other’s growth.
  • Never hurt others by saying wrong words.
  • Respect your employees and coworkers.
  • Do good deeds like food distribution and other donations.
  • Maintain humility in life.
  • Avoid taking hasty decisions to fulfil your desires.
  • Control anger and aggressiveness.
  • You must have a servitude attitude.



Do you know of all the Yogas in your horoscope?

You might not know of many actually since they are not apparent & can be revealed only through a proper scan.

There are nearly 150 well-known yogas in Vedic Astrology that we can look for & identify in your birth chart.

If you wish to know about all the yogas in your horoscope, you can opt for our YOGA SCAN.



Raj Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Raj yoga is the combination of the most positive houses in the horoscope which is Kendra and trikona. This yoga makes you a celebrity, it gives high imaginative and creative power to make yourself larger than life. It gives you the inertia to work hard and potential to create long-lasting fame and reputation. Raj yoga is not essential for achieving success, but it is one of the key elements of fame that lasts for generations. If the planets forming this yoga has full strength, then will bestow good health, wealth, happiness, and a successful life.

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Budh Aditya Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury both are placed in same house, irrespective of sign the yoga is formed, but the house which it is formed that matters. There is a mutual friendship between these two planets, and together they give auspicious results. It works best when Mercury is behind the Sun, placed at 14 degrees. Below three degrees and more than 12 degrees between them also neglects his yoga. Sun blesses you with royal comfort, and Mercury makes you clever and an extremely successful businessman. This yoga will bless you with all kinds of comforts and richness in life. It will give you high energy level, makes you mentally stronger, offers good education, poses good chances of getting a government job, and a learned person along with witty and strong personality.

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