Daridra Yoga

Daridra means Nirdhanta, which means poverty. The houses which relate to wealth aspect are many, but in this yoga eleventh house plays an important role to fulfil your hopes and dreams. If the eleventh house doesn’t hold strength to bestow profit and gains, then it will be considered as an obstacle in your career, profession, finances, and other areas of life. You would face a major financial crunch in your day-to-day life which disturbs family harmony and would lead to inner chaos.

Looking at the Daridra yoga condition the lord of eleventh house should be duly or partly malefic. For example, the debilitated Jupiter placed in twelfth house of a horoscope in capricorn sign who rules the eleventh house is considered a weak planet and it forms Daridra yoga.

  • It affects the overall theme and strength of the horoscope. Fructification of Daridra yoga is when Mahadasha of benefic planets are in effect then it will reduce the effect of Daridra yoga.
  • When Mahadasha of malefic planet are in effect then it will increase the effect of Daridra Yoga.
  • Conditions leading to Daridra yoga are when Malefics are placed in the 11th house or 11th house lord is placed in 6th, 8th or 12th house or 11th lord is debilitated and considered a weak planet will form Daridra Yoga.
  • Lords of 2nd and 11th house is in 6th, 8th and 12th house which is afflicted and doesn’t hold strength to bestow wealth.
  • Debilitated Jupiter in 6th, 8th, and 12th houses.
  • When a malefic planet is placed from 4th house from Moon.

This analysis is Moon Sign based. Vedic Astrology predictions are so accurate because Moon Sign can be determined only with exact birth details. If you don’t know your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY by filling in the form below.

Effects of Daridra Yoga

  • You might face legal issues and litigations regarding property disputes and other wealth related sources.
  • The inflow of money is blocked.
  • Financial crises.
  • Loss of wealth or Job.
  • Setbacks in business and humiliation.
  • Relationship issues.




Partial and Negative Combination of Daridra Yoga

Partial and negative combinations add on to more malefic result in Daridra Yoga

Combustion and Retrogression effect of Daridra Yoga

Combusted and Retrograde planets will create more financial crises in your life.

What you should do to nullify Daridra Yoga?

  • Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth; it is mandatory to do Lakshmi mantra chanting daily.
  • Perform Srisuktam Yagna and mantra on a regular basis.
  • You can also perform Purusha suktam Yagna and mantra on a regular basis.
  • Keep Ekadashi fasting to control your five senses and get the blessing of Lord Vishnu.
  • Keep on decluttering things that don’t serve any purpose in your life.
  • Seek blessings from your parents and elders.




Do you know of all the Yogas in your horoscope?

You might not know of many actually since they are not apparent & can be revealed only through a proper scan.

There are nearly 150 well-known yogas in Vedic Astrology that we can look for & identify in your birth chart.

If you wish to know about all the yogas in your horoscope, you can opt for our YOGA SCAN.




Raj Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

Raj yoga is the combination of the most positive houses in the horoscope which is Kendra and trikona. This yoga makes you a celebrity, it gives high imaginative and creative power to make yourself larger than life. It gives you the inertia to work hard and potential to create long-lasting fame and reputation. Raj yoga is not essential for achieving success, but it is one of the key elements of fame that lasts for generations. If the planets forming this yoga has full strength, then will bestow good health, wealth, happiness, and a successful life.

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Budh Aditya Yoga

(Moon Sign Based)

This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury both are placed in same house, irrespective of sign the yoga is formed, but the house which it is formed that matters. There is a mutual friendship between these two planets, and together they give auspicious results. It works best when Mercury is behind the Sun, placed at 14 degrees. Below three degrees and more than 12 degrees between them also neglects his yoga. Sun blesses you with royal comfort, and Mercury makes you clever and an extremely successful businessman. This yoga will bless you with all kinds of comforts and richness in life. It will give you high energy level, makes you mentally stronger, offers good education, poses good chances of getting a government job, and a learned person along with witty and strong personality.

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