Sun in fourth house will make you attached to your family & egoistic when it comes to your home. You will have poor directional strength, but achieve significant success after mid-30s.
Sun in 4th house makes you attached to your house and family members. You are always inclined to show your ego in connection with your house. You will stay in a big house and enjoy all the comforts. You might be inclined towards vintage or royal décor for your house. You relish decorating your house in a lavish way and love to showcase it to satisfy your ego.
Your mother will take the role of your father in your family. Sun in 4th house would indicate night birth time and absence of sunlight, which implies lack of father’s nourishment in your life. Your parents will be strict and disciplined.
This placement will give you a tough life in the early stage, which will deviate you from your goal. Sun being the source of vitality and lifeforce is lacking in you as Sun in the 4th house indicates poor directional strength. So, you will achieve success from the mid-30s.
This Sun position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Sun's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
Sun will rise and illuminate your life from your middle age and bestow you with self-efforts and courage to achieve success in life. You will be a successful entrepreneur, politician, enemies will not be able to attack you after you achieve your goal, which is after the age of 30.
Your mother will be the mentor in your life. 4th house is your motherland and Sun, being at the ‘leadership’ position, you will feel the urge to serve your homeland. You will have a distant relationship with your father as he might have a travelling job, or other reasons, to be far away from you.
A positive Sun in the 4th house makes you very sensitive and gentle soul. You prefer to handle things in a gentle and peaceful way. When it comes to opposition, you prefer solving challenges and conflicts passively in a non-confrontational way. You will be righteous and humble.
You are blessed with good leaders whose guidance will shed great light on your path. If Sun is well placed, then you will gain great status and an authoritative position in life. You will get support from the public and may shine in the spotlight. But being shy and gentle, you would avoid the limelight.
You will become a good leader, and the sense of pride will be increased. You will be blessed with great comfort and luxurious conveyances. This effect becomes stronger if the 4th House Lord happens to be in the quadrant or trine house while being in a favourable sign.
Your mother might be from a royal family or will have connections with royal family members. Sun has full aspect in the 10th house, and it will brighten your profession, blessing you with high status, steadiness, prosperity, and abundance. This placement would be especially helpful to those who seek careers associated with law or politics.
A negative Sun in the 4th house makes the Sun lose its motivational power and directional strength. It indicates less natural power of the Sun which translates to lower levels of asserting power and other traits related to it. It may also make you, because of being over-sensitive, take everything personally, resulting in disappointments and increased emotional pains.
This position also indicates that your kindness or gentleness can be caused by selfish reasons at times.
Lack of directional strength may trigger insecurities, low self-esteem or confidence issues which can cause the feeling of needing to be in control of situations which can devoid you of happiness, comfort, conveyances, and parent’s nourishment. Sun’s placement in the 4th house will affect your health, like heart, stomach, & cause eye troubles. This placement will not provide you with peace of mind, may make you lose your property, have trouble with boss and senior authorities.
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