Moon in twelfth house will make you empathetic, who is emotional and can resonate with others’ emotions. You will be a home loving person and will always prioritize your family and loved ones.
Moon in 12th house activates fantasies at subconscious level and makes you very creative. It can also make you imagine unrealistic things.
You can become wealthy by earning in foreign land. You can opt for a profession in adventure sports, water sports, as a security agent, travel guide, travel blogger, etc. 12th house represents foreign land, expenses, isolated places, ashrams, all kinds of loses, house of imagination, subconscious mind, and bed pleasures.
Moon in 12th house suggests that your mind is constantly in the other realm and your subconscious mind is busy fantasizing. It represents an introverted, isolated personality.
You feel balanced and calm when you are one with mother nature. You always try to run away from reality. However, this position also indicates that nourishment from mother will be from a distance, and you might feel deprived of mother’s love. But you will still be emotionally connected with your mother. Your mother is a very private person.
This Moon position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Moon's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
You will always relate to the mystical part of science. You are connected to the psychic world and will have high intuitive power.
You will connect with other dimensions easily. You will have keen interest in esoteric sciences. You can become an influential writer. You can be in a career field away from the public, as you are a private person. You love being in your own isolated box and spending time with your own research.
This position will also make you constantly look for bed pleasures, depending upon the planetary combinations in your birth chart. At times, raising kids might become a burden for you as you gravitate towards detachment and isolation.
This Moon position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Moon's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
A well-placed Moon in 12th house will make you emotional and probably an empath, who can resonate with other’s emotions. You will believe in studies like tarot, astrology, psychic healing, and other occult sciences.
You are a home loving person and will always like to be with your family and loved ones. You will be flexible and will not have issues with restrictions and limitations.
You have the special power of sensing energies intuitively, which can make you a successful healer. You are helpful to others and a solution finder.
A negative Moon in 12th House will expose you to different psychic powers and, at times, you might have to face difficulties while handling these high energies, which can lead to loneliness and phobias.
You will always be available for those in need and this, at times, can create disharmony in your personal life. Your loved ones might feel neglected.
Due to lack of satisfaction in married life, you might indulge in extra marital affairs. You might face an absence of sexual drive and intimacy in your marital life.
Progeny will also be a problematic area in your life. Loss of finances might cause mental tensions leading to stress. Partial insanity and epilepsy might pervade.
Combust Moon in 12th house will create emotional distress, you will not be able to perceive things that are happening in your life. You might face humility, which may lead to aggression. Your health and mental wellbeing will get disturbed because of stress.
You will not be in a state of mind to take a decision, as your mind will always be clouded with toxic thoughts. Financially, you will face losses and distrust in your professional area. You will fantasize about things and will never be able to face reality.
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Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more
Moon in first house will give you a charming and magnetic personality that will impress and attract others. You will enjoy having a big friend circle and use your creativity to gather wealth.
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