Moon in tenth house will give you a charismatic appearance and you will always be eager to help others. You will be kind, generous and choose non-violent methods to sort complicated situations.
Moon in 10th house helps you gain authority by empowering the unprivileged. You like to nurture others and, thus, gain respect and power. Like Mahatma Gandhi, who had Moon in 10th house. He dedicated his life to nurturing others and thereby gained name, fame and respect.
The Moon is a soft and nurturing planet; so, when the Moon is placed in 10th house, you would like to fight for your rights in a diplomatic and smooth way. Your approach towards solving any problem will be through nonviolence and righteous way.
You can become a successful government leader, you can opt for a career related to maternal and female products, you can be a chef, home decorator, nurse - who takes care of the underprivileged or senior citizens, you can also be a doctor or a dentist.
Your mother will be a career-oriented women, she is always ready to fight for your nurturing. Your mother makes authoritative decisions in your house, and you are emotionally attached to your father. You are emotionally obsessed about authority and power.
This Moon position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Moon's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Your mother will be a disciplinarian and your attachment with your mother will be professional. She will put you in check and nourish you with discipline, rather than pampering. You will have a dramatic relationship, hence, you will gravitate towards your father.
You will have a leadership role at home and will be a guiding light to your family members. You are emotionally attached to your home as 10th house Moon aspects 4th house. Moon shows your internal mindset, and you will be career oriented but at the same time your mind will be relaxed only if you are emotionally attached towards your family and loved ones.
Home, nourishment, and peace of mind are very important for you. You want nourishment from your spouse.
A Positive Moon indicates a well-placed Moon, which will give you a charismatic appearance and you will always be ready to nurture and help others. You follow non-violence and righteous path, especially in crisis, you come up with bright solutions and maintain peace and harmony among people.
You become a kind and generous person among others. Your nurturing qualities will come to their best when you show your leadership qualities and lead a structured life.
You are open-minded and very clear on your thoughts and achievements which makes you one of your kind. Your desire is to spread peace; you can pay any price to maintain peace. You have a strong instinct vis-a-vis what others want.
It will make you obsessed with your success, name and fame. At times, your personal relationships may take a back seat and create disharmony among others.
You will be anxious and always in a competitive mode. You will never be in a relaxed and calm environment. You will never be satisfied with your achievement and will always have low self-esteem.
Your goal will keep on changing as you are always envious of others’ achievement. You may move towards things which may make you lose your leadership and moral values.
Combust Moon in 10th house will create obstacles in your professional growth. You will be a job hopper and will never be satisfied with your achievements. You will face low self – esteem and will always have psychological issues like loneliness, fear of competition and enviousness. You will not fulfil your responsibility properly; your family members will not rely upon you. You will not follow social norms.
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