Moon in ninth house will make your life comfortable and full of satisfaction. You shall feel content and fulfilled and lead a successful life, thanks to your remarkable intelligence.
Your intellectual qualities are exceptionally good and will lead a successful life. You are highly creative, imaginative and bring smiles on others’ face. You will explore your destiny on foreign land and accumulate wealth, name, fame and recognition. Your subconscious mind will be full of imaginative thoughts and psychic ability.
Moon in 9th house is like an icing on the cake, you are imaginative, creative, knowledgeable, have good fortune to achieve your goals and desires successfully. You will be content in life with success at all levels.
9th house is your belief system, rituals, cultural deeds, philosophical thinking, scientific thinking, mathematical thinking, pilgrimage, long distance travels, teaching of your gurus and father. Moon in the 9th house represents the higher belief system and wants to learn higher philosophical thinking. It is inclined towards performing cultural deeds of your culture.
This Moon position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Moon's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Your mother will be your primary source of teaching and learning things. Whether it’s normal academic learning or philosophy learning of life, your mother will guide you. Your mother will lead you towards your father’s teachings. Your mother will teach you life’s lessons and become the source of knowledge. Your mother will be a religious person who will be totally involved in temples and others devotional activities. She will be very dedicated towards higher learning.
You will achieve trust in your extended family, by proving your leadership qualities to everyone. You will win your family member’s heart by fulfilling the responsibilities with concerns. Your beliefs are so strong that these points of view will lead your life.
You will have inquisitiveness to know more about different cultures, this will develop a flair for knowing other cultures and other people. Moon in 9th house increases the chance of foreign travels and to get settled in foreign countries. You will achieve your goal and fulfil your desire.
This Moon position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Moon's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Since the Moon is placed in the house of fortune, it could make your life comfortable and filled with satisfaction. You will internally feel content and fulfilled.
You will be involved in higher studies and will be divinely connected with your mentors and gurus, who will be responsible for your growth and evolution process.
Chances of foreign travel and settlement will increase. You will get support from elders and will maintain harmonious relationships with others. This placement of Moon will help you with out-of-box thinking.
If Moon is afflicted, then you will go against the religious belief of your family and create disharmony with your loved ones. You will not fulfil the cultural beliefs and deeds that must be done. Your home environment will be disturbed. You will lose your peace of mind.
You might take vows of celibacy, as you will not have peaceful family life. You will have a blindfolded attitude towards your guru and spend enormously without thinking, which might end up financial crisis. Your belief and your sibling’s belief can create a tug of war.
Combust Moon in 9th house will make you follow fake gurus and religious leaders, who will take undue advantage of your superstitious and weak mind.
You will not have clarity in your studies and for higher growth. You will spoil your relationships with elders and will get involved in problematic things which will affect your growth.
Your mind will not have the stability to involve yourself in a highly positive way.
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Your Moon is the most important planet in your horoscope since it acts as a conduit to everything happening around you and acts as a preceptor to all that you experience at a sub-conscious & emotional level. more
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