Rahu in the eleventh house creates ideal circumstances for making big returns on your investments. You'll have good fortune, and your efforts will be rewarded with success and the fulfilment of your dreams. Your overseas ties and interactions with high-ranking officials in the government will be advantageous to you. You may have strong public speaking abilities, which enhance your negotiation and persuasion capabilities.
Rahu in 11th house gives you immense courage and determination for fulfilling your desires through your efforts. Luck is also with you and your hard work is rewarded with success and your dreams coming true. Rahu here blesses you with a good friend circle and you attain a prominent position among your friends - they look upon you for their needs and help. There will be an intense relationship with your friends; and you will cherish this throughout your life. Your contacts with some influential friends will benefit you.
The 11th house is considered as the house of fulfilment of desires. It is indicative about your significance in society and social gatherings, your connection with your karmas and their impact on your life. This house also governs your fortune in terms of speculative investments, profits and income. Your relationship with your friends is also assessed from this house.
This Rahu position is based on Vedic Horoscope. Get your 30-page FREE Vedic Horoscope to check Rahu's position in your horoscope & how it influences your destiny!
In this placement, Rahu will bless you with good gains through your speculative investments, handsome profits will flow in and enhance your wealth. Your innovative ideas and knowledge may come handy in identifying good ways and means of investing for better gains. Connections from foreign land will bring good gains for you.
Links with the Government in your job will prove beneficial and bring rewards for you. Government projects may lead to your appreciation in professional circles and lay the foundation for better prospects throughout your life.
A positive Rahu in the 11th house brings very fortunate circumstances for getting good profits from your investments in share markets. You will benefit from foreign connections and contacts who are highly placed in government. You may possess good speaking skills which give you good negotiating and convincing power.
A negative Rahu in the 11th house may make you a bit egoistic and this may pose some challenges in your circle of friends. You may also indulge in misusing your friends for your selfish gains and you may tend to lose some good friends because of this. Some stress in relationship with your father may also be there.
Rahu’s nature is to deceive, tease, give a lot, and take away even more using diplomacy, deception and illusions. more
Mars in the first house puts you in the position of a leader, whether you wish for it or not, and creates high energy & a natural aggression in your temperament, whether apparent or latent. A positive Mars in the first house makes you an undisputed leader, driver of situations, an out-of-the-box thinker & an expert strategist. Mars in this position can form Mangal Chandra Yoga, which is great for your finances.
Read MoreMars in the second house gives you an attitude to accumulate wealth & possessions by hook or by crook. A positive Mars in the second house will make you proactive, bring you creative ideas to earn through multiple sources & enhance your professional network, which will widen your business. Mars in this position can form Guru Mangal Yoga which can make you wealthy & prosperous.
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